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Introducing the Paleo-FISHES Lab Logo!

The Paleo-FISHES Lab had its first official summer at WHOI in 2024, and with it came a name and with that name came a logo! The logo was designed by Accessible Sharks 2024 student Elizabeth Pellegrini, a rising Junior at Eckerd College who, in addition to generating an excellent microfossil record of shark diversity during the Early Eocene, put her artistic talents to bring us this fantastic logo.

The Paleo-FISHES Lab Logo is a circular logo that reads "Paleo-FISHES Lab" along the top, "Fossil Icthyoliths, Sedimentary History, and Ecological Studies" on the bottom, and has a food web with plankton, fish and a shark in the middle of the circle. Between the sets of words around the edge of the logo are a fossil fish tooth and a fossil denticle. All images are sketches of the organisms and fossils they represent. The logo is blue, with black text and the sketches are grayscale.

And of course, we had to make a rainbow one too.

The Paleo-FISHES Lab Logo is a circular logo that reads "Paleo-FISHES Lab" along the top, "Fossil Icthyoliths, Sedimentary History, and Ecological Studies" on the bottom, and has a food web with plankton, fish and a shark in the middle of the circle. Between the sets of words around the edge of the logo are a fossil fish tooth and a fossil denticle. All images are sketches of the organisms and fossils they represent. The logo has a rainbow gradient for a background with white text and the sketches are grayscale.

Thank you Elizabeth P for your contribution to the Paleo-FISHES Lab community!