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Dr. Juan Pablo Canales

Senior Scientist
Geology & Geophysics

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Contact Information:
Work: 508-289-2893
Building: Clark South 272-D

Mailing Address:
266 Woods Hole Road, MS #24
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Research Interests

I use geophysical methods such as 2D/3D seismic tomography, seismic reflection imaging, waveform inversion, and potential fields to investigate processes along tectonic plate boundaries and the evolution of the oceanic lithosphere.

In particular, I am interested in:

- faulting, magmatism, and hydrothermal circulation at mid-oceand ridges

- subduction zone processes

- continental rifting

- crustal hydration and alteration

- lithospheric flexure and intra-plate volcanism

Selected Recent Publications

  • Jian, H., J.P. Canales, R.A Dunn, M.R. Nedimović (2024) Hydrothermal flow and serpentinization in oceanic core complexes controlled by mafic intrusions, Nat. Geosci., 17, 566-571, doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01444-y.
  • Canales, J.P., N.C. Miller, W. Baldwin, S.M. Carbotte, S. Han, B. Boston, H. Jian, J. Collins, D. Lizarralde (2023)CASIE21-OBS: An Open-Access, OBS Controlled-Source Seismic Dataset for Investigating the Structure and Properties of the Cascadia Accretionary Wedge and the Downgoing Explorer-Juan de Fuca-Gorda Plate System, Seismol. Res. Lett., doi:10.1785/0220230010.
  • Canales, J.P., S.M. Carbotte, M.R.Nedimović, and H. Carton (2017) Dry Juan de Fuca slab revealed by quantification of water entering Cascadia subduction zone, Nat. Geosci., 10(11), 864-870, doi:10.1038/ngeo3050.



Michael Everett Mann (2022-2022)

Vashan Wright (2020-2021)

Hanchao Jian (2019-2022)


Liam Moser (2020-present MIT-WHOI Joint Program)

Bhargav Boddupalli, Univ. of Southampton (2018 WHOI Guest Student)

Gregory Horning (2011-2017 MIT-WHOI Joint Program)

Min Xu (2006-2012 MIT-WHOI Joint Program)

Shaunak Gosh (2009 WHOI Summer Student Fellow)

Sreeja Nag (2007 WHOI Summer Student Fellow)


1997 - Ph.D. Geophysics. University of Barcelona-Institute of Earth Sciences (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain

1993 - M.S. Geophysics. University of Barcelona-Institute of Earth Sciences (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain

1991 - B.S. Physics. University of Barcelona, Spain