Papers in Refereed Journals and books:
- Cieza, S. A. C., R. H. R. Stanley, P. Marrec, D. N. Fontaine, E. T. Crockford, D. J. McGillicuddy, A. Mehta, S. Menden-Deuer, E. E. Peacock, T. A. Rynearson, Z. O. Sandwith, G. Zhang, H. M. Sosik, 2023, Unusual Hemiaulus bloom influences ocean productivity in Northeast U.S. shelf waters, Biogeosciences, in review.
- Hirzel, A. J., P. Alatalo, H. Oliver, C. M. Petitpas, J. T. Turner, G. Zhang, D. J. McGillicuddy, 2023, High resolution analysis of plankton distributions at the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf-break front, Continental Shelf Research, 267: 105113.
- Selden, C. R., M. R. Mulholland, K. E. Crider, S. Clayton, A. Macias-Tapia, P. Bernhardt, D. McGillicuddy, Zhang, and P. D. Chappell, 2023, Nitrogen fixation at the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelfbreak and transport of newly-fixed nitrogen to the slope sea, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, in review.
- Govindarajan, A. F., J. Llopiz, P. E. Caiger, M. Jach, A. C. Lavery, H. McGonagle, P. H. Wiebe, G. Zhang, 2023, Assessing mesopelagic fish diversity and diel vertical migration with environmental DNA, Frontier in Marine Science, in review.
- Gaul, A.*, G. Zhang, and C. Claudia, 2023, Cross-shelf exchange in Antarctic troughs driven by Offshore propagating dense water eddies, Journal of Physical Oceanography, in review.
- Zhu, Y., M. R. Mulholland, C. R. Selden, D. J. McGillicuddy Jr., P. D. Chappell, G. Zhang, M. G. Meyer4, K. E. Crider, H. Oliver3, S. Clayton, 2023, Contrasting Nitrogen and Nitrifier Dynamics in the Euphotic Zone across the Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak Front, Limnology and Oceanography, in review.
- Snow, T. Zhang, E. Schreiber, W. Abdalati, and T. Scambos, 2023, Alongshore winds force warm Atlantic Water toward Helheim Glacier in southeast Greenland, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2023JC019953.
- Xu, Y.*, G. Zhang, T. Maksym, R. Ji, and Y. Li, 2023, Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, Part I: Influence of physical factors on the destratification timescale, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(9), 2069-2088.
- Xu, Y.*, G. Zhang, T. Maksym, R. Ji, and Y. Li, 2023, Stratification breakdown in Antarctic coastal polynyas, Part II: Influence of ice tongue and coastline geometry, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(9), 2047-2067.
- Kucukosmanoglu, M., J. A. Colosi, P. F. Worcester, M. A. Dzieciuch, H. Sagen, T. D. Duda, W. G. Zhang, C. W. Miller, and E. L. Richards, 2023, Observations of the space/time scales of Beaufort Sea acoustic duct variability and their impact on transmission loss via the Mode Interaction Parameter, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(5): 2659.
- Apprill, A., Y. Girdhar, T. A. Mooney, C. Hansel, M. Long, Y. Liu, G. Zhang, J. Kapit, K. Hughen, J. Coogan, and A. Greene, 2023, Towards a new era of coral reef monitoring, Environmental Science & Technology, 57(13), 5117-5124.
- Catlett, D., E. E. Peacock, E. T. Crockford, J. Futrelle, S. Batchelder, B. L. F. Stevens, R. J. Gast, G. Zhang, and H. M. Sosik, 2023, Temperature dependence of parasitoid infection and abundance of a diatom revealed by automated imaging and classification, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(28), e2303356120.
- Govindarajan, A. F., A. Adams, E. Allan, S. Herrera, A. Lavery, J. Llopiz, L. McCartin, D. R. Yoerger, and G. Zhang, 2023, Advances in Environmental DNA sampling for observing ocean twilight zone animal diversity, Oceanography, 36, 27.
- Zhang, W. G., P. Alatalo, Crockford, A. J. Hirzel, M. G. Meyer, H. Oliver, E. Peacock, C. M. Petitpas, Z. Sandwith, W. O. Smith, Jr., H. M. Sosik, R. H. R. Stanley, B. L. F. Stevens, J. T. Turner, D. J. McGillicuddy Jr., 2023, Cross-shelf Exchange Associated with a Shelf-Water Streamer at the Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelf Edge, Progress in Oceanography, 210, 102931.
- Liu, Z.+, G. Zhang, and K. Helfrich, 2022, Vertical structure of barotropic-to-baroclinic tidal energy conversion on a continental slope, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC019130.
