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Popular Articles/News Releases
Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health
News release: Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health Receives Additional Five Years of Funding . April 19, 2024, WHOI Media Relations Office.
News release: Microplastics, Algal Blooms, Seafood Safety Are Public Health Concerns Addressed by New Oceans and Human Health Centers . April 16, 2024, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
News release: New research centers will investigate effects of ocean-related problems on human health . April 16, 2024, U.S. National Science Foundation.
Physical / biological processes at the shelf break front
EOS Research Spotlight: Gulf Stream Intrusions Feed Diatom Hot Spots . June 9, 2021, Eos.
News release: Massive Plankton Blooms with Very Different Ecosystem Impacts . June 7, 2021, WHOI Media Relations Office.
Scientists monitoring large seaweed mass that could be heading for Florida . January 27, 2025. WTVT News, Tampa .
Could South Florida see a major seaweed event by spring 2025? Satellite imagery suggests so . January 19, 2025. NBC Miami.
2025 will likely be a ‘major’ seaweed year, experts say . January 14, 2025. SunSentenial.
Stinky seaweed has spiked tremendously. Here’s why summer blooms now grow so huge . November 2, 2023, SunSentinel.
Scientists Confirm Chemical Cause Of Huge Sargassum Belt . October 23, 2023,
What drives the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt? October 16, 2023,, by Eric Ralls staff writer.
News Release: Study Clearly Identifies Nutrients as a Driver of the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt . October 11, 2023, WHOI Media Relations Office.
Harmful Algal Blooms
As algae blooms increase, scientists seek better ways to predict these toxic tides . August 28, 2018, Science News .
News Release: Gulf of Maine Red Tide Bloom Expected to Be Similar to Past Three Years . May 11, 2015, WHOI Media Relations Office.
News Release: New Sensor Array to Monitor Impacts of Changing Gulf of Maine Conditions on New England Red Tide . May 7, 2014, WHOI Media Relations Office.
News Release: New Robotic Instruments to Provide Real-Time Data on Gulf of Maine Red Tide . May 7, 2013, WHOI Media Relations Office.
News Release: Research Enables Fishermen to Harvest Lucrative Shellfish on Georges Bank . April 10, 2013, WHOI Media Relations Office.
With support from NOAA, Woods Hole scientists see moderate spring, summer red tide for Gulf of Maine . March 25, 2013, NOAA.
News Release: Researchers Issue Forecast for 'Moderate' New England Red Tide in 2013 . March 25, 2013, WHOI Media Relations Office.
News Release: Researchers Report Potential for a "Moderate" New England "Red Tide" in 2012 . April 4, 2012, WHOI Media Relations Office.
Forecasts Aid HABs Response . December 1, 2011, K.S. Freeman, Environmental Health Perspectives, 119:a510-a510.
News Release: Researchers Report Potential for a Moderate New England 'Red Tide' in 2011 . April 8, 2011, WHOI Media Relations Office.
News Release: Researchers Issue Outlook for a Significant New England 'Red Tide' in 2010 . February 24, 2010, WHOI Media Relations Office.
Researchers Issue Outlook for a Significant New England 'Red Tide' in 2010 February 24, 2010, NOAA.
Tioga Finds Reduction in Red Tide August 6, 2009, The Herald Gazette Reporter, VillageSoup Community Network .
Researchers Successfully Forecast 2008 Red Tide August 8, 2008, New tool provides early warning of harmful algal bloom along New England coast, Oceanus , Vol 46, No. 3, pgs. 6-7.
Pieces Are in Place for a New England Red Tide May 12, 2008, Doyle Rice, USA Today , Aaron Gouveia, Cape Cod Times .
In Computer Models and Seafloor Observations, Researchers See Potential for Significant 2008 "Red Tide" Season April 24, 2008, WHOI Media Relations Office.
ECOHAB-funded GOMTOX Findings Support Fisheries Management Decision July 2007, NCCOS Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research.
NOAA Website on the 2005 New England HAB Event February 2007, NOAA.
Building a Computer Model to Forecast Red Tides May 31, 2006, A variety of variables goes into the mathematical mix that simulates harmful algal blooms Oceanus , Vol. 45, No. 2, pgs. 34-35.
