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Upcoming Events

Tuesdays - from 10am to 11am: Data Science office hour on Slack * for WHOI staff and students
* Monthly on the 3rd Tuesday we host a hybrid in-person/Zoom Data Science Cafe at the AVAST Social Hub
You can find a Slack invitation and the Zoom link on the IS Science and Engineering webpage (internal/VPN)

  • 9-13 Dec 2024, AGU24, Washington, DC
  • 21-24 January 2025, ESIP Meeting (online)

Previous Events







  • December 2019, WHOI's Cloud Computing Survey: WHOI’s Ocean Informatics Working Group in collaboration with WHOI Information Services (IS) conducted a survey to learn how WHOI scientific and technical staff, postdocs, and students are interested in using cloud computing services for research and engineering.
  • 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
  • 21-23 October 2019, WHOI, Clark 507: Machine Learning Bootcamp
  • 3-4 October 2019, WHOI: Software Carpentry workshop with Python and git
  • 16-20 September 2019, Honolulu, HI: OceanObs’19
  • 9-13 September 2019, Seattle WA: Geohackweek 2019
  • 26-30 August 2019, Seattle WA: Oceanhackweek 2019
  • June-July 2019, WHOI Data Science Summer Series (link to flyer)
    - June 20, Research computing, tutorial: Introduction to and hands-on with Jetstream cloud computing platform led by Jeremy Fischer (Indiana Univ.)
    - July 3, Artificial intelligence, panel discussion: Winning the Sub-Seasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo! Using data science skills to predict weather better with Ray Schmitt (WHOI P.O.) and sons Eric (Veryst Engineering) and Stephen (NetApp)
    - July 22, Data analysis and visualization, tutorial: Introduction to Python Data Analysis Library (pandas) led by Joe Futrelle (WHOI IS)
    - July 31, Bioinformatics, Smith Conf. Room, discussion: Speeding Up Science: Why and how to adopt new tools for bioinformatics with C. Titus Brown (UC Davis) and Harriet Alexander (WHOI Bio.)
  • 23 July 2019: Pangeo with Scott Henderson (UW eSci. Inst.)
  • 15-19 July 2019, Tacoma, WA: ESIP Summer Meeting
  • 8-14 July 2019, Austin, Texas: Annual SciPy Conference
  • 12-14 June 2019, Denver, CO: EarthCube Annual Meeting
  • 10-13 June 2019, Hamburg, Germany: Open Repositories 2019
  • 2-4 April 2019, RDA's 13th Plenary Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
  • February 2019 CUAHSI and UW eScience Cyberseminar Series
  • 16 & 23 January 2019, WHOI: WHOI's first "Navigating an Ocean of Data" Training Camp (link to syllabus)
  • 15-17 January 2019, Washington, D.C.: ESIP Winter Meeting


  • 10-14 December 2018, Washington, D.C.: AGU Fall Meeting
  • November 2018, Gaborone, Botswana: RDA's 12th Plenary Meeting - part of the International Data Week 2018
  • 24 October 2018, WHOI: Special seminar by Dr. Julia Stewart Lowndes, "The power of open science: experience from the Ocean Health Index"
  • 24 October 2018, WHOI: Lunch and Learn on Jupyter Notebooks by Joe Futrelle (WHOI IS)
  • 10-12 October 2018, Oostende, Belgium: 6th Session of the IODE OceanDocs Steering Group
  • 22-23 October 2018, WHOI: two-day Software Carpentry workshop with R and GitHub
  • 21-23 September 2018, Gloucester, MA: Hack for the Sea
  • 20-24 August 2018, University of Washington, Seattle: Oceanhackweek
  • 15 August 2018, WHOI: Data Carpentry Python masterclass with Damien Irving ("Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists")
  • 17-20 July 2018, Tucson, AZ: ESIP Summer Meeting
  • 9-15 July 2018, Austin, TX: SciPy2018
  • 14 June 2018, WHOI: Tyrone Lee for R Shiny Workshop (bring your laptop) workshop materials
  • 11 June 2018, WHOI:Rich Signell for JupyterHub demo with OOI data (bring your laptop).
  • 6-8 June 2018, Washington DC: EarthCube All Hands Meeting
  • 9-10 May 2018: WHOI hosted a two-day Software Carpentry workshop with Python
  • 13 April 2018: “LUNCH AND LEARN” Modeling topics and trends in NSF ocean sciences awards by Ivan Lima (WHOI MCG Dept.)
  • 21-23 March 2018, Berlin, Germany: RDA 11th Plenary Meeting
  • 16 March: WHOI IS Lunch-and-Learn "Using GPU acceleration, CUDA programming and Deep learning in ocean science," presented by Tyrone Lee and Joe Futrelle
  • 11-16 February 2018, Portland, OR: Ocean Sciences Meeting
  • 8-9 February 2018, Seattle, WA: U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Biological Data Training Workshop
  • 9-11 January 2018, Bethesda, MD: ESIP Winter Meeting



