Upcoming Events
3rd Tuesday of the month (starting in March 2025; tentatively from 10am to 11am):
Data Science office hour on Zoom for WHOI staff and students [Zoom link on the IS Science & Engineering webpage (internal/VPN)]
The whoi-datascience Slack is always open (login to WHOI's Enterprise Slack and join the whoi-datascience Workspace)
- 21-24 January 2025, ESIP Meeting (online)
- July 2025, ESIP Meeting, Seattle, WA
- Fall 2025, iSchools
Previous Events
- 9-13 Dec 2024, AGU24, Washington, DC
- 22-26 July 2024, ESIP July Meeting, Asheville, NC
- WHOI Carpentries Workshops
- 25-26 June 2024, WHOI, Carriage House: Intro to R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
- 27-28 June 2024, WHOI, Clark 507: Scientific coding and data science with python and git
- 14-23 May 2024, virtual: Research Data Alliance’s 22nd Plenary meeting
- 14-19 April 2024, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
- 19 March 2024: WHOI's Data Science Office Hour, Dr. Laurie Baker, Assistant Professor of Data Science and Computer Science, The College of the Atlantic, Mapping Ocean Stories.
- 18-23 February 2024, New Orleans, LA and online: Ocean Sciences Meeting
- 22-26 January 2024, virtual, ESIP January Meeting
- 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
- 23-26 October 2023, Research Data Alliance 21st Plenary includes International Data Week 2023 programme and SciDataCon 2023 parallel sessions
- 18 August 2023, 10am: WHOI's Data Science Office Hour, Matt Rocklin, Dask and Coiled
- 18-21 July 2023, Burlington, VT: ESIP July Meeting
- WHOI Software Carpentry two-day courses, Contact: Brett Longworth (
- 29-30 June 2023, Clark 507, R coding for data science. Instructors: Sawyer Newman, MC&G and Dylan Titmuss, MC&G
- 6-7 July 2023, Clark 507, Scientific coding and data science with python and git. Instructors: Amber York, BIO and Ariel Vardi, AOPE
- 20-21 March 2023, Paris, France and online: International Ocean Data Conference – II
- 17 March 2023, 10am: WHOI's Data Science Office Hour, Dr. Julien Emile-Geay, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Pyleoclim: Paleoclimate Timeseries Analysis and Visualization With Python (described in this paper)
- 23-27 January 2023, online: ESIP January Meeting
- 12-16 December 2022, Chicago, IL and online: AGU Fall Meeting
- 5-19 October 2022, online: Ocean Practices: OBPS Workshop VI, Oct 2022 – A Virtual Global Meeting
- 9-22 July 2022, Pittsburgh, PA: ESIP July Meeting
- 14-16 June 2022, online: 2022 IOOS DMAC Virtual Annual Meeting
- 9 May 2022, online: Open Science Pathways in the Earth, Space, and Life Sciences
- 27 February - 4 March 2022, online: Ocean Sciences Meeting
- 14-16 Februrary 2022, Sopot, Poland, and online: International Ocean Data Conference
- 18-21 January 2022, online: ESIP Winter Meeting
- 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA, and online: AGU Fall Meeting
- 1 December 2021, online: WHOI Carpentries plotting workshop with R ggplot
- 3-11 November 2021, online: RDA 18th Plenary Meeting
- 26 October and 10 November 2021, online: WHOI Carpentries Python workshops
- * Intro to APIs - Taxonomic Name Matching
- * Reusing Online Data with ERDDAP
- 5,6,13 October 2021, online: Reproducible Data Science with R and git workshop
- 16 Sept. 2021, AVAST @ WHOI: Big Data at the Edge Tech Talk hosted by Joe Futrelle (WHOI IS)
- 3-6 August 2021, East Boothbay, Maine, or online: OceanHackWeek 2021
- 19-23 July 2021, online: ESIP Summer Meeting
- 15-17 June 2021, online: EarthCube Annual Meeting
- 10 June 2021, online: Cloud Computing and the UN Decade for Ocean Science
- 2 June 2021, online: WHOI Data Management with SQL workshop
- 26 May 2021, online: Open meeting for WHOI staff and students to discuss a Vision for a “Big Data Collaboratory”
WHOI's "Vision 2030: Ocean Science for the Global Good" includes an Innovation Accelerator to invest in our staff and facilities, with Places (both physical and virtual) to focus on innovation infrastructure. New investment is sought to establish a "collaboratory" for big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
WHOI's Ocean Informatics Working Group hosted a virtual meeting for WHOI staff and students in May 2021 to initiate discussion of this collaboratory.
Link to meeting summary (access with WHOI Google Drive account), which has links to agenda/slides/jamboard.
- 4-5 May 2021, online: csv,conf,v6 A community conference for data makers everywhere
- 3-4 February 2021, online: National Academies Ocean Decade: U.S. Launch Meeting
- 26-29 January 2021, online: Earth Science Information Partners ESIP Winter Meeting
- 12, 14 January 2021, online: NSF workshop "Advancing Underwater Cyber Infrastructure for Blue Science" (Blue UCI 2021)
- 1-17 December 2020, online: AGU Fall Meeting
- 9/13 and 16/18 November 2020, WHOI/online: Software Carpentry Workshop with R with Brett Longworth and Arianna Krinos
- 26/27 October and 2/3 November 2020, WHOI/online: Data Carpentry Workshop with Python with Karen Soenen and Amber York
- 21 & 28 October 2020: MBLWHOI Library Open Access Week Debbie Roth and Matt Person: Choosing open access for your publishing; Audrey Mickle and John Furfey: Publishing your open data: How to win friends and influence people
- 5-9 October 2020: Smart Oceans 2020 Convergence Accelerator workshop
- 10-14 August 2020, online: OceanHackWeek
- 2-7 August 2020, online: Ecological Society of America Meeting "Harnessing the ecological data revolution"
- June-August 2020, online, WHOI Data Science Summer Series
- 19 June 2020: Git and GitHub tutorial by Joe Futrelle, WHOI [recording available at IS App Dev webpage (internal VPN only)]
- 17 July 2020: Pangeo big data tutorial by Henri Drake (MIT/WHOI Joint Program) and Ryan Abernathey (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.) [recording (link) and slides (link)]
- 4 August 2020: Ocean Data Labs OOI tutorial by Sage Lichtenwalner (Rutgers Univ.). [recording (link) and blog post with slides (link)]
- 13-23 July 2020, online: ESIP Summer Meeting and ESIP/IOOS Biological Standards Workshop
- June-July 2020, online: Software Carpentry Workshops with WHOI's Carpentries Instructors-in-training
- 18-19 June 2020, online: 2020 EarthCube Annual Meeting
- 21 & 22 May 2020, online: Half-Day Workshops with WHOI's Carpentries Instructors-in-training
- 26-27 February 2020, Openscapes Champions Workshop at NOAA NEFSC Woods Hole
- 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, CA: Ocean Sciences Meeting
- 22 & 23 January 2020: WHOI's Data Science Training Camp
- 7-9 January 2020, Bethesda, MD: ESIP Winter Meeting
- December 2019, WHOI's Cloud Computing Survey: WHOI’s Ocean Informatics Working Group in collaboration with WHOI Information Services (IS) conducted a survey to learn how WHOI scientific and technical staff, postdocs, and students are interested in using cloud computing services for research and engineering.
- 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
- 21-23 October 2019, WHOI, Clark 507: Machine Learning Bootcamp
- 3-4 October 2019, WHOI: Software Carpentry workshop with Python and git
- 16-20 September 2019, Honolulu, HI: OceanObs’19
- 9-13 September 2019, Seattle WA: Geohackweek 2019
- 26-30 August 2019, Seattle WA: Oceanhackweek 2019
- June-July 2019, WHOI Data Science Summer Series (link to flyer)
- June 20, Research computing, tutorial: Introduction to and hands-on with Jetstream cloud computing platform led by Jeremy Fischer (Indiana Univ.)
