Bocconcelli, A., L. Hickmott, G. Chiang, P. Dahamonde, G. Howes, R. Landea-Briones, F. Caruso, M. Saddler, and L. Sayigh (In press) DTAG studies of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 27(1), 9 pp.
Parks S., D. Cusano, A. Bocconcelli, A.S. Friedlander, and D. Wiley (In press), Noise impacts on social sound production by foraging humpback whales. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 27(1), 7 pp.
Perrtree, R.M., L.S. Sayigh, A. Williford, A. Bocconcelli, M.C. Curran, and T.M. Cox (2016) First observed wild birth and acoustic record of a possible infanticide attempt on a common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Mar. Mammal Sci. 32(1): 376-385.
van der Hoop, J., M. Moore, A. Fahlman, A. Bocconcelli, C. George, K. Jackson, C. Miller, D. Morin, T. Pitchford, T. Rowles, J. Smith, and B. Zoodsma (2014) Behavioral impacts of disentanglement of a right whale under sedation and the energetic cost of entanglement. Mar. Mammal Sci. 30(1): 282-307.
Ware, C., D.N. Wiley, A.S. Friedlaender, M. Weinrich, E.L. Hazen, A. Bocconcelli, S.E. Parks, A.K. Stimpert, M.A. Thompson, and K. Abernathy (2014) Bottom side-roll feeding by humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the southern Gulf of Maine, U.S.A. Mar. Mammal Sci. 30(2): 494-511.
Palmer, K., S.E. Parks, D. Wiley, M. Weinrich, J. Tackaberry, A. Bocconcelli, and A. Friedlaender (2010) Vocal behavior of North Atlantic humpback whales during reunion events on Stellwagen Bank. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127(3): 1894.
Parks, S.E., D.N. Wiley, M.T. Weinrich, and A. Bocconcelli (2010) Behavioral differences affect passive acoustic detectability of foraging North Atlantic right and humpback whales. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128(4): 2483.
de Soto, N.A., M. Johnson, P. Madsen, F. Díaz, I. Domínguez, C. Aparicio, A. Bocconcelli, C.M. Militello, and A.B. Hernández (2007) Nuevos descubrimientos sobre cetáceos de buceo profundo en Canarias: relación con su conservación. Makaronesia 9: 70-85.
Haviland-Howell, G., A.S. Frankel, C.M. Powell, A. Bocconcelli, R.L. Herman, and L.S. Sayigh (2007). Recreational boating traffic: A chronic source of anthropogenic noise in the Wilmington, North
Carolina Intracoastal Waterway. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122(1): 151-160.
Madsen, P.T., M. Wilson, M. Johnson, R.T. Hanlon, A. Bocconcelli, N.A. de Soto, and P.L. Tyack (2007) Clicking for calamari: toothed whales can echolocate squid Loligo pealeii. Aquat. Biol. 1(2): 141-150.
de Soto, N.A., M. Johnson, P.T. Madsen, P.L. Tyack, A. Bocconcelli, and J.F. Borsani (2006) Does intense ship noise disrupt foraging in deep-diving Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris)? Mar. Mammal Sci. 22(3): 690-699.
de Soto, N.A., M. Johnson, F. Díaz, I. Domínguez, C. Aparicio, A. Bocconcelli, A.B. Hernández, and P. Tyack (2003) Cetáceos de hábitos profundos en Canarias. Makaronesia 5: 46-57.
Haviland G.M., L.S. Sayigh, A.S. Frankel, C.M. Powell, A. Bocconcelli, and R.L. Herman (2001) Mapping total environmental sound exposure of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the Wilmington, North Carolina intracoastal waterway. In: OCEANS 2001, MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition, Vol. 3. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1392-1394.
Wisniewska D.M., Johnson M., Beedholm K., Madsen P.T. 2012 Adaptive prey tracking by echolocating porpoises studied with acoustic tags. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(4), 3523.
Madsen P.T. 2012 Sperm whale coda communication studied with multiple acoustic tags. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(4), 3522.
Dunlop R. 2012 High resolution data from DTAGS on the response of humpback whales to noise from seismic air guns. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(4), 3522.
