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In the ice

Going Through Ice

January 10 2019 (Note: this is #11 in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica aboard the Laurence M. Gould). Yesterday was another set of firsts for me, filled with moments where I was struck with, “Wow, I’m really in Antarctica.” We’ve moved steadily southward, zig-zagging toward and away from the coast…

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“Foul weather embroidery,” is that really a thing?

Net Repair

January 9, 2019 (Note: this is #10 in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica aboard the Laurence M. Gould). One thing I like about being in the field is that problems happen and you have to deal with them. I guess that’s true of life in general, but in the field,…

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January 8 2019 (Note: this is #9 in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica aboard the Laurence M. Gould). I’m on my 9th post about this copepod project and I’m finally showing my first picture of a copepod! It sounds a little strange, but the logistics of working here are pretty extreme.…

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Welcoming Committee

Welcoming Committee

January 7 2019 (Note: this is #8 in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica aboard the Laurence M. Gould). Photos in this post courtesy of Patricia Thibodeaux. On our second day of sampling, I got my first chance to help deploy the 2-m plankton net. The net is big and heavy,…

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And finally…nets away!

Joe with Nets

January 6 2019 (Note: this is #7 in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica aboard the Laurence M. Gould). It was a beautiful day. The seas were calm and the sun was shining, …AND ten days after leaving the states, we finally got to take our first zooplankton sample! We towed…

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Departing Palmer

Departing Palmer

January 5 2019 (Note: this is #6 in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica aboard the Laurence M. Gould). As we left Palmer Station around 10 am, it felt surprisingly bittersweet. I was energized and excited to start sampling, but as I watched the bowlines detach from shore one by one,…

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Getting ready to roll out

Plunge Site

January 4 2019 Note: this is the fifth in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica about the Laurence M. Gould. Click here for a brief description of the project.     Another note: Before I talk about today’s events, check out the picture above…this is where we did the “Polar Plunge” yesterday. Today started…

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Palmer Station


January 3 2019 (Note: this is the fourth in a series of posts describing my NSF-sponsored fieldwork in Antarctica about the Laurence M. Gould. For a brief description of the project, please visit Today we pulled into Palmer Station, where we will spend the next two days. I was excited to explore, but first we…

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A first glimpse

Antarctic Peninsula

January 2 2019 Today we finished crossing the Drake Passage, I got my first glimpse of the Antarctic Peninsula. As we approached Smith Island, I learned firsthand how hard it is for an unskilled photographer to capture the majestic scale of the Antarctic landscape. Up on the bridge, the excitement was palpable as we looked…

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Ringing in the new year

On the Water

Last night I joined in the LTER New Years Eve tradition of playing bingo. People who were “in the know” brought in a variety of quirky items to serve as prizes. Since I was new to this, I scrounged up some chocolate to donate to the prize kitty. I won the fourth game! My prize…

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