- DeCourcy, B. J., Y.-T. Lin, Zhang, E. Ozanich, G. Gawarkiewicz, J. Forsyth, N. Kukshtel, and M. Siderius, 2022, Real-time in-situ data informed joint ocean acoustics and circulation modeling in the 2021 New England Shelf Break Acoustics Experiment, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152, 2859.
- Du, J.+, G. Zhang, and Y. Li, 2022, Impact of Gulf Stream warm-core rings on slope water intrusion into the Gulf of Maine, Journal of Physical Oceanography, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0288.1.
- Li, X.*, G Zhang, and Z. Rong, 2021, The interaction between warm-core rings and submarine canyons and its influence on the onshore transport of offshore waters, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017989.
- Oliver, H.+, G Zhang, K. M. Archibald, A. J. Hirzel, W. O. Smith, H. M. Sosik, R. H. R. Stanley, and D. McGillicuddy, 2021, Ephemeral surface chlorophyll enhancement at the New England shelf break driven by Ekman restratification, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,127, e2021JC017715.
- Allan, E. A.+, A. C. Lavery, A. F. Govindarajan, and G. Zhang, 2021: Modeling characterization of the vertical and temporal variability of environmental DNA in the mesopelagic ocean, Scientific Reports, 11:21273.
- Du, J.+, G. Zhang, and Y. Li, 2021, Variability of deep water in Gulf of Maine: influence of Gulf Stream, warm-core rings, and Nova Scotia Current, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC017136.
- Zhang, W. G., Z. Cheng+, and A. Ashton, 2021, Exploring the potential for internal tides to reshape the continental shelf edge seafloor, Progress in Oceanography, 195, 102575.
- Duda, T. G Zhang, and Y.-T. Lin, 2021, Effects of ice cover and Pacific Summer Water layer structure on Beaufort Sea underwater sound ducting, The Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 149, 2117.
- Oliver, H.+, G Zhang, W. O. Smith, P. Alatalo, P. D. Chappell, A. Hirzel, C. R. Selden, H. M. Sosik, R. H. R. Stanley, Y. Zhu, and D. McGillicuddy, 2021, Extraordinary diatom blooms driven by western boundary current instability, Geophysical Research Letter, 48, e2020GL091943.
- Du, J., K. Park, C. Jensen, T. M. Dellapenna, G. Zhang, Y. Shi, 2021, Massive oyster kill in Galveston Bay caused by prolonged low-salinity exposure after Hurricane Harvey, Science of the Total Environment, 774, 145132.
- Smith, W. O., G Zhang, A., Hirzel, R. M. Stanley, M. G. Meyer, Sosik, H. M., P. Alatalo, H. Oliver+, Z. Sandwith, T. Crockford, E. E. Peachock, A. Mehta, D. J. McGillicuddy, 2021: A regional, early spring bloom of Phaeocystis pouchetii on the New England continental shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016856.
- Govindarajan, A. F., R. Francolini, J. M. Jach, A. Lavery, J. K. Llopiz, P. Wiebe, G. Zhang, 2021, Exploring the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect animal taxa in the mesopelagic zone, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, 574877.
- Xiao, C*, G. Zhang, and Y. Chen, 2020: Impact of shelf valleys on the spread of surface-trapped river plumes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51, 247-266.
- Allan, E. A.+, G. Zhang, A. C. Lavery, and A. F. Govindarajan, 2020: Environmental DNA shedding and decay rates from diverse animal forms and thermal regimes, Environmental DNA, 4, 492-514.
- Schultz, C*, S. C. Doney, G. Zhang, H. Regan, P. Holland, M. P. Meredith, and S. Stammerjohn, 2020: Modeling of the influence of sea ice cycle and Langmuir circulation on the upper ocean mixed layer depth and freshwater distribution at the West Antarctic Peninsula, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 125, e2020JC016109.
- Zhang, W. G., and D. J. McGillicuddy, 2020: Warm spiral streamers over Gulf Stream warm-core rings, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 3331-3351.
- Duda, T., Y.-T. Lin, A. E. Newhall, K. R. Helfrich, J. F. Lynch, G. Zhang, P. F. J. Lermusiaux, J. Wilkin, 2019: Multiscale Multiphysics data-informed modeling for three-dimensional ocean acoustic simulation and prediction, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, 1996-2015.
- Zhang, W. G., and J. Partida, 2018: Frontal subduction of the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf water at the onshore edge of a warm-core ring, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, submitted.
- Gawarkiewicz, G. G., R. E. Todd, W. G. Zhang, J. Partida, A. Gangopadhyay, M.-U.-H. Monim, P. Fratantoni, A. M. Mercer, and M. Dent, 2018: The changing nature of shelf break exchange revealed by the OOI Pioneer Array, Oceanography, 31(1), 60-70.