Aguilar de Soto N., Madsen P.T., Tyack P., Arranz P., Marrero J., Fais A., Revelli E., Johnson M. 2012 No shallow talk: Cryptic strategy in the vocal communication of Blainville's beaked whales. Marine Mammal Science 28(2), E75-E92. (doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00495.x).
Wiley D., Ware C., Bocconcelli A., Cholewiak D., Friedlaender A., Thompson M., Weinrich M. 2011 Underwater components of humpback whale bubble-net feeding behaviour. Behaviour 148(5-6), 575-602. (doi:10.1163/000579511x570893).
Ware C., Friedlaender A.S., Nowacek D.P. 2011 Shallow and deep lunge feeding of humpback whales in fjords of the West Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Mammal Science 27(3), 587-605. (doi:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2010.00427.x).
Ward J., Jarvis S., Moretti D., Morrissey R., DiMarzio N., Johnson M., Tyack P., Thomas L., Marques T. 2011 Beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) passive acoustic detection in increasing ambient noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(2), 662-669. (doi:10.1121/1.3531844).
Tyack P.L., Zimmer W.M.X., Moretti D., Southall B.L., Claridge D.E., Durban J.W., Clark C.W., D'Amico A., DiMarzio N., Jarvis S., et al. 2011 Beaked Whales Respond to Simulated and Actual Navy Sonar. PLoS One 6(3). (doi:e17009 10.1371/journal.pone.0017009).
Parks S.E., Warren J.D., Stamieszkin K., Mayo C.A., Wiley D. 2011 Dangerous dining: surface foraging of North Atlantic right whales increases risk of vessel collisions. Biol Lett. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0578).
Nowacek D.P., Friedlaender A.S., Halpin P.N., Hazen E.L., Johnston D.W., Read A.J., Espinasse B., Zhou M., Zhu Y. 2011 Super-Aggregations of Krill and Humpback Whales in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctic Peninsula. PLoS One 6(4). (doi:e19173 10.1371/journal.pone.0019173).
Canning C., Crain D., Eaton T.S., Jr., Nuessly K., Friedlaender A., Hurst T., Parks S., Ware C., Wiley D., Weinrich M. 2011 Population-level lateralized feeding behaviour in North Atlantic humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae. Animal Behaviour 82(4), 901-909. (doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.07.031).
Schmidt V., Weber T.C., Wiley D.N., Johnson M.P. 2010 Underwater Tracking of Humpback Whales (Megaptera Novaeangliae) With High-Frequency Pingers and Acoustic Recording Tags. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 35(4), 821-836. (doi:10.1109/joe.2010.2068610).
Samarra F.I.P., Deecke V.B., Vinding K., Rasmussen M.H., Swift R.J., Miller P.J.O. 2010 Killer whales (Orcinus orca) produce ultrasonic whistles. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128(5), EL205-EL210. (doi:10.1121/1.3462235).
Simon M., Johnson M., Tyack P., Madsen P.T. 2009 Behaviour and kinematics of continuous ram filtration in bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus). Proc Biol Sci 276(1674), 3819-3828. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.1135).
Miller P.J.O., Johnson M.P., Madsen P.T., Biassoni N., Quero M., Tyack P.L. 2009 Using at-sea experiments to study the effects of airguns on the foraging behavior of sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 56(7), 1168-1181. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.02.008).
Friedlaender A.S., Hazen E.L., Nowacek D.P., Halpin P.N., Ware C., Weinrich M.T., Hurst T., Wiley D. 2009 Diel changes in humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae feeding behavior in response to sand lance Ammodytes spp. behavior and distribution. Marine Ecology-Progress Series395, 91-100. (doi:10.3354/meps08003).
DeRuiter S.L., Bahr A., Blanchet M.-A., Hansen S.F., Kristensen J.H., Madsen P.T., Tyack P.L., Wahlberg M. 2009 Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture. Journal of Experimental Biology 212(19), 3100-3107. (doi:10.1242/jeb.030825).
Johnson M., Hickmott L.S., Soto N.A., Madsen P.T. 2008 Echolocation behaviour adapted to prey in foraging Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris). Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 275(1631), 133-139. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.1190).
