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Abstracts from papers within the last 5 years are displayed here - please go to the cited journal to access the full papers.  Copyright restrictions of the journals apply.

*Le Bras, I. A., M. Sonnewald and J. M. Toole, 2019.  A vorticity budget for the Western North Atlantic based on observations.  Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 2781-2797, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0111.1.


To ground truth the large-scale dynamical balance of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre with observations, a barotropic vorticity budget is constructed in the ECCO state estimate and compared with hydrographic observations and wind stress data products. The hydrographic dataset at the center of this work is the A22 WOCE section, which lies along 668W and creates a closed volume with the North and South American coasts to its west. The planetary vorticity flux across A22 is quantified, providing a metric for the net meridional flow in the western subtropical gyre. The wind stress forcing over the subtropical gyre to the west and east of the A22 section is calculated from several wind stress data products. These observational budget
terms are found to be consistent with an approximate barotropic Sverdrup balance in the eastern subtropical gyre and are on the same order as budget terms in the ECCO state estimate. The ECCO vorticity budget is closed by bottom pressure torques in the western subtropical gyre, which is consistent with previous studies. In sum, the analysis provides observational ground truth for the North Atlantic subtropical vorticity balance and explores the seasonal variability of this balance for the first time using the ECCO state estimate. This balance is found to hold on monthly time scales in ECCO, suggesting that the integrated subtropical gyre responds to forcing through fast barotropic adjustment.


*Andres, A., K. A. Donohue, and J. M. Toole, 2019.  The Gulf Stream’s path, time-averaged velocity structure and transport at 68.5˚W and 70.3˚W.  Deep-Sea Research, I,


Full-ocean-depth observations of horizontal velocity, temperature and salinity along 68.5 W chiefly over the period October 2010–May 2014 are analyzed in conjunction with repeated shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (SADCP) upper-ocean velocity sections occupied upstream at 70.3 W and regional satellite-altimeter based sea surface height (SSH) data to construct estimates of the time-averaged Gulf Stream velocity, property structures and transport. A stream-coordinate mean section is created from two moorings near 68.5 W where data are binned relative to distance from the Gulf Stream axis, rotated into along- and across-stream coordinates, and then averaged. Transport in the upper 600 m inferred from the moorings excluding times of large Stream axis curvature and Gulf Stream ring influences is 59.9 Sv (with 95% confidence bounds between 58.6 and 61.6 Sv). This is in good agreement with a mean constructed from the SADCP sections at 70.3 W. Relative to the mean field at 70.3 W, the velocity core of the time-averaged Stream at 68.5 W appears broader with weaker maximum speed, consistent with a companion analysis of the altimetric SSH data. The time-averaged full-ocean depth
transport inferred from the moorings is 102.1 Sv (with 95% confidence bounds between 99.1 and 106.3 Sv), which is stronger than the mean inferred from an ensemble of 10 full-depth lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP) sections collected along the moored array. The 2010–2014 time-averaged Gulf Stream inferred from the moored observations is weaker by about 10% than the time-averaged full-ocean-depth transport reported for the late 1980s at the same location using similar procedures, with much of this difference arising from flows at depths greater than 1000 m. Satellite altimetry provides spatial and temporal context for these results and suggests that there are small-scale recirculation cells flanking the separated Gulf Stream west of the New England Seamount Chain. Gulf Stream transport, which includes throughput and recirculating components, appears to be more sensitive to changes in these recirculations at 68.5 W compared to 70.3 W.

*Proshutinsky,  A., R. Krishfield, J. Toole, M.- L. Timmermans, W. Williams, S. Zimmerman, M. Yamamoto-Kawai, T. W. K. Armitage, D. Dukhovskoy, E. Golubeva, G. E. Manucharyan, G. Platov and E. Watanabe, 2019.  Analysis of the Beaufort Gyre freshwater content in 2003-2018.  Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 124.


Hydrographic data collected from research cruises, bottom‐anchored moorings, drifting Ice‐Tethered Profilers, and satellite altimetry in the Beaufort Gyre region of the Arctic Ocean document an increase of more than 6,400 km3 of liquid freshwater content from 2003 to 2018: a 40% growth relative to the climatology of the 1970s. This fresh water accumulation is shown to result from persistent anticyclonic atmospheric wind forcing (1997–2018) accompanied by sea ice melt, a wind‐forced redirection of Mackenzie River discharge from predominantly eastward to westward flow, and a contribution of low salinity waters of Pacific Ocean origin via Bering Strait. Despite significant uncertainties in the different observations, this study has demonstrated the synergistic value of having multiple diverse datasets to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Beaufort Gyre freshwater content variability. For example, Beaufort Gyre Observational System (BGOS) surveys clearly show the interannual increase in freshwater content, but without satellite or Ice‐Tethered Profiler measurements, it is not possible to resolve the seasonal cycle of freshwater content, which in fact is larger than the year‐to‐year variability, or the more subtle
interannual variations.

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  • Polzin, Kurt L., John M. Toole, James R. Ledwell, and Raymond W. Schmitt, 1997.  Spatial variability of turbulent mixing in the abyssal ocean.  Science, 276, 93–96.
  • Ledwell, J. R., E. T. Montgomery, K. L. Polzin, L. C. St. Laurent, R. W. Schmitt, and J. M. Toole, 2000.  Evidence for enhanced mixing over rough topography in the abyssal ocean. Nature, 403(6766), 179–182
  • Peters, H., M. C. Gregg, and J. M. Toole, 1988.  On the parameterization of equatorial turbulence.  Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 1199–1218.
  • Gouriou, Yves, and John M. Toole, 1993.  Mean circulation of the upper layers of the western equatorial Pacific Ocean.  Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 22,495–22,520.
  • Polzin, Kurt L., John M. Toole, and Raymond W. Schmitt, 1995. Finescale parameterizations of turbulent dissipation.  Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, 306–328.
  • Toole, John M., Kurt L. Polzin, and Raymond W. Schmitt, 1994.  Estimates of diapycnal mixing in the abyssal ocean. Science, 264, 1120–1123.
  • Toole, John M., and Bruce A. Warren, 1993.  A hydrographic section across the subtropical South Indian Ocean.  Deep-Sea Research40(10), 1973–2019.