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Does the salt content of the ocean increase as you go deeper? Would animals in deeper, saltier water have the same features as other salt water animals?

January 27, 2021

From Period 5 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class

What is a field of science that has a real impact on people if a natural disaster were to happen?

January 27, 2021

From Period 4 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class

How would we be able to tell if an animal evolved from a freshwater to a marine environment?

January 27, 2021

From Period 7 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class

Do we really know about only 5% of the ocean?

December 23, 2020

From Period 1 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class

Why can some fish handle both fresh and salt water?

December 23, 2020

From Period 1 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class

How can people try to help and benefit the coral reefs if they are dying?

December 23, 2020

From Period 7 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class

How do we know the animals that live in the deepest part of the ocean?

December 23, 2020

From Period 5 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class

Do you know how many animals there are in the ocean that we have yet to discover? Or have any idea?

December 23, 2020

From Period 5 Students in Dr. Durkin’s 10th Grade Earth Science Class


  1. antoan baker on January 11, 2021 at 9:59 am

    do you think we could fix climate change if we really try to.

    • Jed Goldstone on January 24, 2021 at 1:09 pm

      Yes. It would take immense political will, and a complete alteration of our global economy, but we could do it. Many climate scientists think we’re very close to some tipping points, after which we will not be able to change it easily. Some climate scientists feel that we won’t be able to change things quickly enough unless we go to crazy seeming ‘geoengineering’ ideas, like space mirrors. But teehe key point is that we need to do more than just want to do it – we need to ACT to do it.

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