Rob Evans
Senior Scientist
Research Interests
I am a geophysicist and use electromagnetic methods to image a range of earth structures and processes. I use controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) methods to measure the electrical resistivity of the seafloor in deep water, continental shelf and coastal environments. I also use natural source electromagnetic (EM) techniques (i.e., Magnetotellurics (MT)) in oceanic and continental environments to look deeper into the mantle.
Active areas of research include:
- Fluid transport and Melting processes at subduction zones.
- Structure of the continental and oceanic lithosphere, including rifts and oceanic transform faults
- Structural controls on groundwater discharge to the continental shelf.
Contact: revans@whoi.edu

Jasmine Zhu
Contact: jzhu@whoi.edu

Christine Chesley
Postdoctoral Investigator
Research Interests
I am a marine geophysicist who applies electromagnetic techniques to study the Earth. My research areas center on characterizing the electrical resistivity and porosity of oceanic lithosphere, including at seamounts and oceanic transform faults; relating subduction zone processes to input material; investigating accretionary wedge dynamics; and estimating gas hydrate saturation in continental margins.
Contact: christine.chesley@whoi.edu

Jae Deok Kim
PhD Candidate
Research Interests
I’m a PhD candidate conducting research in the development of a machine learning (ML) approach to the inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) data in geothermal systems. Broadly my research interests include: magnetotellurics (MT) and controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) methods, machine learning in physical sciences (ML-Physics coupled problems), geophysical inverse problems (including joint inversion methods), and uncertainty quantification. I’m interested in applying these methods to research areas that include: geothermal and hydrothermal systems, structure of the lithosphere, and role of geophysics in the energy transition (geothermal energy, critical minerals, carbon capture and storage).
Contact: jakim@whoi.edu

Natalie Hummel
PhD Candidate
Research Interests
I'm a third year grad student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program. So far, my research has been centered on active tectonics and geodynamics, with a focus on oceanic transform faults: the Husavík-Flatey fault in Iceland and the Gofar on the East Pacific Rise. I've used magnetotellurics, finite element modeling, and structural geology to explore questions about fault structure and rheology.
Contact: natalie.hummel@whoi.edu

Bailey Fluegel
PhD Candidate
Research Interests
Oceanic transform faults, Subsurface fluid flow dynamics, marine CSEM crustal imaging using a deep-towed receiver array, and remote sensing of retreating glaciers in Antarctica
Contact: bailey.fluegel@whoi.edu

Anna Redanz
Research Assistant II
Contact: anna.redanz@whoi.edu,

Kitso Matende
Contact: matendekitso@gmail.com
Lab Administration

Contact: see Rob Evans

Contact: see Christine Chesley