Stimpert A.K., Wiley D.N., Au W.W.L., Johnson M.P., Arsenault R. 2007 'Megapclicks': acoustic click trains and buzzes produced during night-time foraging of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Biol Lett 3(5), 467-470. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2007.0281).
Dietz R., Shapiro A.D., Bakhtiari M., Orr J., Tyack P.L., Richard P., Eskesen I.G., Marshall G. 2007 Upside-down swimming behaviour of free-ranging narwhals. BMC ecology 7, 14. (doi:10.1186/1472-6785-7-14).
Past Publications
Aguilar Soto, N., M. Johnson, et al. (2006). "Does Intense Ship Noise Disrupt Foraging in Deep-Diving Cuvier's Beaked Whales (Ziphius cavirostris)?" Marine Mammal Science 22(3): 690-699.
Baird, R. W., J. F. Borsani, et al. (2002). "Diving and night-time behavior of long-finned pilot whales in the Ligurian Sea." Marine Ecology Progress Series 237: 301-305.
Biassoni, N., P. J. O. Miller, et al. (2000). Preliminary Results of the Effects of SURTASS-LFA Sonar on Singing Humpback Whales. Woods Hole, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: 23.
Bradbury, J. W. (2003). Vocal communication in wild parrots. Animal Social Complexity: Intelligence, Culture, and Individualized Societies. F. B. M. de Waal and P. L. Tyack. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press: 293-316.
Buck, J. o. R. and P. L. Tyack (1993). "A Quantitative Measure of Similarity for Tursiops Truncatus Signature Whistles." Journal of the Acoustical Society Of America 94(5): 2497-2506.
Buck, J. R., H. B. Morgenbesser, et al. (2000). "Synthesis and modification of the whistles of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108(1): 407-416.
Burgess, W. C., P. L. Tyack, et al. (1998). "A programmable acoustic recording tag and first results from free-ranging northern elephant seals." Deep-Sea Research II 45(7): 1327-1351.
Caldwell, M. C., D. K. Caldwell, et al. (1990). Review of the signature-whistle hypothesis for the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. The Bottlenose Dolphin. S. Leatherwood and R. R. Reeves. San Diego, Academic Press: 199-234.
Connor, R. C. (2000). Group living in whales and dolphins. Cetacean Societies: Field studies of dolphins and whales. J. Mann, R. C. Connor, P. L. Tyack and H. Whitehead. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press: 199-218.
Connor, R. C., J. Mann, et al. (1998). "Social evolution in toothed whales." Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13(6): 228-232.
Connor, R. C., A. J. Read, et al. (2000). Male reproductive strategies and social bonds. Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. J. Mann, R. C. Connor, P. L. Tyack and H. Whitehead. Chicago, University of Chicago Press: 247-269.
Connor, R. C., R. S. Wells, et al. (2000). The bottlenose dolphin: Social relationships in a fission-fusion society. Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. J. Mann, R. C. Connor, P. L. Tyack and H. Whitehead. Chicago, University of Chicago Press: 91-126.
de Waal, F. B. M. and P. L. Tyack, Eds. (2003). Animal Social Complexity. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
DeRuiter, S. L., P. L. Tyack, et al. (2006). "Modeling acoustic propagation of airgun array pulses recorded on tagged sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(6): 4100-4114.
Fletcher, S., B. J. Le Boeuf, et al. (1996). "Onboard acoustic recording from diving northern elephant seals." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100(4): 2531-2539.
Freitag, L. E. and P. L. Tyack (1993). "Passive acoustic localization of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin using whistles and echolocation clicks." Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 93(4): 2197-2205.
Fripp, D. R., C. Owen, et al. (2001). Bottlenose dolphin calves imitate whistles of associates. 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Vancouver, Canada, Society for Marine Mammalogy.
Fripp, D. R., C. Owen, et al. (2003). Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves model their signature whistles on the whistles of community members they rarely hear. First International Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals, College Park, Maryland.
Fripp, D. R., C. Owen, et al. (2005). "Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves appear to model their signature whistles on the signature whistles of community members." Animal Cognition 8: 17-26.
