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Alex, Indrani, and Fouzia present at 2022 AGU Meeting

From December 12–16, Alex Gonzalez, Indrani Ganguly, and Fouzia Fahrin traveled to the 2022 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting in Chicago, IL to present about their research and teaching/outreach activities.

Alex had a poster presentation entitled, “Case studies of double and northern hemisphere east Pacific ITCZs: Impacts of boundary layer depth and free troposphere momentum mixing.” Abstract:

Indrani had a poster entitled, “Understanding Near-Surface Dynamics and Air-Sea Interactions in Subseasonal ITCZ Variability Over the East Pacific Using ERA5 Reanalysis.” Abstract:

Fouzia had a poster presentation entitled, “Quantifying the Impact of Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves on the East Pacific ITCZ during Boreal Spring.” Abstract:

Alex and Indrani were also co-authors on the poster presentation entitled, “DIYnamics: An Active Learning, Scalable Climate Sciences Teaching Platform.” Abstract: