Tristan appointed Co-Editor-in-Chief of EPSL
While I typically reserve website updates for celebrating the achievements of NIRVANA Lab team members, today I’m excited to share some news of my own. I’m deeply honored to announce that I have been appointed Co-Editor-in-Chief of Earth and Planetary Science Letters, a leading journal that publishes short-format articles focusing on “physical and chemical processes…
Read MoreWelcome Evren!
We are thrilled to welcome Evren Arif to the NIRVANA Labs as a Summer Student Fellow for 2024. Evren is currently a junior at Tufts University, where he studies Environmental Geology and Applied Mathematics. He has a keen interest in the intersection of mathematical modeling and biogeochemical processes. Evren’s project will build upon a recent…
Read MoreWelcome Pierre!
I’m happy to welcome Pierre Cadeau, Postdoctoral Fellow, to the NIRVANA Labs! Pierre plans to investigate how non-traditional stable isotope systems, such as cadmium and nickel, can be used to trace Earth’s biogeochemical evolution. His project is supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship and is being conducted in collaboration with Oliver Rouxel (Ifremer).…
Read MoreWelcome Georgi!
I’m pleased to welcome Georgi Laukert, Postdoctoral Fellow, to NIRVANA! Georgi plans to study how changing sea ice affects macro- and micronutrient cycling in the Arctic (Project ICEotopes). He project is being conducted in collaboration with Tristan Horner and Kate Hendry (British Antarctic Survey) and is supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship. Welcome…
Read MoreCongratulations Dr. Tegler!
Congratulations to Dr. Logan Tegler, who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis today! Logan’s thesis is titled: “From the atmosphere to the abyss: Tracing organic carbon deposition, cadmium isotopes, and iron cycling using marine sediments,” and is available to download from DSpace@MIT. Well done Logan, incredible work!
Read MoreWelcome Ichiko!
I’m pleased to welcome Ichiko Sugiyama, Postdoctoral Investigator, to NIRVANA! Ichiko will be using iron isotopes to quantify microbial metal demand in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. She is working jointly with Mak Saito and Tristan Horner on a project supported by the Ocean & Climate Innovation Accelerator consortium. Welcome Ichiko! Check out: Ichiko’s Twitter (@FerrousChiko),…
Read MoreWelcome Margot!
We are pleased to welcome Margot Debyser, Postdoctoral Investigator, to the NIRVANA Labs! Margot will be leading lab efforts to constrain the cycling of radium and barium isotopes along the US GEOTRACES GP17 transect with Matt Charette and Tristan Horner.
Read MoreCongratulations Dr. Middleton!
Congratulations to Dr. Jule Middleton, who today successfully defended their thesis entitled: Barium isotope cycling in the marine environment: Pathways of fractionation and implications for paleoceanographic applications. Amazing work! The thesis can be accessed here, via DSpace@MIT.
Read MoreWelcome Peter!
We’re pleased to welcome Peter Crockford, WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar, to the NIRVANA Labs! Peter will be researching modern and ancient biogeochemical cycles alongside Ann Dunlea, Tristan Horner, and Scott Wankel.
Read MoreWelcome Öykü!
We’re pleased to welcome Öykü Mete, 2021 Summer Student Fellow, to the NIRVANA Labs! Öykü will be identifying factors that influence marine barium distributions using data from GEOTRACES.
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