Gordon, J. and P. L. Tyack (2001). Acoustic techniques for Studying Cetaceans. Marine Mammals: Biology and Conservation. P. G. H. Evans and J. A. Raga. New York, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers: 293-324.
Gordon, J. and P. L. Tyack (2001). Sound and Cetaceans. Marine Mammals: Biology and Conservation. P. G. H. Evans and J. A. Raga. New York, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers: 139-196.
Gordon, J. C. D., D. Thompson, et al. (2003). Proceedings of the workshop: The use of controlled exposure experiments to investigate the effects of noise on marine mammals: scientific, methodological, and practical considerations, European Cetacean Society.
Green, D. M., H. A. DeFerrari, et al. (1994). Low-Frequency Sound and Marine Mammals: Current Knowledge and Research Needs. Washington DC, National Academy Press.
Johnson, M., P. T. Madsen, et al. (2006). "Foraging Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) produce distinct click types matched to different phases of echolocation." Journal of Experimental Biology 209: 5038-5050.
Johnson, M. P., P. T. Madsen, et al. (2004). "Beaked whales echolocate on prey." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 271(Supplement 6): S383-S386.
Johnson, M. P. and P. L. Tyack (2003). "A Digital Acoutic Recording Tag for Measuring the Response of Wild Marine Mammals to Sound." IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 28(1): 3-12.
Lynch, J. F., A. E. Newhall, et al. (2003). "Spatial and Temporal Variations in ACoustic Propagation Characteristics at the New England Shelfbreak Front." IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 28(1): 129-150.
Madsen, P. T., M. Johnson, et al. (2005). "Biosonar performance of foraging beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris)." The Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 181-194.
Madsen, P. T., M. Johnson, et al. (2006). "Quantitative measures of air-gun pulses recorded on sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) using acoustic tags during controlled exposure experiments." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(4): 2366-2379.
Madsen, P. T., M. Wahlberg, et al. (2005). "Wind turbine underwater noise and marine mammals: Implications of current knowledge and data needs." Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Madsen, P. T., M. Wahlberg, et al. (2006). "Wind turbine underwater noise and marine mammals: implications of current knowledge and data needs." Marine Ecology Progress Series 309: 279-295.
Malme, C. I., P. R. Miles, et al. (1984). Investigations of the Potential Effects of Underwater Noise from Petroleum Industry Activities on Migrating Gray Whale Behavior - Phase II: January 1984 Migration. Final Report No. 5586. Cambridge, MA, Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.: 297.
Malme, C. I., B. Würsig, et al. (1986). Behavioral Responses of Gray Whales to Industrial Noise: Feeding Observations and Predictive Modeling. Report No. 6265. Cambridge, MA, BBN Laboratories Inc.: 207.
Malme, C. I., B. Wursig, et al. (1988). Observations of feeding gray whale responses to controlled industrial noise exposure. Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, Fairbanks Alaska, University of Alaska.
Mann, J., R. C. Connor, et al., Eds. (2000). Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Matthews, J. N., S. Brown, et al. (2001). "Vocalisation rates of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis)." Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 3(3): 271-282.
Miksis, J. L., M. D. Grund, et al. (2001). "Cardiac Responses to Acoustic Playback Experiements in the Captive Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)." Journal of Comparative Psychology 115(3): 227-232.
Miksis, J. L., P. L. Tyack, et al. (2002). "Captive dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, develop signature whistles that match acoustic features of human-made model sounds." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112(2): 728-739.
Miller, P. J. and P. L. Tyack (1998). "A small towed beamforming array to identify vocalizing resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) concurrent with focal behavioral observations." Deep-Sea Research II 45(7): 1389-1405.
Miller, P. J. O. (2000). Maintaining Contact: Design and Use of Acoustic Signals in Killer Whales, Orcinus orca. Biology. Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Miller, P. J. O., N. Biassoni, et al. (2000). "Whale songs lengthen in response to sonar." Nature 405(6789): 903.
Miller, P. J. O., M. P. Johnson, et al. (2004). "Sperm whale behaviour indicates the use of echolocation click buzzes 'creaks' in prey capture." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 271: 2239-2247.
Miller, P. J. O., M. P. Johnson, et al. (2004). "Swimming gaits, passive drag and buoyancy of diving sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus." The Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 1953-1967.
