Science at the Intersection of Tectonics and Granular Physics
I use geophysical and geologic techniques to quantify feedbacks between tectonism, fluid flow, paleoclimate, and granular sediment deformation. Some questions that I am currently interested in answering include:
- How do pre-existing faults influence strain accommodation in strike-slip boundaries?
- How do sedimentation patterns influence strain localization and fault geometry?
- How do sediments near the rupture areas of faults deform during earthquakes?
- How does tectonism change granular sediments, and what are its consequences?
- How and why does the seismic velocity of fault zones change with time?
- How and why do sands within the upper 30 m of the subsurface change spatiotemporally?
- What physics governs how sands change within the upper 30 m of the subsurface?
Answering these questions may provide insights into how interactions between tectonics and granular sediment deformation promote or limit earthquakes and earthquake-triggered geohazards.
Click these links to learn more about my Tectonics and Granular Physics research!