Our ocean is essential to the planet.
Exploring it takes all hands on deck.
At WHOI, we need those of all backgrounds
and skills to push forward intellectually.
Interested in learning about the ocean, or becoming a researcher? The MIT-WHOI Joint Program is our boiler-plate graduate program in oceanography, and pictured to the right are students getting oriented to survival suits on their first day aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer. The Cramer (through SEA) takes new Joint Program students on a short cruise to get acquainted with oceanographic techniques. The graduate students come from backgrounds as diverse as pure mathematics and wildlife management: you don't need to be an oceanographer to become one!
If you're an undergraduate, consider applying to WHOI's Summer Student Fellow program or the Partnership Education Program! The latter provides a collaboration between six institutions in Woods Hole and focuses on bringing underrepresented groups into ocean science.

Are you an educator or curious young person? Well, WHOI has a number of groups looking to bring our science far and wide, including into classrooms. Woods Hole Sea Grant's trained educators and experts have classroom resources for ocean literacy, as well as local initiatives to get young scientists exploring!
In addition, the WHOI Broader Impacts Group (BIG) is a student-run group of volunteers who do classroom visits, tours of WHOI, virtual outreach, and approachable blogs about science topics for everyone! To the left, Deb Coulombe gives Joint Program students tips for an engaging classroom visit.
WHOI has all sorts of careers available; we're far more than the small number of PhD scientists that run labs. Engineers and technical staff make much of what the labs do possible, and facilities and information tech staff keep the lights (and internet, and supercomputer) on. The admin staff make sure everyone dots their i's and crosses their t's in grant applications, and the graphics department helps our social media look presentable. Check out the list of current available jobs here.
If you're purely a learner, there are often public events: lectures, exhibits, celebrity panels, etc. Keep abreast of all that on the WHOI website!