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2005 Workshop

Application of GIS Spatial/Temporal prediction Model for Marine Mammal Scientists and Management

16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals: Pre-conference Workshop
December 11, 2005
San Diego, California, USA


Toshihide “Hamachan” Hamazaki (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, USA)
Kathleen Vigness Raposa (Marine Acoustics, Inc., USA)
Jessica Redfern (NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center)
Daniel Palacios (NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory, USA)
Kristin Laidre (University of Washington, USA)
Ellen Hines (San Francisco State University, USA)
Edward Gregr (SciTech Consulting, Canada)
Mark Baumgartner (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)

Purpose of workshop

This is the 4th installment of the GIS and 2nd installment of Spatial/temporal model for marine mammal distribution & managment. As this field matures, we are confident in developing models.  Simultaneously, we still encounter the same problems in developing models.  The purpose of this workshop is to exchange information about the current development of spatial/temporal models and application.

The topics covered in this workshop are:

1) Introduction to Basic concept of GIS spatial/temporal Models
This section puts everyone on the same page.
2) Development of New modeling techniques:
What are improvements?  How are those better than current techniques?
3) Case studies on application of models to marine mammal conservation and management:
How are the models used?  What lessons are learned in application of a model?
4) Discussions on future direction: Interactions and exchanges among participants. I am planning to bring people from ESRI tp talk about their product develoment.  Are there any features you want to see in their future products?

This workshop would provide a great opportunity for those who are interested in GIS spatial/temporal modeling, learning about modeling, and making connections.

Workshop Schedule

07:30 - 08:15  Registration

08:15 - 08:30  Greetings and outline of day.

Toshihide “Hamachan” Hamazaki
Alaska Department of Fish & Game

08:30 - 10:40  Technical Session

Jessica Redfern
Southwest Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries

Mark Baumgartner
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Oceanographic data sources, data management, and software tools for marine mammal modeling

Daniel Palacios
Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaii
Southwest Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries
Ordination as a tool for unraveling species-environment relationships

Kristin Kaschner
Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste, Germany, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Working with what we know – the use of presence-only habitat prediction modeling techniques in marine mammal science

Megan Ferguson
Southwest Fisheries Science Center NOAA Fisheries
Comparison of regression-based methods for cetacean-habitat modeling

Jay Ver Hoef
National Marine Mammal Lab
Creating valid models from statistical data

General Discussion:  Future research directions for cetacean-habitat modeling

10:40 - 12:00 Coffee break & Poster Session

Barre, L.1; Haydt, J.2; Moss, L.2
1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
2 Concurrent Technologies Corporation
Application of geographic information system tools to support conservation of eastern North Pacific Southern resident killer whales

Gannon, J. G.1; Gannon, D. P.1; Berens, E. J.1; Wells, R. S.1,2
1 Mote Marine Laboratory
2 Chicago Zoological Society, c/o Mote Marine Laboratory,
Evaluating two methods for assessing differences in distribution, Syrjala’s procedure and Williamson’s index of spatial overlap, with case studies in Tursiops truncatus ecology

Kieckhefer, T.R., J. Cassidy, J. Hoffman, S.L. Reif, and D. Maldini
Pacific Cetacean Group
Rise and fall of southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) in Elkhorn slough, California, 1994-2003

Lander, M. E.1,2; Loughlin, T. R.1; Logsdon, M. L.2; VanBlaricom, G. R.2; Fadely, B.1; Fritz, L. W.1
1 National Marine Mammal Laboratory,
2 University of Washington
Environmental composition of habitat used by juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) with respect to population trends

Laran, S.1; Gannier, A.1,2
1 Centre de Recherche sur les Cétacés, France
2 Groupe de Recherche sur les Cétacés, France
Spatiotemporal prediction of fin whale distribution in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea)

Scheidat, M.; Gilles, A.; Herr, H.; Siebert, U.
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Hafentoern, Germany
Anthropogenic uses in German waters – potential conflicts with harbor porpoise occurrence

Seabra, M. I.; Silva, M.; August, P.; Vigness-Raposa, K.; Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Lafon, V.; Santos, R. S.
University of the Azores, Portugal
Characterizing bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) habitat in the Azores islands (Portugal).

Wang, C.; Lyons, S. B.; Corbett, J. J.; Firestone, J.
University of Delaware
Characterizing commercial ship traffic through a GIS model and its potential implications for mitigating ship strikes of large whales

12:00 - 13:00  Invited Speaker

Ransom A. Myers
Killam Chair of Ocean Studies, Department of Biology, Dalhousie University Canada
Modeling the Movements and Global Biodiversity of Large Oceanic Predators

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break on your own

14:00 - 15:40  Application Session

Mark Baumgartner
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Patrick Halpin
Duke University
Developing a predictive marine mammals habitat modeling system for the US Atlantic and gulf coast regions

Ana Cañadas
Ecology of the short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) off southern Spain

Ari Friedlaender
Duke University
Spatial models of whale distribution in relation to prey and oceanographic processes in Antarctica: CART, GAM, and Mantel’s tests

Kristin Laidre
Danish Polar Center Denmark
Integrating spatial models and cetacean satellite tracking data: some recent approaches

Greg Breed
Dalhousie University Canada
An introduction to state-space analysis of satellite telemetry data: Inferring grey seal habitat use and behaviour

15:40 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 17:15  Project Forum

Ellen Hines
San Francisco State University

Coletti, H.A.
USGS- ASC, Alaska
Correlating sea otter densities with habitat attributes: A model for prediction

Cândido, A. T.1; dos Santos, M. E.2
1 Centro Português de Estudo dos Mamíferos Marinhos, Portugal
2 Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Portugal
Analysis of movements and home ranges of bottlenose dolphins in the Sado estuary, Portugal, using a geographical information system

Arraut, E. M.1; Mantovani, J. E.1, Novo, E. M. L. M.1; Marmontel, M.2
1 National Institute for Space Research Brazil
Spatial ecology of the Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis, an approach on two scales: migration and daily movements

Becker, E. A.
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA/Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, CA
Using remotely sensed environmental data to improve predictive models of California cetacean abundance

Wheeler, B.; Rowe, S.
Jacques Whitford Consultants
Predicting critical habitat for bowhead whales in the eastern Canadian arctic

Gilles, A.1; Kaschner, K.1,2; Scheidat, M.1; Siebert, U.1
1 Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, Germany
2 University of British Columbia, Canada
Spatial and seasonal distribution patterns of harbor porpoises in the German Bight of the North Sea

17:15 – 17:30  Final Wrap up

Toshihide “Hamachan” Hamazaki
Alaska Department of Fish & Game

Workshop organizers (from left to right): Kathleen Vigness Raposa, Toshihide Hamazaki, Daniel Palacios, Mark Baumgartner, Jessica Redfern, and Kristin Laidre (not in photo: Ed Gregr and Ellen Hines).
Workshop organizers (from left to right): Kathleen Vigness Raposa, Toshihide Hamazaki, Daniel Palacios, Mark Baumgartner, Jessica Redfern, and Kristin Laidre (not in photo: Ed Gregr and Ellen Hines).