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Non-traditional Isotope Research on Various Advanced Novel Applications

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Paper in press: A perspective on the progress of GEOTRACES

By Tristan Horner | 2021-06-08

Review of recent developments in the study of trace elements and their isotopes in the ocean published today. This study rounds out a Virtual Special Issue of Chemical Geology entitled: Cycles of trace elements and isotopes in the ocean – GEOTRACES and beyond…, and is authored by the Guest Editors: Tim Conway, Tristan Horner, Yves Plancherel, and…

Paper in press: More than mud

By Tristan Horner | 2021-04-02

Study led by Ann Dunlea and Logan Tegler published in Chemical Geology. This study investigates how pelagic clays can record the iron isotope composition of seawater and explores what these records reveal about iron cycling in the South Pacific over the last 95 million years. Full citation: Dunlea, A. G., Tegler, L. A., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.,…

Paper in press: Barium isotopes

By Tristan Horner | 2021-03-30

Barium Isotopes, published today by Cambridge University Press as part of the series Geochemical Tracers in Earth System Science. Led by Tristan Horner and Peter Crockford, the book reviews the latest and greatest developments in barium isotope geochemistry. Full citation: Horner, T. J., & Crockford, P. W. (2021). Barium Isotopes: Drivers, Dependencies, and Distributions through…

Paper in press: Groundwater goes global

By Tristan Horner | 2021-01-08

Study led by Kim Mayfield published in Nat. Commun. illustrating the impact of groundwater inputs on marine isotope budgets (including for barium!). Full citation: Mayfield, K. K., Eisenhauer, A., Ramos, D. P. S., Higgins, J. A., Horner, T. J., Auro, M., Magna, T., Moosdorf, N., Charette, M. A., Gonneea, M. E., Brady, C. E., Komar,…

Paper in press: Investigating iodate reduction in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific

By Tristan Horner | 2020-11-20

Study led by Dalton Hardisty published in Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. showing surprisingly slow rates of iodate reduction in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific, implying that water mass mixing is an important control on the relationship between dissolved oxygen and iodine speciation in oxygen-minimum zones. Full citation: Hardisty, D. S., Horner, T. J., Evans, N.,…

Paper in press: Bringing barite formation into focus

By Tristan Horner | 2020-10-28

Study led by Francisca Martínez-Ruiz published in Front. Earth Sci. showing similar patterns of barite precipitation throughout the mesopelagic ocean, suggesting a common (organo)mineralization driving process. This paper is part of a special issue entitled: The Oceanic Particle Flux and its Cycling Within the Deep Water Column. Full citation: Martínez Ruíz, F. C., Paytan, A.,…

Welcome Evan!

By Tristan Horner | 2020-06-21

We’re pleased to welcome Evan Paris, 2020 Summer Student Fellow, to the NIRVANA Labs! Evan will be researching the role of seawater chemistry in shaping the composition of ferromanganese deposits, working closely with Tristan Horner and Ann Dunlea.

Quaranteam Meeting

By Tristan Horner | 2020-03-25

Though the WHOI campus remains closed, NIRVANA team members are meeting virtually to discuss their projects, publications, and plans!

Welcome back Jule!

By Tristan Horner | 2020-03-16

Jule Middleton returns to Woods Hole after two months collecting samples in the Southern Ocean (Indian Sector) aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson (cruise TN376).

NIRVANA at Ocean Sciences Meeting

By Tristan Horner | 2020-02-16

Emilie Le Roy is at the 2020 Ocean Sciences meeting in San Diego presenting her research on radium cycling along the GEOTRACES GP15 transect. Other research featuring NIRVANA team members at the meeting: Dalton Hardisty on iodide cycling in oxygen-minimum zones Laura Whitmore on barium cycling in the Arctic