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  1. Remsen, C. C., S. W. Watson, J. B. Waterbury and H. G. Trüper. Fine structure of Ectothiorhodospira mobilis Pelsh. J. Bact. 95: 2374-2392 (1968).
  2. Watson, S. W. and J. B. Waterbury. The Sterile Hot Brines of the Red Sea. In: E. T. Degens and D. A. Ross (eds.), Hot Brines and Recent Heavy Metal Deposits in the Red Sea. Springer-Verlag, New York (1969).
  3. Watson, S. W. and J. B. Waterbury. Characteristics of two marine nitrite oxidizing bacteria, Nitrospina gracilis nov. gen. nov. sp. and Nitrococcus mobilis nov. gen. nov. sp. Arch. Mikrobiol. 77: 203-230 (1971).
  4. Rippka, R., J.B. Waterbury and G. Cohen-Bazire. A cyanobacterium which lacks thylakoids. Arch. Mikrobiol. 100: 419-436 (1974).
  5. Krumbein, W. E., R. Rippka and J. B. Waterbury. Schematische bakteriologische Gliederung der Cyanophyten im Vergleich zur Phykologischen. pp. 107-130. In: W. E. Krumbein (ed.), Cyanobakterien - Bakterien oder Algen? 1. Oldenburger Symposium über Cyanobakterien, 1977 - Taxonomische Stellung und Ökologie – ISBN 3-8142-000-4 (1977).
  6. Waterbury, J. and R. Y. Stanier. Two unicellular cyanobacteria which reproduce by budding. Arch. Mikrobiol. 115: 249-257 (1977).
  7. Rippka, R. and J. B. Waterbury. The synthesis of nitrogenase by non-heterocystous cyanobacteria. FEMS. Microbiology Letters 2: 83-86 (1977).
  8. Waterbury, J. and R. Y. Stanier. Patterns of growth and development in pleurocapsalean cyanobacteria. Microbiol. Rev. 42: 2-44 (1978).
  9. Waterbury, J. B., S. W. Watson, R. R. L. Guillard and L. E. Brand. Widespread occurrence of a unicellular, marine, planktonic cyanobacterium. Nature 277: 293 -294 (1979).
  10. Herdman, M., M. Janvier, J. B. Waterbury, R. Rippka, R. Y. Stanier and M. Mandel. Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition of cyanobacteria. J. Gen. Microbiol. 111: 63-71 (1979).
  11. Rippka, R., J. Deruelles, J. B. Waterbury, M. Herdman and R. Y. Stanier. Generic assignments, strain histories and properties of pure cultures of cyanobacteria. J. Gen. Microbiol. 111: 1-61 (1979).
  12. Waterbury, J. B. Developmental patterns in Pleurocapsalean Cyanobacteria. In: J. H. Parish (ed.), The Developmental Biology of Prokaryotes. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Ltd. Oxford, pp. 203-226 (1979).
  13. Rippka, R., J. B. Waterbury and R. Y. Stanier. Isolation and purification of cyanobacteria: Some general principles. In: M. P. Starr, H. Stolp, H. G. Trüper, A. Balows and H. G. Schlegel (eds.), The Prokaryotes. Springer Verlag, pp. 212- 220 (1981).
  14. Rippka, R., J. B. Waterbury and R. Y. Stanier. Provisional generic assignments for cyanobacteria. In: M. P. Starr, H. Stolp, H. G. Trüper, A. Balows and H. G. Schlegel (eds.), The Prokaryotes. Springer Verlag, pp. 247-256 (1981).
  15. Waterbury, J. B. and R. Y. Stanier. Isolation and growth of cyanobacteria from marine and hypersaline environments. In: M. P. Starr, H. Stolp, H. G. Trüper, A. Balows and H. G. Schlegel (eds.), The Prokaryotes. Springer Verlag, pp. 221-223 (1981).
  16. Watson, S. W., F. W. Valois and J. B. Waterbury. The Family Nitrobacteraceae. In: M. P. Starr, H. Stolp, H. G. Trüper, A. Balows and H. G. Schlegel (eds.), The Prokaryotes. Springer Verlag, pp. 1005-1002 (1981).