  • 14 December 2016, 6 PM to 8 PM, Smith Conference Room: Hands-on tutorial for Docker containers with CapePy Study Group
  • 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
  • 9 December 2016, Boston, MA: Massachusetts Data Science Leadership Conference: Partnership Strategies to Win in a Digital World
  • 5 December 2016, Washington D.C.: Workshop on Big Data Challenges, Research, and Technologies in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, part of IEEE International Big Data Conference 2016
  • 12-14 November 2016, Washington DC: OpenCon 2016 conference
  • 9-11 November 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland: PIDapalooza
  • 8 and 10 November 2016, A taste of scientific workflows, two options, choose either or both flavors: A discussion of Computing Workflows for Biologists: A Roadmap by Shade and Teal (2015) PLOS Biology; A discussion of Dynamic Reusable Workflows for Ocean Science by Signell et al. (2016) J. Mar. Sci. Eng. [note: Rich Signell has a YouTube video that shows how to launch and run a notebook]
  • 9 November 2016OpenCon 2016 Boston, a satellite event of OpenCon 2016, a global conference for students and early-career researchers to learn about open access, open data, and open education.
  • 26 October 2016CapePy Python input/output and time series data using Pandas package
  • 25 October 2016Open Access: the power of one (or, how one individual moved a research institution towards adopting an open access policy)
  • 25 October 2016: Ocean Informatics meeting to discuss goals for next year
  • 7 October 2016, 2pm Eastern, webinar: ECOGEO: 'Omics Training: Introduction to Environmental 'Omics using a Unix-based Virtual Machine
  • 11-16 September 2016, Denver, CO: International Data Week
  • 11-13 September 2016, Denver, CO: SciDataCon 2016
  • 8-9 September 2016, Boulder, CO: workshop on "The Rescue of Data At Risk" organized by the joint CODATA Task Group for 'Data At Risk' and the RDA Interest Group on 'Data Rescue’
  • 3 August 2016, WHOI: Special seminar: Tools to help you cope with data. Demo and conversation with Dr. C. Titus Brown, UC Davis and Moore Foundation Data Driven Discovery (DDD) Investigator
  • 19-22 July 2016, Chapel Hill, NC: ESIP Summer Meeting
  • 11-16 July 2016, Austin, TX: Mini-symposium on Reproducibility at SciPy2016 (contact recent JP alum Harriet Alexander)
  • 7 July 2016, noon, WHOI Redfield Aud.: Dr. C. Titus Brown, "Effectively infinite: how can we ask questions of environmental sequencing data sets?"
  • 6-8 July 2016, Denver, CO: EarthCube All Hands Meeting
  • 29 June 2016MBL: Best Practices In Record Keeping And Data Management
  • 27 June 2016, WHOI: Carly Strasser, Program Officer for the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation's Data-Driven Discovery initiative, "Come In, We’re Open: The Changing Culture of Research"
  • 22 June 2016, WHOI: Joe Futrelle CapePy study group
  • 9 June 2016, webinar, "Dive into Docker" (an open platform for distributed applications that makes it easy to deploy services with complicated dependencies)
  • 25 May 2016, CapePy Python Study Group, Joe Futrelle presented SciPy
  • 11 May - 22 June 2016, free, online course from Esri for ArcGIS Online: "Going Places with Spatial Analysis"
  • 4 & 6 May 2016, at WHOI: Hands-on tutorial for OOI data access [Update: see the OOI YouTube Channel for video tutorials]
  • 20 April 2016, WHOI's Smith Conference Room: Joe Futrelle presented the use of Numpy to Cape Python Study Group
  • 11-29 April 2016, free, three-week, online course from University of Southampton: "Introduction to Linked Data and the Semantic Web"
  • 1 April 2016, EarthCube webinar, "Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS): Lowering barriers to real-time data integration" (link to webinar)
  • 23 March 2016, CapePy Python Study Group, Joe Futrelle presentation
  • 11 March 2016, EarthCube webinar: Cyber Tools for Research: A Tour through the Hardware Store of Useful Tools for Managing your Data and Research Work (link to webinar)
  • 8 March 2016DataOne webinar: Research Computing Skills for Scientists: Lessons, Challenges, and Opportunities from Software Carpentry
  • 21-26 Feb. 2016, New Orleans, LA: Ocean Sciences Meeting, sessions in "Ocean Observing and Data Management"
  • 15 January 2016: deadline for RFI period to submit input on the USGEO Draft Common Framework for Earth-Observation Data
  • 6-8 January 2016, Washington, D.C.: ESIP Winter Meeting
  • 5-7 January 2016, Arlington, VA: OOI Coastal Arrays Community Workshop




Related Files

2013 Coping with Your Data Workshop Summary

2013 Coping with Your Data Workshop Slides