- Zhang, W. G., and S. J. Lentz, 2018: Wind-driven circulation in a shelf valley. Part II: Dynamics of the along-valley velocity and transport, Journal of Physical Oceanography, in press.
- Zhang, W. G., and S. J. Lentz, 2017: Wind-driven circulation in a shelf valley. Part I: Mechanism of the asymmetrical response to along-shelf winds in opposite directions, Journal of Physical Oceanography,47, 2927-2947.
- Zhang, W. G., and G. G. Gawarkiewicz, 2015: Dynamics of the Direct Intrusion of Gulf Stream Ring Water onto the Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelf, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 7687-7695.
- Zhang, W. G., and G. G. Gawarkiewicz, 2015: Length-scale of the finite-amplitude meanders of shelfbreak fronts, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 2598-2620.
- Chen, K, G. Gawarkiewicz, Y.-O. Kwon, and W. G. Zhang, 2015: The role of atmospheric forcing versus ocean advection during the extreme warming of the Northeast U.S. continental shelf in 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 4324-4339.
- Li, Y., W. Han, J. L. Wilkin, W. G. Zhang, H. Arango, J. Zavala-Garay, J. Levin, F. S. Castruccio, 2014: Interannual variability of the surface summertime eastward jet in the South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 119, 7205-7228.
- Zhang, W. G., C. Cenedese, 2014: The dispersal of dense water formed in an idealized coastal polynya on a shallow sloping shelf, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44(6), 1563-1581.
- Zhang, W. G., T. F. Duda, Ilya A. Udovydchenkov, 2014: Modeling and analysis of internal-tide generation and beam-like onshore propagation in the vicinity of shelfbreak canyons, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44(3), 834-849.
- Zhang, W. G., T. F. Duda, 2013: Intrinsic nonlinear and spectral structure of internal tides at a shelfbreak, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43(12), 2641-2660.
- Zhang, W. G., D. J. McGillicuddy, and G. G. Gawarkiewicz, 2013: Is biological productivity enhanced at the New England Shelfbreak Front? Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 118(1), 517-535.
- Garau, B., Ruiz, B., W. G. Zhang, A. Pascual, E. Heslop, J. Kerfoot, and J. Tintore, 2011: Thermal lag correction on Slocum CTD glider data, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28(9), 1065-1071.
- Zhang, W. G., G. G. Gawarkiewicz, D. J. McGillicuddy, and J. L. Wilkin, 2011: Climatological mean circulation at the New England shelf break, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41(10), 1874-1893.
- Wilkin, J. L., W. G. Zhang, B. Cahill and R. C. Chant, 2011: Integrating coastal models and observations for studies of ocean dynamics, observing systems and forecasting, In operational Oceanography in the 21st Century, A. Shiller and G. Brassington (eds.), Springer, pp 487-512 (book chapter), DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0332-2_19.
- Zhang, W. G., J. L. Wilkin, J. C. Levin, 2010b: Towards building an integrated observation and modeling system in the New York Bight using variational methods, Part II: representer-based observing system evaluation, Ocean Modelling, 35(3), 134-145.
- Zhang, W. G., J. L. Wilkin, H. G. Arango, 2010a: Towards building an integrated observation and modeling system in the New York Bight using variational methods, Part I: 4DVAR data assimilation, Ocean Modelling, 35(3), 119-133.
- Zhang, W. G., J. L. Wilkin, O. M. E. Schofield, 2010: Simulation of age and residence time in the New York Bight, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(5), 965-982.
- Zhang, W. G., J. L. Wilkin, J. C. Levin, H. G. Arango, 2009b: An Adjoint Sensitivity Study of Buoyancy- and Wind-driven Circulation on the New Jersey Inner Shelf, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(7), 1652-1668.
- Zhang, W. G., J. L. Wilkin, R. J. Chant, 2009a: Modeling of the pathways and mean dynamics of river plume dispersal in New York Bight, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(5), 1167-1183.
- Chant, R. J., J. Wilkin, W. G. Zhang, B.-J. Choi, E. Hunter, R. Castelao, S. Glenn, J. Jurisa, O. Schofield, R. Houghton, J. Kohut, T.K. Frazer, and M.A. Moline, 2008: Dispersal of the Hudson River Plume in the New York Bight: synthesis of observational and numerical studies during LaTTE, Oceanography, 21(4), 148-161.
- Lin, J. Z., K. Sun, W. Zhang, 2008: Orientation distribution of fibers and rheological property in fiber suspensions flowing in a turbulent boundary layer, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 24(3), 243-250.
