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Our ICESCAPE subcomponent focused on three types of data:

  1. Pigment distributions assessed by HLPC (using standard filtration, freezing, and subsequent analysis at NASA). These samples were taken from a continuous-flow seawater supply between-stations, to augment the 'core' HPLC sampling at stations performed by the Arrigo group. These HPLC data can be accessed via SEABASS.
  2. Imaging FlowCytometry (using a custom Imaging FlowCytobot). This instrument was used to image water samples collected from Niskin bottles, direct tap of a real-time flow through seawater system, and other ancillary samples (melted ice cores, melt pond water, ice-ocean interface seawater, incubation experiments). See links to the left for IFCB data broken down between cruises and types of studies.
  3. Standard flow cytometry was performed on preserved and forzen samples for ICESCAPE 2010, and at-sea on unmanipulated samples during ICESCAPE 2011 using an Accuri C6.