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New paper published on the evolution of low-level winds in the ITCZ

January 21, 2022

In early January, Alex Gonzalez, Indrani Ganguly, and James Larson published a journal article in the Journal of Climate on the daily to weekly evolution of low-level winds and convergence prior to the intensification of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the east Pacific Ocean using observational and reanalysis data sets: The study focused…

Welcome, Fouzia and Travis!

August 23, 2021

The Tropical Atmospheric Dynamics Group welcomes new graduate students, Fouzia Fahrin and Travis Enzensperger. They both will be researching the east Pacific ITCZ and its associated climate model biases as a part of their Ph.D. and M.S. theses, respectively.

Katherine Hanson begins her Summer 2021 research on the ITCZ

July 21, 2021

We welcome Urbandale High School Chemistry and Physical Sciences teacher, Katherine Hanson, to our research group for Summer 2021. Katherine will work on studying east Pacific ITCZ events that occurred from 2013 to 2019 in NASA observational and reanalysis data for northern ITCZs, southern ITCZs, and double ITCZs. Katherine is supported by one of Alex’s…

Alex hosts seminar at UNAM México City Seminar Series

May 25, 2021

Alex presented research entitled, “Interacciones de la dinámica y propagación de OMJ en simulaciones de modelos climáticos,” as a part of the Center for Atmospheric Sciences at UNAM México City Virtual Seminar Series (Ciencias Atmosféricas Para Quedarse En Casa). More info and seminar recording.

Marissa Osterloh begins her Summer 2021 research on the ITCZ

May 24, 2021

We welcome undergraduate student, Marissa Osterloh, to our research group for Summer 2021. Marissa will work on studying east Pacific ITCZ events that occurred during 1998 to 2012 in ECMWF and NASA observational and reanalysis data for northern ITCZs, southern ITCZs, and double ITCZs.

Allysa presents at ISU’s 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

April 21, 2021

Allysa Dallmann presented her Spring 2021 research at ISU’s 15th Annual Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression. A recording of her talk entitled can be viewed here: Congrats, Allysa!

Allysa receives LAS research award

December 21, 2020

Allysa Dallmann was awarded the Dean’s High Impact Awards for Undergraduate Research for Spring 2021. Each award is $1,200 per semester or $4,800 for summer. Allysa will be advised by Dr. Christina Patricola and co-advised by Alex. She will continue her senior thesis research on the influence of El Niño Southern Oscillation on past and future precipitation.…

Allysa presents Senior Thesis at 28th Annual ISU Research Symposium

November 18, 2020

Allysa Dallmann presented her senior thesis project entitled, “The Influence of ENSO on Future Winter Precipitation and Temperature in the Southwestern United States,” at the 28th Annual Iowa State University Atmospheric Science Undergraduate Research Symposium. Allysa was advised by Dr. Christina Patricola and co-advised by Alex.

Alex hosts seminar at Fall 2020 Penn State Colloquia

September 20, 2020

Alex presented research entitled, “Weather in the east Pacific ITCZ: The role of nonlinear dynamics in boreal spring submonthly ITCZ shifts,” at Penn State’s Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Colloquia. More info.

James presents ITCZ research at ISU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium

August 13, 2020

James Larson virtually presented his spring/summer research entitled, “How Climate Model Biases Depend on Weather: Case Studies in the East Pacific Ocean” at the 2020 ISU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. James’ poster and presentation can be found at this CyBox link. Congrats, James!