  17. Cavanaugh, C. M., S. L. Gardiner, M. L. Jones, H. W. Jannasch and J. B. Waterbury. Prokaryotic cells in the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila Jones: Possible chemoautotrophic symbionts. Science 213: 340-342 (1981).
  18. Nelson, D. C., J. B. Waterbury and H. W. Jannasch. Nitrogen fixation and nitrate utilization by marine and freshwater Beggiatoa. Arch. Microbiol. 133: 172-177 (1982).
  19. Waterbury, J. B., C. B. Calloway and R. D. Turner. A cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacterium cultured from the gland of Deshayes in shipworms (Bivalvia: Teredinidae). Science 221: 1401-1403 (1983).
  20. Ong, L. J., A. N. Glazer and J. B. Waterbury. An unusual phycoerythrin from a marine cyanobacterium. Science 224: 80-83 (1984).
  21. Cuhel, R. L. and J. B. Waterbury. Biochemical composition and short term nutrient incorporation patterns in a unicellular marine cyanobacterium, Synechococcus (WH 7803). Limnol. Oceanogr. 29: 370-374 (1984).
  22. Gibson, J., N. Pfennig and J. B. Waterbury. Chloroherpeton thalassium gen. nov. et sp. nov., a non-filamentous, flexing and gliding green sulfur bacterium. Arch. Microbiol. 138: 96-101 (1984).
  23. Nelson, D. C., J. B. Waterbury and H. W. Jannasch. DNA base composition and genome size of the prokaryotic symbiont in Riftia pachyptila (Pogonophora). FEMS Microbiol. Let. 24: 267-271 (1984).
  24. Wood, M. A., P. K. Horan, K. Muirhead, D. A. Phinney, C. M. Yentsch and J. B. Waterbury. Discrimination between pigment types of marine Synechococcus sp. by scanning spectroscopy, epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30: 1302-1315 (1985).
  25. Waterbury, J. B., J. M. Willey, D. G. Franks, F. W. Valois and S. W. Watson. A cyanobacterium capable of swimming motility. Science 230: 74-76 (1985).
  26. Watson, S. W., E. Bock, F. W. Valois, J. B. Waterbury and U. Schlosser. Nitrospira marina gen. nov., sp. nov.: a chemolithotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium. Arch. Microbiol. 144: 1-7 (1986).
  27. Pichinoty, F., J. B. Waterbury, M. Mandel and J. Assellineau. Bacillus gordonea sp. nov., Une Nouvelle Espèce Appartenant Au Second Groupe Morphologique, Dégradant Diverse Composés Aromatiques. Ann. Inst. Pasteur/Microbiol. 137A: 65-78 (1986).
  28. Waterbury, J. B., S. W. Watson, F. W. Valois and D. G. Franks. Biologial and Ecological Characterization of the Marine Unicellular Cyanobacterium Synechococcus. In: T. Platt and W. Li (eds.), Photosynthetic Picoplankton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Bull. 214: 71-120 (1986).
  29. Willey, J. M., C. P. Greenberg and J. B. Waterbury. Sodium-coupled motility in a swimming cyanobacterium. J. Bacteriol. 169: 3429-3434 (1987).
  30. Chisholm, S. W., R. J. Olson, E. R. Zettler, R. Goericke, J. B. Waterbury and N. Welschmeyer. A novel free-living prochlorophyte abundant in the oceanic euphotic zone. Nature 334: 340-343 (1988).
  31. Waterbury, J. B. and J. M. Willey. Isolation and growth of marine planktonic cyanobacteria. Methods in Enzymology 167: 100-105 (1988).
  32. Castenholz, R. and J. B. Waterbury. Introduction to Cyanobacteria. In: N. R. Krieg and J. G. Holt (eds.), Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. 3, pp. 1710-1728. Williams and Wilkens (1989).
  33. Waterbury, J. B. The order Pleurocapsales. In: N. R. Krieg and J. G. Holt (eds.), Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. 3, pp. 1746-1770. Williams and Wilkens (1989).
  34. Waterbury, J. B. and R. Rippka. The order Chroococcales. In: N. R. Krieg and J. B. Holt (eds.), Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Vol. 3, pp. 1728- 1746. Williams and Wilkens (1989).
  35. Willey, J. M. and J. B. Waterbury. Chemotaxis toward nitrogenous compounds by swimming strains of marine Synechococcus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55: 1888-1894 (1989).
  36. Distel, D. L., E. F. DeLong and J. B. Waterbury. Phylogenetic characterization and in situ localization of the bacterial symbiont of shipworms (Teredinidae: Bivalvia) using 16S rRNA sequence analysis and oligodeoxynucleotide probe hybridization. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57: 2376 -2382. (1991).
  37. Caron, D. A., E. L. Lim, G. Miceli, J. B. Waterbury and F. W. Valois. Grazing of chroococcoid cyanobacteria in laboratory cultures and a coastal plankton community: relative importance of cyanobacterial and bacterial biomass to the diets of protozoa. Mar. Biol. Prog. Ser. 76: 205-217. (1991).
  38. Waterbury, J. B. The Cyanobacteria: Isolation, Purification and Identification. In: A. Balows, M. Dworkin, H. G. Schlegel and H. Trüper (eds.), The Prokaryotes 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 2058-2078 (1991).
  39. Chisholm, S. W., S. L. Frankel, R. Goericke, R. J. Olson, B. Palenik, J. B. Waterbury, L. West-Johnsrud and E. R. Zettler. Prochlorococcus marinus nov. gen. nov. sp.: An oxyphototrophic marine prokaryote containing divinyl chlorophyll a and b. Archiv. Microbiol. 157: 297-300 (1992).
  40. Waterbury, J. B. and F. W. Valois. Resistance to co-occurring phages enables marine Synechococcus to co-exist with cyanophages abundant in seawater. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 3393-3399 (1993).
  41. Gallager, S., D. Stoecker and J. B. Waterbury. Efficient grazing and utilization of the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. by larvae of the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria. Mar. Biol. 119: 251-259 (1994).
  42. Dunlap, P. V., K. Kita-Tsukamoto, J. B. Waterbury and S. M. Callahan. Isolation and characterization of a visibly luminous variant of Vibrio fischeri strain ES114 from the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes. Arch. Microbiol. 164: 194-202 (1995).
  43. Urbach, E., D. J. Scanlan, D. L. Distel, J. B. Waterbury, and S. W. Chisholm. Rapid Diversification of Marine Picophytoplankton with Dissimilar Light -Harvesting Structures Inferred from Sequences of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus (Cyanobacteria). J. Mol. Evol. 46:188-201 (1998).
  44. Zehr, J. P., J. B. Waterbury, P.J. Turner, J. Montoya, E. Omoregie G.F. Steward, A. Hansen and D. M. Karl. Unicellular cyanobacteria fix N2 in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean. Nature 412: 635-638. (2001).
  45. Herdman, M., R.W. Castenholz, I. Iteman, J.B. Waterbury and R. Rippka. The Cyanobacteria: Subsection 1 (Formerly Chroococcales Wettstein 1924, emend. Rippka, Deruelles, Waterbury. Herdman and Stanier 1979) In D.R. Boone and R. W. Castenholz (eds.) Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Springer New York pgs 493-514. (2001).
  46. Rippka, R., J.B. Waterbury, M. Herdman and R. W. Castenholz. The Cyanobacteria: Subsection 2 (formerly Pleurocapsales Geitler 1925, emend. Waterbury and Stanier 1978) pgs. 514-539. (2001).
  47. Lugomela, C., B. Bergman and J.B. Waterbury. Cyanobacterial diversity and nitrogen fixation in coastal areas around Zanzibar Tanzania. Arch. Hydrobiol.Suppl. 140, Algological Studies 103: 95-115 (2001). 48.
  48. Webb, E. A. , J.W. Moffett and J. B. Waterbury. Iron Stress in Open-Ocean Cyanobacteria (Synechoccus, Trichodesmium, and Crocosphaera spp.): Identification of the IdiA Protein. Appl. Enivron. Microbiol. 67: 5444-5452. (2001).
  49. Rocap, G., D. Distel, J.B. Waterbury and S. Chisholm. Resolution of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus ecotypes by using 16S-23S ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68:1180-1191. (2002).
  50. Orcutt,K., U.Rasmussen, E.A. Webb, J.B. Waterbury, K. Gundersen and B. Bergman. Characterizations of Trichodesmium spp. by genetic techniques. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 2236-2245 (2002).
  51. Dyhrman, S. T., E.A. Webb, D.M. Anderson, J.W. Moffett and J.B. Waterbury. Cell specific detection of phosphate stress in Trichodesmium from the Western North Atlantic. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 1832-1836 (2002).
  52. Saito, M.A., J.W. Moffett, S. W. Chisholm, and J.B. Waterbury. Cobalt limitation and uptake in Prochlorococcus. Limnol. Oceanogr. 47: 1629-1636. (2002).
  53. Distel, D., W. Morrill, M. MacLaren-Toussaint, D. Franks and J.B. Waterbury. Teredinibacter turnerae, gen. nov., sp. nov., a dinitrogen fixing, celluloytic, endosymbiotic -proteobacterium isolated from the gills of wood-boring mollusks (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) Int. J. Systematic Microbiol. 52, 2261-2268. (2002).
  54. Palenik,B., B. Brahamsha, F.W. Larimer, M. Land, L. Hauser, P. Chain, J. Lamerdin, W. Regala, E. E. Allen, J. McCarren, I. Paulsen, A. Dufresne, F. Partensky, E. A. Webb & J. B. Waterbury. The genome of a motile marine Synechococcus. Nature. 424:1037-1042. (2003).
  55. Sullivan,M., J. B. Waterbury, S. W. Chisholm. Cyanophages infecting the oceanic cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. Nature. 424: 1047-1051. (2003).
  56. Tuit, C., J. Waterbury and G. Ravizza. Diel variation of molybdenum and iron in marine diazotrophic cyanobacteria. Limnol. Oceanogr. 49: 316-328. (2004).
  57. Könneke, M., A. E. Bernhard, J. R. de la Torre, C. B. Walker, J. B. Waterbury and D. A. Stahl. Isolation of an autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing marine archaeon. Nature 437: 543-546 (2005).
  58. Ehrenreich, I. M., J. B. Waterbury and E. A. Webb. Distribution and Diversity of Natural Product Genes in Marine and Freshwater Cyanobacterial Cultures and Genomes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71: 7401-7413. (2005).
  59. Dyhrman, S. T. , P. D. Chappell, S. T. Haley, J. W. Moffett, E. D. Orchard, J. B. Waterbury and E. A. Webb. Phosphonate utilization by the globally significant marine diazotroph Trichodesmium. Nature 439:68-71. (2006).
  60. Stevenson, B. S. and J. B. Waterbury. Isolation and Identification of an Epibiotic Bacterium Associated with Heterocystous Anabaena Cells. Biol. Bull. 210: 73-77. (2006).
  61. Moore, L.R., Coe, A., Zinser, E.R., Saito, M.A., Sullivan, M.B., Lindell, D., Frois-Moniz, K., Waterbury, J., & Chisholm, S.W. Culturing the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. Limnology and Oceanographic Methods. 5:353- 362. (2007).
  62. Sullivan, M.B., Coleman, M.L., Quinlivan, V., Rosenkrantz, J.E., DeFrancesco, A.S., Tan, G., Fu, R., Lee, J.A., Waterbury, J.B., Bielawski, J.P., & Chisholm, S.W. Portal protein diversity and phage ecology. Environ. Microbiol. 10:2810-2823. (2008).
  63. Webb, E. A., Ehrenreich, I. M., Brown, S., Valois, F. W., Waterbury, J. B. Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Multiple Strains of the Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium, Crocospraera watsonii, isolated from the open ocean. Environ. Microbiol. 11, pp. 338-348. (2009).
  64. Saito, M.A., E.M. Bertrand, V. Bulygin, D. Moran, S. Dutkiewicz, F.M. Monteiro, M.J. Follows, F.W. Valois, J.B. Waterbury. Iron Conservation by Reduction of Metalloenzyme Inventories in the Marine Diazotroph Chrocosphaera watsonii. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. doi:10. 1073/pnas. (2011).
  65. Hynes, A. M., Webb, E. A.,Doney, S. C., Waterbury, J. B. Comparison of Cultured Trichodesmium Species Characterized from the Field. J. Phycol. Vol. 48 (1), pp.196-210. (2012).
  66. Saenz J.P., Eglinton T.I., Waterbury J.B. and Summons R.E., Hopanoids in marine cyanobacteria: probing their phylogenetic distribution and biological role. Geobiology 10, 311–319, (2012).
  67. Becker, J.W., P.M. Berube, C.L. Follett, J.B. Waterbury, S.W. Chisholm, E.F. DeLong, and D.J. Repeta. Closely related phytoplankton species produce similar suites of dissolved organic matter. Front. Microbiol. 5:111 doi 113398 /fmicb.2014 111doi113398/fmicb.2014.00111, (2014).
  68. Rouco, M., D. McGillicuddy, J. B. Waterbury and S. T. Dyhrman. Trichodesmium sp. Clade distributions in the North Atlantic Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 10: 4319/lo.2014.59.6.1899. (2014).
  69. Herdman, M., R. Castenholz, I. Iteman, J. Waterbury and R. Rippka. Subsection 1 In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00409. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  70. Herdman, M., R. Castenholz, J. Waterbury and R. Rippka. Form Chamaesiphon. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00410. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  71. Herdman, M., R. Castenholz, J. Waterbury and R. Rippka. Form Synechococcus. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00422. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  72. Olson, E. M., D. J. McGillicuddy, S. T. Dyhrman, J. B. Waterbury and C. S. Davis. The depth-distribution of nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium spp. Colonies in the tropical-subtropical North Atlantic. Deep Sea Res. I 104, 72-91. (2015).
  73. Olson, E. M., D. J. McGillicuddy, G. R. Flierl, C. S. Davis, S. T. Dyhrman, and J. B. Waterbury. Mesoscale eddies andTrichodesmium spp. Distributions in the southwestern North Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res. 120: 4129-4150 doi: 1002/2015 JC010728. (2015).
  74. Rippka, R., R. Castenholz, J. Waterbury and M. Herdman. Form Gloeothece. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00418. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  75. Rippka, R., R. Castenholz, J. Waterbury, and M. Herdman. Form Cyanothece. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00414. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  76. Rippka, R., J. Waterbury, M. Herdman, and R. Castenholz. Form Stanieria. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00427. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  77. Rippka,R., J. Waterbury, M. Herdman, and R. Castenholz. Form Cyanocystis In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI:  10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00425. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  78. Rippka, R., J. Waterbury, M. Herdman and R. Castenholz. Form Xenococcus. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI:  10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00428. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  79. Rippka,R., J. Waterbury, M. Herdman, and R. Castenholz. Form Dermocarpella. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI:  10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00426. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  80. Rippka, R., I. Iteman, J. Waterbury, M. Herdman and R. Castenholz. Form Myxosarcina. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015 Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00430. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  81. Rippka, R., J. Waterbury, M. Herdman and R.Castenholz. Form Chroococcidiopsis. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015. Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 0.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00429. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  82. Rippka, R., J. Waterbury, M. Herdman, and R. Castenholz. Pleurocapsa- group.In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria, Online, 2015  Bergey’s Manual Trust. DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. gbm 00431. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  83. Walworth, N. and others. Trichodesmium genome maintains abundant, widespread noncoding DNA in situ, despite oligotrophic lifestyle. PNAS 112: 4251-4256. doi:10. 1073/pnas. 1422332112. (2015).


  1. Waterbury, J. B., S. W. Watson, A. N. Glazer and L. J. Ong. Phycoerythrins useful in fluorescent conjugates. Patent N. 4,857,474, 15 August 1989.
  2. Waterbury, J. B., C. B. Calloway and R. D. Turner. Bacteria for cellulose digestion. Patent No. 4,861,721, 29 August 1989.