New Maps Provide Clues to the Historic 2005 Red Tide Outbreak in New England And Hints for 2006 April 13, 2006, WHOI Media Relations Office.
Red Tide--Gone For Now, But Back Next Year? July 15, 2005, WHOI researchers extend investigations of Alexandrium bloom of 2005 and look for signs of future trouble, Oceanus , Vol. 44, No. 2, pgs. 4-5.
Seeing Red in New England Waters June 1, 2005, WHOI researchers detect a massive bloom of algae before it hits the coast, Oceanus , Vol. 44, No. 1, pgs. 8-9.
Risks and Remedies from the Sea May 26, 2005, Scientists team up to study the ocean's effect on health, Oceanus , Vol. 44, No. 1, pgs. 8-9.
WHOI Scientists Monitor Largest Red Tide Outbreak in 12 Years in Massachusetts Bay May 26, 2005, Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health cruise provided timely data for shellfish managers. WHOI Media Relations Office.
New Center for Oceans and Human Health Established in Woods Hole April 22, 2004, WHOI Media Relations Office.
Mesoscale Eddies and Biogeochemical Cycling
Great white sharks like to hang out in ocean eddies, new study say , June 22, 2018,
Great white sharks dive deep into warm-water whirlpools in the Atlantic , June 18, 2018, ScienceDaily .
Scientists Parse Ocean’s Dynamic Role in Climate Change , April 11, 2013, Simons Science News.
Iron deficient , May 25, 2012. Research cruise tracks down sources of trace element key to phytoplankton blooms, The Antarctic Sun.
Low tides explained by eddy patterns in the Sargasso Sea, BIOS press release August 31, 2010. BDA SUN Online Edition.
ScienceWATCH December 2008, Dennis J. McGillicuddy talks with and answers a few questions about this month's Fast Breaking Paper in the field of Geosciences.
Biological Hot Spots May 19, 2007, ACCESSScience.
Spinning Up New Production May 18, 2007,, Science , Vol. 316.
Don't Bet on the Bloomin' Plankton May 17, 2007,, Science NOW.
Ocean Microscope Reveals Surprising Abundance of Life July 25, 2006, Widespread bacterial colonies may play key role in ocean ecosystem, Oceanus , Vol. 45, No. 2, pgs. 8-9.
Underwater Microscope Finds Biological Treasures in the Subtropical Ocean June 26, 2006, WHOI Media Relations Office.
The Oceans Have Their Own Weather System April 13, 2006, Pioneering expeditions investigate how eddies make life bloom in oceanic deserts, Oceanus , Vol. 45, No.1, pgs. 18-21.
Oceanic Storms Create Oases in the Watery Desert:
NASA Satellite Bolster Research on Barren Mid-Ocean Regions:
Mystery of the Sargasso Sea Solved May 22, 2007,
Larval Dispersal
Massive Ocean Eddies Stir Up Life around Deep-Sea Vents May 23, 2011, Scientific American.
Deep sea taxis. Swirling surface currents reach deep into the ocean to scoop up larvae from hydrothermal vents and transport them to distant locales April 28, 2011, The Scientist.
Deep Waters May Not Run Still April 28, 2011, ScienceNow.
Long-Distance Larvae Speed to New Undersea Vent Homes April 13, 2010, NSF, Press Release 10-058.
Hydrothermal Vents Sometimes Colonized From Afar March 1, 2010, U.S. News and World Report.
Hydrothermal Vents Sometimes Colonized From Afar February 26, 2010, ScienceNews.
The Mysterious Movements of Deep-Sea Larvae December 31, 2009, How do the tiny progeny of seafloor animals disperse through the ocean? Oceanus , in press.
Iron fertilization
Newly Published Article Outlines Case for Considering Adding Iron to the Ocean for Carbon Dioxide Removal . September 9, 2024, WHOI Media Relations Office.
Is ocean iron fertilization back from the dead as a CO₂ removal tool? Mongabay Series: Covering Climate Now, Oceans, by Jeremy Hance on 14 November 2023.