
Mei Sato
Assistant Scientist
My research focuses on biological-physical interactions, addressing how environment influences animal behavior and distributions in coastal ecosystems and how those interactions affect trophic dynamics including zooplankton, fish, and marine mammals. In order to address problems across a range of temporal/spatial scales, I use active acoustics in different platforms (vessels, moorings, cabled observatories) combined with net sampling and physical measurements.
phone: +1 508 289 3482

Sarah Zuidema
Research Assistant II
My love of marine biology revolves around invertebrates. My MS thesis on white shrimp (Penaeus setiferus) and their parasite communities helped pave the way for the work I have done since in shellfish aquaculture and science education. At WHOI, I work across four biology labs focusing heavily on zooplankton populations from around the world. In this lab, I am developing taxonomic skills of morphological identification of a variety of taxa from both the North Atlantic and Japan.
phone: +1 508 289 3562