Current Projects
Advancing Understanding of Coastal Dynamics
Horizontal stirring over the shelf: My most recent work sought to understand what drives the spatial and temporal characteristics of variability at these scales (2-20 km) over the shelf, and the cascade of energy present, using a unique array of HFR systems. This is a challenging measurement problem, requiring years of continuous, accurate observations of surface currents on space and time scales of kms and 10s of minutes over large areas of the shelf, along with in situ winds and hydrography from moorings and autonomous vehicles. Initial results on the wavenumber spectra of eddy kinetic energy can be found here, but work understanding the implications on the vorticity of coastal flows is ongoing.
Temperature controls on the inner shelf: My work on depth-dependent exchange dynamics has examined the role of friction and surface gravity waves on exchange across the inner part of the shelf. Recently, I have worked to understand what processes buffer inner shelf temperature variability and --importantly– reduce the maximum temperatures observed in warm summer months. Working with a postdoc, Emily Lemagie, we examined the interannual and intraseasonal variability of the summer heat balance of the Oregon inner shelf from two decades of observations. Future work seeks determine the regional importance of the relative contributions of heat flux components and their implications for coastal temperatures in a changing climate.
Near surface ocean dynamics in the coastal zone: This effort, with Greg Gerbi from the University of Maine, seeks to understand the dynamics of currents in the upper meters of the coastal ocean, including the ways in which surface gravity waves modify near- surface flows. Using a unique long term dataset of high-quality near-surface HF radar-based currents paired with in situ upward-looking ADCP- based velocities over the open shelf, we are examining the dynamics of currents in the upper meters of the coastal ocean and evaluating these observations against a series of one-dimensional numerical models of the boundary layer.
Advancing Observations of the Coastal Zone
The development of new observational methods have enabled me to push sensors to their limit of accuracy to achieve new scientific understanding of the coastal zone. A key contribution of my initial work at WHOI was using the velocity observations of acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) to observe Reynolds stresses over short and long time scales. Throughout much of the last 15 years, I have worked to design, install, and operate systems of land-based high frequency radars (HFRs) measuring the surface of the coastal ocean. This work has utilized novel multi-antenna HFR deployments and advanced direction finding methods to improve the accuracy and resolution of surface current observations. Additionally, we are working to develop new products from the core radar observations, such as surface wind and wave estimates.
Long term observations of the coastal zone
NOAA IOOS data collector: Since 2012, I have been actively engaged in NOAA’s regional coastal ocean observing systems that benefit both science users and the general public. Via support from NERACOOS and MARACOOS, I contribute realtime observations to the U.S. national network for surface current monitoring. At present, my lab runs nine HFR stations spanning from Rhode Island to Maine, with an additional four being installed in the coming 2-3 years.
NOAA IOOS data collector: Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory: Since 2019, I have served as the chief scientist of WHOI’s Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Ocean Observatory (MVCO), a 20+ year observatory with a mission to provide a long-term platform in the ocean for sensor testing and scientific studies.
Offshore Wind Energy: Since 2016, I have led a Metocean Reference Station for energy and climate at the MVCO. This site has collected 6+ years of high quality hub-height wind observations that are publicly available for all ocean users here. Additionally, since 2021, I have served as the lead-PI on the Offshore Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP-3), funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.