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Marine Mammal Habitat Modeling

This website is designed as a resource for researchers that are seeking to use statistical models to examine relationships between marine mammal occurrence/distribution and the environment.  Several workshops have been held on this subject in conjunction with the Society for Marine Mammalogy's Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, and this website is a repository for presentations, schedules, software, references, and other resources associated with these workshops.  You will also find a page describing an Endangered Species Research Theme Section on habitat modeling entitled "Beyond Marine Mammal Habitat Modeling: Applications For Ecology And Conservation".  We hope you find this website helpful.  Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mark Baumgartner (

Mark Baumgartner (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Edward Gregr (SciTech Consulting, Canada)
Ellen Hines (San Francisco State University, USA)
Kristin Kaschner (Albert Ludwigs University, Germany)
Kristin Laidre (University of Washington, USA)
Daniel Palacios (NOAA Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory, USA)
Kathleen Vigness Raposa (Marine Acoustics, Inc., USA)