Miller, P. J. O., A. D. Shapiro, et al. (2004). "Call-type matching in vocal exchanges of free-ranging resident killer whales, Orcinus orca." Animal Behaviour 67: 1099-1107.
Moore, K. E., W. A. Watkins, et al. (1993). "Pattern similarity in shared codas from sperm whales (Physeter catadon)." Marine Mammal Science9(1): 1-9.
Nowacek, D. P., M. P. Johnson, et al. (2004). "North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) ignore ships but respond to alerting stimuli." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 271(1536): 227-231.
Nowacek, D. P., M. P. Johnson, et al. (2001). "Buoyant balaenids: the ups and downs of buoyancy in right whales." Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 268: 1811-1816.
Nowacek, D. P. and P. L. Tyack (2001). "A platform for continuous behavioral and acoustic observation of free-ranging marine mammals: overhead video combined with underwater audio." Marine Mammal Science 17(1): 191-199.
Parks, S. E. (2003). Acoustic Communication in the North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Biology. Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Parks, S. E., P. K. Hamilton, et al. (2005). "The gunshot sound produced by male North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) and its potential function in reproductive advertisement." Marine Mammal Science 21(3): 458-475.
Parks, S. E. and P. L. Tyack (2005). "Sound production by North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in surface active groups." Journal of Acoustical Society of America 117(5): 3297-3306.
Payne, K., P. L. Tyack, et al. (1983). Progressive changes in the songs of humpback whales (Megapter novaengliae): a detailed analysis of two seasons in Hawaii. Communication and behavior of whales. R. S. Payne. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, Inc.: 9-57.
Poole, J. H., P. L. Tyack, et al. (2005). "Elephants are capable of vocal learning." Nature 434: 455-456.
Poole, J. H., P. L. Tyack, et al. (2006). "Vocal Imitation in African Savannah Elephants (Loxodonta africana)." Razprave IV. Razreda Sazu XLVII-3: 117-124.
Popper, A. N., H. A. Deferrari, et al. (2000). Marine mammals and low-frequency sound. Washington DC, National Academy Press.
Samuels, A. and P. L. Tyack (2000). Flukeprints: A History of Studing Cetacean Societies. Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. J. Mann, R. C. Connor, P. L. Tyack and H. Whitehead. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press: 9-44.
Sayigh, L. S., P. L. Tyack, et al. (1993). "Recording underwater sounds of free-ranging dolphins while underway in a small boat." Marine Mammal Science 9(2): 209-213.
Sayigh, L. S., P. L. Tyack, et al. (1990). "Signature whistles of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus: stability and mother-offspring comparisons." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 26: 247-260.
Sayigh, L. S., P. L. Tyack, et al. (1995). "Sex differences in signature whistle production in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36(3): 171-177.
Sayigh, L. S., P. L. Tyack, et al. (1999). "Individual recognition in wild bottlenose dolphins: a field test using playback experiments." Animal Behaviour 57(1): 41-50.
Shapiro, A. D., P. J. O. Miller, et al. (2002). Matched vocal exchanges of shared stereotyped calls in free-ranging resident killer whales. Fourth International Orca Symposium and Workshops, France.
Solow, A. and P. L. Tyack (1990). "Inhomogeneity and Apparent Organization in Animal Behavior." Biometrics 46: 837-839.
Suzuki, R., J. R. Buck, et al. (2005). "The use of Zipf's law in animal communication analysis." Animal Behaviour 69(1): F9-F17.
Suzuki, R., J. R. Buck, et al. (2006). "Information entropy of humpback whale songs." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119(3): 1849-1866.
Teloni, V., W. M. X. Zimmer, et al. (2005). "Sperm Whale Trumpet Sounds." Bioacoustics 15: 163-174.
Thomas, R. E., K. M. Fristrup, et al. (2002). "Linking the sounds of dolphins to their locations and behavior using video and multichannel acoustic recordings." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112(4): 1692-1701.
Tyack, P. L. (1981). "Interactions between singing hawaiian humpback whales and conspecifics nearby." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 8: 105-116.
Tyack, P. L. (1981). "Why do whales sing?" The Sciences 2(7): 22-25.