- July 3, Artificial intelligence, panel discussion: Winning the Sub-Seasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo! Using data science skills to predict weather better with Ray Schmitt (WHOI P.O.) and sons Eric (Veryst Engineering) and Stephen (NetApp)
- July 22, Data analysis and visualization, tutorial: Introduction to Python Data Analysis Library (pandas) led by Joe Futrelle (WHOI IS)
- July 31, Bioinformatics, Smith Conf. Room, discussion: Speeding Up Science: Why and how to adopt new tools for bioinformatics with C. Titus Brown (UC Davis) and Harriet Alexander (WHOI Bio.) - 23 July 2019: Pangeo with Scott Henderson (UW eSci. Inst.)
- 15-19 July 2019, Tacoma, WA: ESIP Summer Meeting
- 8-14 July 2019, Austin, Texas: Annual SciPy Conference
- 12-14 June 2019, Denver, CO: EarthCube Annual Meeting
- 10-13 June 2019, Hamburg, Germany: Open Repositories 2019
- 2-4 April 2019, RDA's 13th Plenary Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
- February 2019 CUAHSI and UW eScience Cyberseminar Series
- 16 & 23 January 2019, WHOI: WHOI's first "Navigating an Ocean of Data" Training Camp (link to syllabus)
- 15-17 January 2019, Washington, D.C.: ESIP Winter Meeting
- 10-14 December 2018, Washington, D.C.: AGU Fall Meeting
- November 2018, Gaborone, Botswana: RDA's 12th Plenary Meeting - part of the International Data Week 2018
- 24 October 2018, WHOI: Special seminar by Dr. Julia Stewart Lowndes, "The power of open science: experience from the Ocean Health Index"
- 24 October 2018, WHOI: Lunch and Learn on Jupyter Notebooks by Joe Futrelle (WHOI IS)
- 10-12 October 2018, Oostende, Belgium: 6th Session of the IODE OceanDocs Steering Group
- 22-23 October 2018, WHOI: two-day Software Carpentry workshop with R and GitHub
- 21-23 September 2018, Gloucester, MA: Hack for the Sea
- 20-24 August 2018, University of Washington, Seattle: Oceanhackweek
- 15 August 2018, WHOI: Data Carpentry Python masterclass with Damien Irving ("Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists")
- 17-20 July 2018, Tucson, AZ: ESIP Summer Meeting
- 9-15 July 2018, Austin, TX: SciPy2018
- 14 June 2018, WHOI: Tyrone Lee for R Shiny Workshop (bring your laptop) workshop materials
- 11 June 2018, WHOI:Rich Signell for JupyterHub demo with OOI data (bring your laptop).
- 6-8 June 2018, Washington DC: EarthCube All Hands Meeting
- 9-10 May 2018: WHOI hosted a two-day Software Carpentry workshop with Python
- 13 April 2018: “LUNCH AND LEARN” Modeling topics and trends in NSF ocean sciences awards by Ivan Lima (WHOI MCG Dept.)
- 21-23 March 2018, Berlin, Germany: RDA 11th Plenary Meeting
- 16 March: WHOI IS Lunch-and-Learn "Using GPU acceleration, CUDA programming and Deep learning in ocean science," presented by Tyrone Lee and Joe Futrelle
- 11-16 February 2018, Portland, OR: Ocean Sciences Meeting
- 8-9 February 2018, Seattle, WA: U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Biological Data Training Workshop
- 9-11 January 2018, Bethesda, MD: ESIP Winter Meeting
- 11-15 December 2017, New Orleans, LA: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
- 24 October 2017, Lunch-and-Learn to discuss: Wilson G, Bryan J, Cranston K, Kitzes J, Nederbragt L, Teal TK (2017) Good enough practices in scientific computing. PLoS Comput Biol 13(6): e1005510.
