Annalisa Griffa
Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science
Dr. Griffa's research is in the study of the general circulation in relationship to climate problems, dispersion study and analysis of Lagrangian data. Her present focus is on the study of transport processes in the ocean using Lagrangian techniques, development of asssimilation techniques for ocean model prediction, and modelling of coastal processes.

Angelique Haza
Heza's research interests include dynamics of the North Atlantic Ocean and Adriatic Sea and using ocean general circulation models and Lagrangian techniques.
Helga Huntley
University of Delaware
Huntley studies pieces of the Earth's climate system by using mathematical and numerical models, in connection with data. The mathematics involved ranges from PDE theory to numerical methods to optimization theory to statistics.

Chris Jones
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dynamical systems as a tool for solving problems which originate in applications is the main thrust of Dr. Jones' research.
Denny Kirwan
University of Delaware
Most of Dr. Kirwan's career has been spent studying the dynamics of mixing and stirring processes and the transport of matter, energy, and entropy in natural environments. I recently started a new line of research on theoretical ecology based on irreversible thermodynamic processes.

Stefan Llewellyn Smith
University of California at San Diego
Professor Llewellyn Smith is especially interested in how the ocean's tides are involved in mixing. His findings enable him to build models that he uses to study how pollutants and chemicals mix and are transported.
Bruce Lipphardt
University of Delaware
Igor Mezic
University of California at Santa Barbara
Tamay Ozgokmen
Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science
Dr. Ozgokmen's main research interest is to improve our understanding of the oceanic turbulent flow field using both Lagrangian- and Eulerian-based modeling techniques.
Andrew Poje
College of Staten Island City University of New York
Dr. Poje's interests include traditional and Lagrangian turbulence theory, low order modeling, dynamical systems and numerical analysis.
Larry Pratt
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. Pratt's research interests include dynamics of chaotic transport in meandering currents; western boundary currents, especially the Gulf Stream and the mechanics of warm and cold core ring formation; dynamics of stratified flow through straits and over sills, especially hydraulic control in rotating stratified flow; circulation around islands.
Sherry Scott
Marquette University
Elaine Spiller
Marquette University
Irina Rypina
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution