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1 Comment

  1. Yi Wang on February 1, 2021 at 10:10 am

    This is a great question! We humans are powerful but we are not almighty. Despite the fact that humans are changing climate by releasing a large amount of greenhouse gases (mostly carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning), many other natural processes play a role as well. One important knob is how much solar power (or we call solar radiation) we receive. This is controlled by multiple factors that have periodicity of 23,000 to 100,000 years (or Milankovitch cycles). For instance, if we increase the distance between the Sun and the Earth (e.g., by changing eccentricity of the Earth orbit), we would expect to have less solar radiation and our Earth would be colder when Earth moves to aphelion. Remember the ice ages the earth have experienced? Those ice ages are partly relevant to Earth orbit changes that affect solar radiation we have. By saying ‘fix climate change’, we can definitely reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released and slow down warming if we really try to. But it would be really hard to try stoping the natural power that causes long term climate change. What we need to do (personally), however, is to start from ourselves and to think about what we can do to achieve carbon neutral, while admiring natural power and actively adapting to natural climate change (e.g., next ice age). Hope my answer helps!