- 17 and 24 October 2017, Video Conference Tutorials from the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)
(1) and (2) “Transform and visualize data in R using the packages “tidyr”, “dplyr” and “ggplot2”. - 1-6 October 2017, Ottawa, Canada: TDWG 2017 Annual Conference
- 19-21 September 2017, Montréal, Canada: RDA Tenth Plenary Meeting
- 6-7 September 2017, Alexandria, VA: NSF Large Facilities Cyberinfrastructure Workshop
- 25-28 July 2017, Bloomington, IN: ESIP Summer Meeting
- 10-16 July 2017, Austin, TX: SciPy 2017
- Summer Series: June 21, hands-on Git and GitHub workshop led by Joe Futrelle (Information Systems Specialist in IS) and co-sponsored by WHOI IS AppDevTeam
- Summer Series: June 20, “Introduction to code versioning and collaboration using GitHub” (led by Environmental Data Initiative)
- Summer Series: June 13, “Introduction to R” (led by Environmental Data Initiative)
- Summer Series: June 8, paper discussion: Lowndes et al. (2017) Our path to better science in less time using open data science tools. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, 0160, doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0160
- 7-9 June 2017, Seattle, WA: EarthCube 2017 All Hands Meeting
- 14 April 2017: Lunch-and-learn with WHOI's IS AppDev Team
- 6 April 2017, Worcester, MA: 9th Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium
- 5-7 April 2017, Barcelona, Spain: RDA Ninth Plenary Meeting
- 5 April 2017: EarthCube Tools Webinar included SeaView, a tool to help discover and integrate data in the ocean sciences, see recording at:
- 27-31 March 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Twenty-Fourth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXIV)
- 17 March 2017: application deadline for DataONE Summer Internship Program
- 26 Feb. - 3 March 2017, Honolulu: ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting (includes session: 024 - Supporting Data-intensive Freshwater and Marine Research: Integrating Informatics, Infrastructure, Databases and Open Science)
- 26 Feb., webcast: Workshop on Cyber Tools and Resources for Research at the Association for Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting. The full agenda and login details are at
- 15 February and 17 February 2017, Webinars: EarthCube Tools
- 14 February 2017, DataOne Webinar: Reproducible Science with Jupyter: Changing our publication models (Fernando Pérez)
- 27 January 2017, Smith Conf. Room: Open source software discussion
- 20 January 2017, EarthCube webinar: CINERGI
- 11-13 January 2017, Bethesda, MD: ESIP Winter Meeting
- 14 December 2016, 6 PM to 8 PM, Smith Conference Room: Hands-on tutorial for Docker containers with CapePy Study Group
- 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
- 9 December 2016, Boston, MA: Massachusetts Data Science Leadership Conference: Partnership Strategies to Win in a Digital World
- 5 December 2016, Washington D.C.: Workshop on Big Data Challenges, Research, and Technologies in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, part of IEEE International Big Data Conference 2016
- 12-14 November 2016, Washington DC: OpenCon 2016 conference
- 9-11 November 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland: PIDapalooza
- 8 and 10 November 2016, A taste of scientific workflows, two options, choose either or both flavors: A discussion of Computing Workflows for Biologists: A Roadmap by Shade and Teal (2015) PLOS Biology; A discussion of Dynamic Reusable Workflows for Ocean Science by Signell et al. (2016) J. Mar. Sci. Eng. [note: Rich Signell has a YouTube video that shows how to launch and run a notebook]
- 9 November 2016: OpenCon 2016 Boston, a satellite event of OpenCon 2016, a global conference for students and early-career researchers to learn about open access, open data, and open education.