Tyack, P. L. (1982). Humpback Whales Respond to Sounds of Their Neighbors. New York, NY, The Rockefeller University: 207.
Tyack, P. L. (1983). "Differential response of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, to playback of song or social sounds." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 13: 49-55.
Tyack, P. L. (1985). "An optical telemetry device to identify which dolphin produces a sound." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 78(5): 1892-1895.
Tyack, P. L. (1986). "Population biology, social behavior and communication in whales and dolphins." Trends in Ecology and Evolution 1(6): 144-150.
Tyack, P. L. (1986). "Whistle repertoires of two bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus: Mimicry of signature whistles?" Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 18: 251-257.
Tyack, P. L. (1989). "Let's have less public relations and more ecology." Oceanus 32(1): 103-108.
Tyack, P. L. (1991). "If you need me, whistle." Natural History 8: 60-62.
Tyack, P. L. (1991). Use of a Telemetry Device to Identify Which Dolphin Produces a Sound. Dolphin Societies: discoveries and puzzles. K. Pryor and K. S. Norris. Berkeley, Unoversity of California Press: 319-344.
Tyack, P. L. (1992). "Dolphins, belugas and pilot whales: marine mammal studies at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution." Oceanus 35(3): 62-64.
Tyack, P. L. (1993). Animal Language Research Needs a Broader Comparative and Evolutionary Framework. Language and Communication: Comparative Perspectives. H. L. Roitblat, L. M. Herman and P. E. Nachtigall. Hillsdale, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: 115-152.
Tyack, P. L. (1996). "How a seal hears the world." Oceanus 39(1): 32.
Tyack, P. L. (1997). "Development and social functions of signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus." Bioacoustics 8: 21-46.
Tyack, P. L. (1997). Studying how cetaceans use sound to explore their environment. Perspectives in Ethology. D. H. Owings, M. D. Beecher and N. S. Thompson. New York, Plenum Press. 12: 251-297.
Tyack, P. L. (1998). Acoustic communication under the sea. Animal Acoustic Communication: Recent Technical Advances. S. L. Hopp, M. J. Owren and C. S. Evans. New York, Springer: 163-220.
Tyack, P. L. (1998). "Playback experiments of loud low frequency sound to singing humpback whales in Hawaiian waters." Whalewatcher 37(1): 3-12.
Tyack, P. L. (1998). "Protectiong marine mammals from the growing problem of ocean noise: opportunitites and problems." MMPA Bulletin 13: 8-9.
Tyack, P. L. (1999). Communication and Cognition. Biology of Marine Mammals. J. E. Reynolds III and S. A. Rommel. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press. Ch 7: 287-323.
Tyack, P. L. (1999). "Responses of Baleen whales to controlled exposures of low-frequency sounds from a naval sonar." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106(4): 2280.
Tyack, P. L. (2000). Dolphins learn individually distinctive whistles to maintain individual-specific social relationships. Animal Social Complexity and Intelligence, Chicago, Illinois.
Tyack, P. L. (2000). "Dolphins whistle a signature tune." Science 289(5483): 1310-1311.
Tyack, P. L. (2000). Functional aspects of cetacean communication. Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. J. Mann, R. C. Connor, P. L. Tyack and H. Whitehead. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press: 270-307.
Tyack, P. L. (2001). Bioacoustics. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. J. H. Steele, K. K. Turekian and S. A. Thorpe. London, Academic Press: 295-302.
Tyack, P. L. (2001). Marine Mammal Overview. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. J. H. Steele, K. K. Turekian and S. A. Thorpe. London, Academic Press: 1611-1621.
Tyack, P. L. (2001). Marine Mammal Social Organization and Communication. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. J. H. Steele, K. K. Turekian and S. A. Thorpe. London, Academic Press: 1621-1628.
Tyack, P. L. (2001). New Light on the Singing Whale: What Fresh Research Techniques Have Shown About the Humpback. The New Encyclopedia of Mammals. D. Macdonald. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 268-268.
Tyack, P. L. (2002). Behavior, Overview. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. W. F. Perrin, B. Würsig and J. G. M. Thewissen. San Diego, Academic Press: 87-94.
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