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Lydia Babcock-Adams, Jeffery P. Chanton, Samantha B. Joye, Patricia M. Medeiros. Hydrocarbon composition and concentrations in the Gulf of Mexico sediments in the 3 years following the Macondo well blowout. Environmental Pollution. 2017. 

Patricia M. Medeiros, Lydia Babcock-Adams, Michael Seidel, Rentato M. Castelao, Daniela Di Iorio, James T. Hollibaugh, Thorsten Dittmar. Export of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in a broad continental shelf. Limnology and Oceanography. 2017.

Douglas L. John, Patricia M. Medeiros, Lydia Babcock-Adams, Sally E. Walker. Cambrian trilobites as archives for Anthropocene biomarkers and other chemical compounds. Anthropocene. 2017.



Lydia Babcock-Adams. Elucidating natural and anthropogenic marine processes using molecular biomarkers. Master's Thesis. University of Georgia. 2016.



Leanne C. Powers, Lydia C. Babcock-Adams, Jade K. Enright, William L. Miller. Probing the photochemical reactivity of deep ocean refractory carbon (DORC): Lessons from hydrogen peroxide and superoxide kinetics. Marine Chemistry. 2015.