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MISO Self-Recording Imaging System on a Box Corer

Box corers are used to take large volume samples of the uppermost ~0.5 m of sediment in various shallow and deep-water environments for a variety of biological, bio-geochemical and related studies. Until recently photographing the environment sampled by box coring was difficult. Now, using MISO GoPro cameras, it is possible to film the bottom approach and contact during box coring so that high-resolution imaging of the seafloor sampling site can be correlated to the observed features and animals sampled by the box corer. As shown in the photo gallery, a box corer can be rigged with a down-looking MISO GoPro camera shooting either 1080P, 4k or 5.3k video at 30 fps. The camera recording is started on deck and continues throughout the deployment. The MISO GoPro camera can record 1080P video for ~24hrs, and for ~18-20hrs in 4k or 5.3k video. A 24VDC Ni-MH (nickel-metal hydride) rechargeable battery pack, or a 24VDC deep-sea, oil-compensated Pb-acid battery is used to power a ~9000 lumen LED light, pointed down, to illuminate the area covered by the camera field of view. Depending on the deployment depth, the light can be turned on at the surface and left to run the entire deployment, or it can be programmed with a MISO time-lapse switch system so that it turns on ~1hr prior to the expected bottom approach and ~1hr post bottom contact so that there is ample light for imaging the seafloor during each deployment.


MISO imaging system on a box corer used in 2019 on the RV Kilo Moana of U. Hawaii for a Korean (KIOST) funded cruise to the Clipperton-Clarion Fracture Zone-Mn nodule study area. Left photo shows the box corer rigged with MISO equipment and a USBL beacon (white arrow). Red arrowpoints to the MISO GoPro camera and yellow arrow points to the MISO battery pack and light panel (shown below).


(left) MISO Ni-MH battery pack (red arrow) on box corer and (right) LED light (green arrow) and opposite side of battery pack. (Note: battery pack is shock-mounted since the box corer is usually landed roughly on the sediment seafloor).


Box corer being deployed from the stern A-frame of RV Kilo Moana.


(Left) Box corer rigged with a MISO GoPro camera used to take seafloor samples at ~5,000 m depth from the Clipperton-Clarion Mn-nodule field near 10°N. (Right) Frame grabs of 1080Pvideo shot using a HERO4™ camera during bottom approach (~5 m altitude) and landing (~2 m altitude), and photograph (right-bottom) of the top surface of the box core on recovery and correlation of nodules shown in the imagery with actual recovered samples. Credit: Greg Kurras, SeaFloor Investigations Ltd. and KIOST, and WHOI-MISO Facility.

Box corer making bottom contact as recorded by a MISO GoPro Camera System.