Photos and Sound Clips
Have a glance at some field photos and have a listen to some of the marine mammals that the Tyack Laboratory records.
If you would like to use any of the sound clips or photos in our lab webpages, please contact Amanda Hansen at WHOI for permissions and required credits.
What is that sound?
Tagged Odontocetes produced regular click trains often punctuated by a brief pause or rapidly accelerating series of clicks, called a 'buzz' or a 'creak'.
- Regular Clicks: a long train of regularly spaced clicks lasting for minutes during deep dives.
- Buzz or Creaks: closely spaced clicks with the rate of clicking accelerating over the course of the creak, which is an indicator of a foraging phase of a dive.
- Codas: a pattern of three to twenty clicks, often made in exchanges with other whales.
In the News! The work we do...
The Deepest Divers: D-tags give scientists in-depth records of whales in the depths. Oceanus, July 3, 2007
Playing Tag with Whales: Engineers overcome nightmarish specifications to create a dream instrument. Oceanus. March 16, 2005
Run Deep, But Not Silent : A new tagging device lets scientists 'go along for the ride' into the underwater would of whales. Oceanus, March 16, 2005