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1 Comment

  1. Alison M Macdonald on January 27, 2021 at 10:55 pm

    Many changes could occur if we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we are sending into the atmosphere. The hope would be that phenomena associated with climate change would become less apparent. From an ocean perspective these might include, a reduction in ocean acidification (the problem shelled creatures have with building and creating their shells that occurs as more CO2 goes into the ocean), a reduction in extreme weather events (i.e. fewer very strong storms, fewer from strong heat waves), a reduction in polar ice melt and perhaps eventually a rebuilding of polar ice (melting ice leads to sea level rise and can also change ocean circulation), a reduction and eventually a reversal of global warming (a warming planet leads to warming ocean and agin to sea level rise and changes in circulation). The caveat here is that humans have been pumping CO2 into the atmosphere for 300 years, and just as applying your brakes does not stop your accelerating car immediately, reducing our CO2 output will not stop the effects of climate change immediately. We will have to be patient and we may find that some effects of climate change are not reversible.