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Mark Baumgartner

Senior Scientist

Biology Department
MS #33, Redfield 256
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-289-2678 phone
508-457-2134 fax

Research Interests

My research interests focus primarily on top predator ecology and the physical and biological oceanographic processes that allow those predators to survive in the ocean.  I am particularly interested in using baleen whales and their zooplankton prey as a tractable system in which questions can be addressed about how prey behavior, life history, and aggregation mechanisms can influence top predator distribution and behavior.  My lab strives to utilize new technology, novel approaches, and multidisciplinary collaborations to study aspects of both whale and zooplankton ecology in this system, including autonomous underwater vehicles, passive acoustics, archival tags, zooplankton instrumentation, and molecular techniques.

Images from the Lab


Oregon State University, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.  Corvallis, Oregon.  Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography with Statistics minor.  2002.

University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Marine Science.  John C. Stennis Space Center, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.  M.S. in Oceanography.  1995.

University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana. B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science.  1990.


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Biology Department.  Woods Hole, Massachusetts.  Senior Scientist (2019 - Present), Associate Scientist with Tenure (2014 - 2019), Associate Scientist (2009 - 2014), Assistant Scientist (2005 - 2009), Postdoctoral Investigator (2004 - 2005), Ocean Life Institute Postdoctoral Scholar (2002 - 2004).

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Physical Oceanography Department, Upper Ocean Processes Group.  Woods Hole, Massachusetts.  Research Associate (1996 -1998), Research Assistant (1995 - 1996).

National Marine Fisheries Service.  John C. Stennis Space Center, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.  Computer Specialist (1992 - 1995).