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2003 Workshop

Application of GIS Spatial/Temporal prediction Model for Marine Mammal Scientists and Management

15th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals: Pre-conference Workshop
December 13, 2003
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA


Toshihide “Hamachan” Hamazaki (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, USA)

Purpose of workshop

There is a growing interest in the development of spatial/temporal model of marine mammal distribution.  It is hoped that spatial/temporal models will be used to predict potential and critical habitats/locations of marine mammals, which will greatly improve marine mammal management and conservation, such application as: designation of marine reserve, ship collision warning zone, bycatch reduction fishing exclusion zone, population monitoring.

This workshop explores current development of spatial/temporal models.  The topics covered in this workshop are:

1) Varieties of modeling approaches: Theoretical/methodological foundations, modeling capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of the model

2) Application of current and new technologies

3) Case studies on application of models to marine mammal conservation and management: Successful applications, and unsuccessful applications / lessons to be learned.

4) Discussions on future direction: Interactions and exchanges among participants

And this year’s workshop special: True to the spirit of workshop.

5) Call for experts: Present project/research/management plans and receive experts’ suggestions.

This workshop would provide a great opportunity for those who are interested in GIS spatial/temporal modeling, learning about modeling, and making connections.

Workshop Schedule

8:30 to 9:00  Registration

9:00 to 9:30  Greetings and outline of day.

Toshihide Hamazaki
Alaska Department of Fish & Game
Introduction to the spatial/temporal model

9:30 to 10:45  Varieties of modeling approaches and recent developments

Caterina D’Agrosa1, P.N. Halpin2, A. Friedlaender1, K.D. Hyrenbach1 and A.J. Read1
1Duke University Marine Lab
2Nicholas School of the Environment & Earth Sciences, Duke University
Looking under the hood: An overview of the assumptions behind habitat models and environmental data

Karin Bodtker
University of British Columbia
Exploring the use of classification methods to identify biologically meaningful marine regions using physical oceanography

10:45 to 11:30 Coffee break; Poster Presentations

11:30 to 12:30

Kristin L. Laidre, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Rod Hobbs, and Rune Dietz
1University of Washington
2Greenland Institute of Natural Resources Greenland
3National Marine Mammal Laboratory, AFSC
4Department of Arctic Environment, National Environmental Research Institute Denmark
Combining satellite telemetry data and spatial models: Narwhal resource selection in the high Arctic

Mark Baumgartner
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
The two faces of habitat research: understanding ecology vs. making predictions

12:30 to 13:45  Lunch

13:45 to 14:45  Case studies: application of models to marine mammal conservation and management

Edward Gregr1, Linda Nichol2, Jane Watson3, John Ford2, and Graeme Ellis2
1SciTech Consulting
2Department of Fisheries and Oceans
3Malaspina University College
Habitat models for estimating sea otter (Enhydra lutris) carrying capacity in the Pacific Northwest

Ana Cañadas1 and Phil Hammond2
2Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Habitat selection models as a conservation tool for cetaceans: A case study in Southern Spain

14:45 to 15:30  Coffee break; Poster Presentations

15:30 to 17:00  Group discussions