The MOE group can handle most requests to design, build, and deploy moorings of virtually any length and complexity. We also have the ability to test new technology or can contract our facilities for outside fabrication and testing. Contact MOE staff to reserve time or schedule a test.

Salt Water Test Tank
Our 168’X120′, 10′ deep test tank is equipped with a 10-ton overhead crane to support prototype design, ballasting, and acoustic tests.

Urethane Lab
We do our own urethane encapsulation to protect mechanical and electronic systems on short- and long-duration moorings.

Release Lab
Reliable acoustic releases are a key part of mooring design—which is why we carefully design and rigorously test our own.

High Bay
Our 49’X80′, 23′-high bay for staging, construction, and storage includes a 10-ton overhead bridge crane and salt-water test tank.