- 26 October 2016: CapePy Python input/output and time series data using Pandas package
- 25 October 2016: Open Access: the power of one (or, how one individual moved a research institution towards adopting an open access policy)
- 25 October 2016: Ocean Informatics meeting to discuss goals for next year
- 7 October 2016, 2pm Eastern, webinar: ECOGEO: 'Omics Training: Introduction to Environmental 'Omics using a Unix-based Virtual Machine
- 11-16 September 2016, Denver, CO: International Data Week
- 11-13 September 2016, Denver, CO: SciDataCon 2016
- 8-9 September 2016, Boulder, CO: workshop on "The Rescue of Data At Risk" organized by the joint CODATA Task Group for 'Data At Risk' and the RDA Interest Group on 'Data Rescue’
- 3 August 2016, WHOI: Special seminar: Tools to help you cope with data. Demo and conversation with Dr. C. Titus Brown, UC Davis and Moore Foundation Data Driven Discovery (DDD) Investigator
- 19-22 July 2016, Chapel Hill, NC: ESIP Summer Meeting
- 11-16 July 2016, Austin, TX: Mini-symposium on Reproducibility at SciPy2016 (contact recent JP alum Harriet Alexander)
- 7 July 2016, noon, WHOI Redfield Aud.: Dr. C. Titus Brown, "Effectively infinite: how can we ask questions of environmental sequencing data sets?"
- 6-8 July 2016, Denver, CO: EarthCube All Hands Meeting
- 29 June 2016, MBL: Best Practices In Record Keeping And Data Management
- 27 June 2016, WHOI: Carly Strasser, Program Officer for the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation's Data-Driven Discovery initiative, "Come In, We’re Open: The Changing Culture of Research"
- 22 June 2016, WHOI: Joe Futrelle CapePy study group
- 9 June 2016, webinar, "Dive into Docker" (an open platform for distributed applications that makes it easy to deploy services with complicated dependencies)
- 25 May 2016, CapePy Python Study Group, Joe Futrelle presented SciPy
- 11 May - 22 June 2016, free, online course from Esri for ArcGIS Online: "Going Places with Spatial Analysis"
- 4 & 6 May 2016, at WHOI: Hands-on tutorial for OOI data access [Update: see the OOI YouTube Channel for video tutorials]
- 20 April 2016, WHOI's Smith Conference Room: Joe Futrelle presented the use of Numpy to Cape Python Study Group
- 11-29 April 2016, free, three-week, online course from University of Southampton: "Introduction to Linked Data and the Semantic Web"
- 1 April 2016, EarthCube webinar, "Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS): Lowering barriers to real-time data integration" (link to webinar)
- 23 March 2016, CapePy Python Study Group, Joe Futrelle presentation
- 11 March 2016, EarthCube webinar: Cyber Tools for Research: A Tour through the Hardware Store of Useful Tools for Managing your Data and Research Work (link to webinar)
- 8 March 2016, DataOne webinar: Research Computing Skills for Scientists: Lessons, Challenges, and Opportunities from Software Carpentry
- 21-26 Feb. 2016, New Orleans, LA: Ocean Sciences Meeting, sessions in "Ocean Observing and Data Management"
- 15 January 2016: deadline for RFI period to submit input on the USGEO Draft Common Framework for Earth-Observation Data
- 6-8 January 2016, Washington, D.C.: ESIP Winter Meeting
- 5-7 January 2016, Arlington, VA: OOI Coastal Arrays Community Workshop
- 14-18 December 2015, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
- 20 November 2015, 1hr webinar, Doing geoscience with Earthcube tools
- 9 November 2015, 10am PDT/1pm Eastern: 3hr webinar, Geoscience Papers of the Future (
- 8-12 November 2015, Portland, OR: CERF 2015, includes "Making Data Work" session
- 4-6 November 2015, Redlands, CA: Esri Ocean GIS Forum
- 29 October - 1 November 2015, Santa Clara, CA: Big Data in the Geosciences - A workshop to be held at the 2015 IEEE International Big Data Conference
- 28-29 September 2015, Boulder, CO: Third Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE3)