- Wilkin, J. L., W. G. Zhang, 2007: Modes of mesoscale sea surface height and temperature variability in the East Australian Current, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(C1), C01013.
- Zhang, S. L., J. Z. Lin, W. Zhang, 2007: Numerical research on the fiber suspensions in a turbulent T-shaped branching channel flow, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15(1), 30-38.
- Lin, J. Z., L. X. Zhang, W. Zhang, 2006: Rheological behavior of fiber suspensions in a turbulent channel flow, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 296(2), 721-728.
- Zhang, L. X., J. Z. Lin, W. Zhang, 2006: Theoretical model of particle orientation distribution function in a cylindrical particle suspension subject to turbulent shear flow, Progress in Natural Science, 16(1), 16-20.
- Lin, J. Z., J. Li, W. Zhang, 2005: Orientation distribution of fibres in a channel flow of fibre suspension, Chinese Physics, 14(12), 2529-2538.
- Lin, J. Z., Y. L. Wang, W. Zhang, 2005: Sedimentation of short cylindrical pollutants with mechanical contacts, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 17(6), 906-911.
- You, Z. J., J. Z. Lin, X. M. Shao, W. Zhang, 2004: Stability and drag reduction in transient channel flow of fibre suspension, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 12(3), 319-323.
- Lin, J. Z., J. Li, W. Zhang, 2004: The force for cylindrical particles in an elongational-shear flow, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 5(1), 9-16.
- Lin, J. Z., W. Zhang, Z. S. Yu, 2004: Numerical research on the orientation distribution of fibers immersed in laminar and turbulent pipe flows, Journal of Aerosol Science, 35(1), 63-82.
- Zhang, W., J. Z. Lin, 2004: Research on the motion of particles in the turbulent pipe flow of fiber suspensions, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(7), 417-750.
- Zhang, W., J. Z. Lin, 2003: Research on the orientation of cylindrical particles in gas-solid two-phase pipe flows, ACTA Aerodynamica Sinica, 21(2), 237-243. (In Chinese)
- Lin, J. Z., W. Zhang, Y. L. Wang, 2002: Research on the orientation distribution of fibers immersed in a pipe flow, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (English Edition), 3(5), 501-506.
Papers in Conference Proceedings:
- Duda, T. F., W. G. Zhang, K. R. Helfrich, Y.-T. Lin, and A. E. Newhall, 2016:Modeling internal solitary wave development at the head of a submarine canyon. In VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, San Diego, USA, Aug. 29 – Sep. 1, 2016, (8 pp.).
- Duda, T. F., W. G. Zhang, K. R. Helfrich, A. E. Newhall, Y.-T. Lin, and J. F. Lynch, 2014: Issues and progress in the prediction of ocean submesoscale features and internal waves. In Oceans ‘14 St. Johns Conference Proceedings, IEEE/MTS, (9 pp.).
- Duda, T. F., Y.-T. Lin, A. E. Newhall, K. R. Helfrich, W. G. Zhang, M. Badiey, P. F. J. Lermusianx, J. A., Colosi, and J. F. Lynch, 2014: The “Integrated Ocean Dynamics and Acoustics” (IODA) hybrid modeling effort. In Proceedings of the international conference on Underwater Acoustics – 2014 (UA2014), 621-628, 22–27 June 2014, Island of Rhodes, Greece, doi: 10.13140/2.1.2853.3123.
- Duda, T. F., W. G. Zhang, and Y.-T. Lin, 2012: Studies of internal tide generation at a slope with nonlinear and linearized simulations: Dynamics and implications for ocean acoustics. In Oceans 2012, Hamptons Road, Virginia, Conference Proceedings, MTS/IEEE.
- Duda, T. F., Y.-T. Lin, W. G. Zhang, B. D. Cornuelle, P. F. J. Lermusiaux, 2011: Computational studies of three-dimensional ocean sound fields in areas of complex seafloor topography and active ocean dynamics. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, ICTCA 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, World Scientific Publishing.
- Duda, T.F., Y.-T. Lin, A.E. Newhall, W. G. Zhang, and J.F. Lynch, 2010: Computational studies of time-varying three-dimensional acoustic propagation in canyon and slope regions. In Oceans 2010, Seattle, WA, Conference Proceedings, IEEE/MTS.
- Wilkin, J., J. Zavala-Garay, J., Levin, and W. G. Zhang, 2008: Four-dimensional variational assimilation of satellite temperature and sea level data in the coastal ocean and adjacent deep sea, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2008, IEEE International, 3, pp.III-427-III-430, 7-11 July 2008, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2008.4779375.