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Our ICESCAPE subcomponent focused on three types of data:
- Pigment distributions assessed by HLPC (using standard filtration, freezing, and subsequent analysis at NASA). These samples were taken from a continuous-flow seawater supply between-stations, to augment the 'core' HPLC sampling at stations performed by the Arrigo group. These HPLC data can be accessed via SEABASS.
- Imaging FlowCytometry (using a custom Imaging FlowCytobot). This instrument was used to image water samples collected from Niskin bottles, direct tap of a real-time flow through seawater system, and other ancillary samples (melted ice cores, melt pond water, ice-ocean interface seawater, incubation experiments). See links to the left for IFCB data broken down between cruises and types of studies.
- Standard flow cytometry was performed on preserved and forzen samples for ICESCAPE 2010, and at-sea on unmanipulated samples during ICESCAPE 2011 using an Accuri C6.