- 17 Sept. 2015, 11am - noon, Clark 2-37, WHOI: Semi-annual meeting of WHOI Ocean Informatics Advisory group
- 16 September 2015, 10am PDT/1pm Eastern: 3hr webinar, Geoscience Papers of the Future (
- 3-4 September 2015, WHOI: Software Carpentry Bootcamp, - 28 August 2015, online community webinar: EarthCube Oceanography and Geobiology Environmental 'Omics (ECOGEO) Research Coordination Network
- 24 August 2015, WHOI: DMP Tool for collaborative data management planning
- 17 August 2015, WHOI: Dr. Yolanda Gil, Special Seminar: Software Matters: Shedding Light on the Dark Software of Science; Afternoon Workshop: Geoscience Papers of the Future
- 14-17 July 2015, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA: ESIP Summer Meeting
- 10 July 2015, Austin, TX: Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2.1), to be held in conjunction with SciPy2015
- 9 July 2015, WHOI Special Seminar by Graham Allen, BODC, "Marine science and research priorities in the UK: a personal perspective from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)"
- 22-25 June 2015, Boulder, CO: 2015 Unidata Users Workshop, “Data-Driven Geoscience: Applications, Opportunities, Trends, and Challenges,” note: students can apply for travel award
- 3 June 2015, Boulder, Colorado: Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) summit, "GeoSemantics: Standards Intersect Ontologies"
- 29 May 2015, OneNOAA webinar: Cyndy Chandler "International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE): Highlights of 23rd Session"
- 27-29 May 2015, Arlington, VA: EarthCube All-Hands Meeting
- 29 April 2015, WHOI AOPE seminar by Joe Futrelle, "Getting Control of Your Own Code: Dead-Simple Version Control with Github Gists”
- 12-17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria: EGU General Assembly
- 8-10 April 2015, La Jolla, CA: EarthCube Tech Hands Meeting
- 30 March - 2 April 2015, Charleston, South Carolina: Coastal GeoTools
- 25-26 March 2015, Berkeley, CA: Scope & Vision of EarthCube Enabled Science
- 23-25 March 2015, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY: Data Carpentry Genomics Workshop Hackathon
- 9-11 March 2015, San Diego, CA: Research Data Alliance Fifth Plenary Meeting
- 27-28 February 2015, London, UK: EnviroHack 2015
- 27 February 2015: Semi-annual meeting for WHOI Ocean Informatics advisory group
- 26-27 February 2015, Washington, DC, or online: Statistical Challenges in Assessing and Fostering the Reproducibility of Scientific Results: A Workshop
- 15 Jan. 2015, WHOI: Using for Data Management Planning (link to presentation)
- 6-8 Jan. 2015, Washington, D.C.: ESIP Winter Meeting
- 15-19 Dec. 2014, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
- 11-13 Dec. 2014, San Francisco, CA: EarthCube End User Workshop: Increasing Access to and Relevance of Marine Seismic Data
- 16 November 2014, New Orleans, LA, 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2)
- 5-7 November 2014, Redlands, CA: 2014 Esri Ocean GIS Forum
- 3-4 November 2014, NYC: NSF DataViz Hackathon for Polar CyberInfrastructure
- 2-3 October 2014, AGU conference to discuss data availability and archiving (follow-up will be Thurs. at AGU Fall Meeting)
- 2 October 2014: RDA/WDS: Publishing Data Webinar
- 24-25 September 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: EUDAT conference
- 24 September 2014, Lillie MBL: Data Library's research data management presentation
- 22-24 September 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Research Data Alliance Fourth Plenary Meeting
- 9-11 Sept. 2014, Silver Spring, MD: 5th Annual NOAA Environmental Data Management Workshop
- 2-4 Sept. 2014, Santa Barbara, CA, Open Science Codefest
- 5 August 2014: EarthCube Informational Webinar (from Headlines: The Test Governance Team is currently seeking participation from members of the Geosciences disciplines to participate in committees and teams for their demonstration phase that is scheduled to begin in October of this year.)
