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Sarah A. Fuller

Operations Manager
Shipboard Scientific Services Group, Marine Operations

Contact Information:
Work: 508-289-3811
Building: Smith 309A

Mailing Address:
266 Woods Hole Road, MS #17
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543


  • Oversee shipboard scientific technicians, shipboard interns, and equipment management
  • Write and review annual reports and proposals
  • Serve on NSF review panels and institutional committees
  • Review ship scheduling activities and coordination of support for scientific work aboard Institution vessels and facilities, serving as primary point of contact for scientific users
  • Provide guidance to the SSSG Administrative Professional tasks for pre-, current and post cruise logistics, including POs, agent bills and U.S. Customs documentation for WHOI vessels.

Selected Publications

Fuller SA, Carey S, Nomikou P (2018) Distribution of tephra from the 1650 AD submarine eruption of Kolumbo volcano, Greece. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 325:10-25.

Green HS, Fuller SA, Meyer AW, Joyce PS, Aeppli C, Nelson RK, Swarthout RF, Valentine DL, White HK, Reddy CM (2018) Pelagic tar balls collected in the North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea from 1988 to 2014 have natural and anthropogenic origins. Marine Pollution Bulletin 137:352-359.

Raineault N, Mayer L, Eberli G, Kane R, Fuller SA(2015) Exploration of the Straits of Florida & Great Bahama Bank. In: Bell KLC, Brennan ML, Raineault NA (eds.) New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2014 Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean field season. Oceanography 28(1), supplement, 60pp,

Carey S, Ballard R, Bell KLC, Bell RJ, Connally P, Dondin F, Fuller S, et al. (2014) Cold seeps associated with a submarine debris avalanche deposit at Kick’em Jenny Volcano, Grenada (Lesser Antilles). Deep-Sea Research I,

Read more

Carey S, Bell KLC, Ballard RD, Roman C, Dondin F, Miloslavich P, Gobin J, Seibel B, Bell R, Smart C, Fuller SA, Siu N, Connally P, Blake R, Wishner K, Phillips BT (2014) Fluid/Gas Venting & Biological Communities at Kick'em Jenny Submarine Volcano, Grenada (West Indies). In: Bell KLC, Brennan ML, Raineault NA (eds.) New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2013 Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean field season. Oceanography 27(1), supplement, p 38-41,

Raineault NA, Fuller SA, Phillips BT (2014) Geological & Biological Sample Archiving. In: Bell KLC, Brennan ML, Raineault NA (eds.) New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2013 Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean field season. Oceanography 27(1), supplement, p 14-15

Van Dover C, Bell KLC, Marsh L, German C, John B, Cheadle M, Vecchione M, Amon D, Ball B, Copley J, Smart C, Fuller SA, Phillips BT, Cantner K, Auscavitch S, Ballard RD (2014) Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise, In: Bell KLC, Brennan ML, Raineault NA (eds.) New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2013 Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean field season. Oceanography 27(1), supplement, p 32-33,

Bell KLC, Elliot K, Martinez C, Fuller SA, eds. (2012) New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus & NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2010 & 2011 Field Seasons. Oceanography 25(1), supplement, 68 pp,

Bell KLC, Fuller SA, eds. (2011) New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The E/V Nautilus 2010 Field Season. Oceanography 24(1), supplement, 40 pp,

Committees & Affiliations

  • WHOI Radiation Safety Committee
  • WHOI Marine Operations Advisory Committee
  • WHOI Dock Advisory Committee
  • UNOLS PCAR Committee
  • Research Vessel Technical Enhancement Committee
  • Deep Submergence Science Committee
  • American Geophysical Union
  • Geologic Society of America
  • Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Eta Xi Chapter National Geology Honors Society


MS: Oceanography, focus in Marine Geology. 2015. University of Rhode Island.

BS: Geology. 2008. St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY.


Sarah started her Oceanography career in 2007 as an intern for the Institute for Exploration, now the Ocean Exploration Trust (OET). She moved onto working for OET as the shipboard data manager/lab tech and watch lead for many seasons of ROV operations. After earning her Masters from the Graduate School of Oceanography at URI, Sarah acted as Science Program Coordinator for Sea Education Association (SEA) for several years. Coming to WHOI originally as the Research Vessel Science Coordinator, Sarah is now the acting Operations Manager for the Shipboard Scientific Services Group.