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Hashim, M., Burke, J., Hardisty, D., and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2022. Iodine Incorporation into Dolomite: Experimental Constraints and Implications for the Iodine Redox Proxy and Proterozoic Ocean.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2022. Rhombic Calcite Microcrystals as a Textural Proxy for Meteoric Diagenesis. Scientific Reports.

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2021. The Transformation of Aragonite to Calcite in the Presence of Magnesium: Implications for Marine Diagenesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 574., no. 117166. Doi:

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E, 2021. Evolution of Calcite Microcrystal Morphology during Experimental Dissolution. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 91 (3), p. 229–242.

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E, 2020. Experimental Stabilization of Carbonate Sediments to Calcite: Insights into the Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Calcite Microcrystal Texture. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. vol. 538, no. 116235.

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E., 2019. A Review of the Nature and Origin of Limestone Microporosity. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 107, p. 527–554.

Hashim, M., Rose, K., Cohen, H., and Kaczmarek, S. Effects of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium Concentrations on Dolomite Stoichiometry, Cation Ordering, and Reaction Rate. Submitted to Chemical Geology (In review).

Hashim, M., Kulhanek, D., and Subhas, A. A Process-based Understanding of Carbonate Marine Diagenesis. To be submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Hashim M., Gemakrisindo Wolfram Naa, Subhas, A., and Kaczmarek, S. Parsing out Carbonate Diagenesis on the Slope of the Great Bahama Bank Using +1000 XRD Diffractograms. To be submitted to Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Hashim, M., and Kaczmarek, S., 2022. Rhombic Calcite Microcrystals as A Proxy for Meteoric Diagenesis (Oral Presentation). GSA North-Central/Southeastern Joint Section Meeting, 7 April 2022, Cincinnati, OH.

Hashim, M., Burke, J., Hardisty, D., and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2021. An Experimental Investigation of Iodine Incorporation into Dolomite: Implications for the Iodine Redox Proxy (Oral Presentation). AGU Fall Meeting 2021, December 13-17, New Orleans, LA.

Hashim, M., Burke, J., Hardisty, D., and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2021. An Experimental Investigation of Iodine Incorporation into Dolomite: Implications for the Iodine Redox Proxy (Oral Presentation). Midwest Geobiology Symposium, September 25, Indianapolis, IN.

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2020. The role of fluid:solid ratio in explaining the inhibition of calcite growth by magnesium, Goldschmidt Virtual Meeting, June 21-26 #2020003607

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2019. Reaction rate as the fundamental control on calcite microcrystal size (Poster Presentation) AGU Fall Meeting 2019, December 9-13, San Francisco, Ca, #525780

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2019. Experimental insights on mineralogical stabilization in carbonates (Oral Presentation) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Conference, May 19-22, San Antonio, TX, #353

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2018. Using laboratory experiments to investigate the controls on LMC microcrystal textures, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 4-7, Indianapolis, IN, #321083

Hashim, M. and Kaczmarek, S.E. 2018. Genetic origin and diagenetic transformation of LMC microcrystal textures in limestones (Poster Presentation), American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Conference, May 20-23, Salt Lake City, TU, #2855212