The Organic Geochemistry Analysis Laboratory - GC×GC facility provides very high resolution comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatographic services.
Billing structure for GC×GC analysis at WHOI
Please email us (see contact information) before sending samples as WHOI now has a billing procedure in place for this GC×GC facility. Once we receive an email listing the number of samples you would like to analyze and the type of data that you require we will (a) arrange for a quote to be sent to you, which will include a "Payment Authorization Information form" (PAI) and (b) once you receive the quote, please send a purchase order/method of payment and the completed PAI form back to Linda Cannata, ( MS#4, WHOI, Woods Hole MA, 02543.
*Source of funding: If funding for work done in our facility is coming from a U.S. Government source, you must include the funding source, grant number, and CFDA (Catalog of Federal Demestic Assistance) number on the PAI form.
Robert K. Nelson
Dept. Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry
Fye Laboratory MS#4 Rm 138
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
266 Woods Hole Rd.
Falmouth, MA 02543
Phone: (508) 289-3452