Contact Information
Adjunct Scientist
Department : Physical Oceanography
Office : Clark 224
Email: mdever@whoi.edu
- Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography. 2017.
Dalhousie University, Halifax, CANADA.
"Dynamics of the Nova Scotia Current and Linkages with Atlantic Salmon Migration Patterns over the Scotian Shelf"
Advisors: Dr. Dave Hebert and Dr. Jinyu Sheng
- M.Sc. in Physical Oceanography. 2010.
University of Southampton, and National Oceanography Centre in Southampton (NOCS), Southampton, UK
"How are Mode Waters Formed in the ocean?"
Advisors: Dr. Alberto Naveira Garabato and Dr. Kevin Oliver
Research Interests
- My research interests focus on ocean circulation at meso- and submesoscales. Specifically, ocean dynamics over continental shelves relating to buoyancy-driven currents, their interaction with surfaces winds (e.g., upwelling), and the effects of bottom topography. More recently, my interests led me to investigate the role of submesoscale dynamics (i.e., at large Rossby number) in the export or organic particulate matter below the mixed layer.
- My research methods are primarily observation-driven using a large variety of oceanographic instruments (e.g., moorings, floats, underwater gliders, satellites, etc.). However, my work also relies on conceptual models based on theoretical frameworks, as well as numerical model used in process studies.
- Although my interests are centered on physical oceanography, I regularly engage in cross-disciplinary studies linking ocean physics to other oceanographic disciplines.
Funding Awards
- Field testing of a newly-developed underway profiler: the EcoCTD (2019)
Funded by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Woods Hole, USA)
Funding for sea-time on board the RV Armstrong. - On the effects of patchiness on size-differentiated export of particulate organic matter at submeso-scales (2019)
Funded by the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University
4 months as Principal Investigator under a visiting scientist status at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) - Dynamics of the Norwegian Coastal Current (2013)
Funded by Prediction and Observation of the Marine Environment (POME)
Mobility grant for an exchange with the Institute of Marine Research (IMR; Bergen, Norway).
Selected Publications
Dever M., Owens B., Richards C., Wijffels S., Wong A., Shkvorets I., Halverson M., and Jonhson G. (accepted). Static and dynamic performance of the RBRargo3 CTD. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology.
Dever M., Nicholson D., Omand M., and Mahadevan A. (2021). Size-Differentiated Export Flux in Different Dynamical Regimes in the Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. doi: 10.1029/2020GB006764
Dever M., Freilich M., Farrar T., Hodges B., Lanagan T., Baron A, and Mahadevan A. (2020). EcoCTD for profiling oceanic physical-biological properties from an underway ship. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0145.1
Dever M., Skagseth Ø., Drinkwater K. and Hebert D. (2018) Frontal dynamics of a buoyant coastal current: quantifying buoyancy, winds and isopycnal tilting influence on the Nova Scotia Current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. doi: 10.1029/2017JC013338
Ross T., S.E. Craig, A. Comeau, R. Davis, M. Dever, and M. Beck, (2017). Blooms and subsurface phytoplankton layers on the Scotian Shelf: Insights from profiling gliders. Journal of Marine Systems, 172, 118-127, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.03.007
Dever M., D. Hebert, B. J. W. Greenan, J. Sheng, and P.C. Smith, (2016). Hydrography and Coastal Circulation along the Halifax Line and the Connections with the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Atmosphere-Ocean, 53 (3), 199-217, doi: 10.1080/07055900.2016.1189397