2025 Early Career Scientist Award
Peer-reviewed Journals
Banzhaf, H. Spencer, and Yaqin Liu. "Non-Parametric Tests of Output-and Cost-Sharing Games." Economics Letters (2025): 112184.
Liu, Yaqin, Qingran Li, and Andrew R. Solow. "Impacts of Reef Degradation on Commercial Fisheries." Marine Resource Economics 40, no. 1 (2025): 23-44.
Liu, Yaqin, Ruth BM Pincinato, Frank Asche, Martin D. Smith, and Francesco Ventura. "Economic gains from individual fishing quotas: The Norwegian coastal groundfish fisheries." Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2024).
Banzhaf, H. Spencer, Yaqin Liu, Martin D. Smith, and Frank Asche. "Non-parametric tests of behavior in the commons." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 224 (2024): 521-536.
Apprill, Amy, Yogesh Girdhar, T. Aran Mooney, Colleen M. Hansel, Matthew H. Long, Yaqin Liu, W. Gordon Zhang et al. "Toward a new era of coral reef monitoring." Environmental Science & Technology 57, no. 13 (2023): 5117-5124.
Cojocaru, Andreea L., Yaqin Liu, Martin D. Smith, Wisdom Akpalu, Carlos Chávez, Madan M. Dey, Jorge Dresdner, Viktoria Kahui, Ruth BM Pincinato, and Nhuong Tran. "The “seafood” system: Aquatic foods, food security, and the Global South." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 16, no. 2 (2022): 306-326.
Pincinato, Ruth BM, Frank Asche, Andreea L. Cojocaru, Yaqin Liu, and Kristin H. Roll. "The impact of transferable fishing quotas on cost, price, and season length." Marine Resource Economics 37, no. 1 (2022): 53-63.
Banzhaf, H. Spencer, Yaqin Liu, Martin Smith, and Frank Asche. Non-parametric tests of the tragedy of the commons. No. w26398. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019.
Liu, Yaqin, Diogo Veríssimo, and Faraz Farhidi. "Using social norm to promote energy conservation in a public building." Energy and Buildings 133 (2016): 32-36.
Ahmadiani, Mona, Chun Li, Yaqin Liu, Esendugue Greg Fonsah, Christine Bliss, Brent Brodbeck, and Peter Andersen. "Profitability of Organic Vegetable Production via Sod Based Rotation and Conventional versus Strip Tillage in the Southern Coastal Plain." Sustainable Agriculture Research 5, no. 526-2017-2647 (2016).
Liu Yaqin, "A Report on the Economic Value of Recreational Shellfishing in Barnstable County". February 2023. Commissioned by Barnstable County. Supported by WHOI Sea Grant.
Oceanus & news Releases
- Fight Illegal Fishing
- An Economist's Quest
- The Economic Value of Recreational Shellfishing, Lower Cape TV. 2022.