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Kevin, Matt, and Melissa win LAS research awards

Kevin Greene, Matthew Statz, and Melissa Piper were all awarded the Dean’s High Impact Awards for Undergraduate Research for Spring 2020. Each award is $1,200 per semester or $4,800 for summer. This is Kevin’s second time winning the award; he will be continuing his research on improving our understanding of the rainfall characteristics of Tropical Storm Hermine (2010) in the ERA5 reanalysis. Matt will continue work he conducted for his senior thesis on the impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation on near-surface wind speeds over the Midwest U.S. using numerous reanalysis data sets and Iowa Mesonet surface station data. Melissa will be also be continuing work she conducted for her senior thesis on Hurricane Harvey and other large rain-producing Atlantic tropical cyclones in the ERA5 reanalysis.

Congrats, Kevin, Matt, and Melissa!