- 24 July 2014: WHOI Ocean Informatics advisory group meeting
- 20 July 2014: deadline for applications to Research Data Alliance/U.S. Fellows (for graduate students, postdocs, and early career)
- 17 or 21 July 2014: EarthCube Community Webinar on Standing Committees and Teams
- 17 July 2014, WHOI: Intro to IPython Notebooks for bioinformatics group (see PDF link in "Related Files" below)
- 8-11 July 2014, Frisco, Colorado, ESIP Summer Meeting
- 24-26 June 2014, Washington, D.C.: EarthCube All Hands meeting
- 17-19 June 2014, Boulder, CO: GeoData 2014
- 13 June 2014, noon, EarthCube Community Webinar
- 9 June 2014, proposal deadline for NSF Critical Techniques and Technologies for Advancing Big Data Science & Engineering (BIGDATA)
- 2-3 June 2014, GeoMapApp workshop, LDEO, Columbia University
- 19-21 May 2014, USGS conference room, Woods Hole: Use Case Training for the Woods Hole Research Community (P. Fox, F. Lightsom, S. Beaulieu)
- 15 May 2014, WHOI: Informatics discussion for WHOI acoustics researchers (see PDF link in "Related Files" below)
- 27 April - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria, European Geosciences Union General Assembly
- 11-12 April 2014, online option, NRC Workshop on Training Students to Extract Value from Big Data
- 10 April 2014, WHOI: Coping With Data workshop for JP students with alum Carly Strasser
- 8 April 2014, proposal deadline for NSF Cyber-Innovation for Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES)
- 26-28 March 2014, San Diego, CA: Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2014
- 26-28 March 2014, Dublin, Ireland: Research Data Alliance third plenary meeting
- 12 March 2014, deadline for EarthCube solicitation 13-529
- 24 February 2014, deadline for GBMF Data-Driven Discovery Investigator Competition
- 23-28 February 2014, Honolulu, HI: Ocean Sciences Meeting
- 7 Feb. 2014, discussion on research data publication, led by Data Librarian Audrey Mickle, WHOI (link to WHOI data publication webpage)
- 27 January 2014, NSF Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI), Solicitation Information Webinar
- 8-10 January 2014, Washington, DC, ESIP Winter Meeting
- 2 January 2014,, meeting of the Ocean Informatics advisory group
- 19 December 2013, EarthCube webinar, Q & A session about the solicitation 13-529 due March 12, 2014
- 9-13 December 2013, San Francisco, CA: AGU Fall Meeting
- 22 November 2013, 1st EarthCube community-wide webinar
- 14-15 November 2013, Woods Hole: Software Carpentry boot camp
- 8 November 2013, MBLWHOI Library lunchtime "conversation" about the ORCID registry
- 28 Octob.-1 November 2013, TDWG 2013 "Virtual Communities for Biodiversity Science"
- 23-24 October 2013, NCEAS, Santa Barbara, CA: EarthCube End-User Workshop 2: Developing a Community Vision of Cyberinfrastructure Needs for Coral Reef Systems Science
- 19-21 October 2013, Dania Beach, FL: International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) Conference
- 9 October 2013, 10AM, Smith Conf. Room, Woods Hole: "Working with the NODC to get the most value out of your data, " a presentation and discussion with Krisa Arzayus, Chief of Marine Data Stewardship Division and Acting Division Chief of the Ocean Climate Laboratory at NOAA's National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC).
- 7-8 October 2013, Woods Hole: EarthCube End-User Workshop: Articulating Cyberinfrastructure Needs of the Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics Community
- 23-25 September 2013, Italy: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems
- 17 & 24 September 2013: UMassD Scientific Computing Workshop
- 16-18 September 2013, DC: Research Data Alliance (RDA) Second Plenary Meeting: Open Research Data
- 21-23 August 2013, Catalina Island: EarthCube 'omics workshop
- 26 July 2013, Coping With Your Data: WHOI Data Solutions and Resources Workshop