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Publications (* represents a student or postdoc as 1st author):

1.  Holland, K.T., B. Raubenheimer, R.T. Guza, and R.A. Holman, Run-up kinematics on a natural beach, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 4985-4993, 1995.

2.  Raubenheimer, B., R.T. Guza, S. Elgar, and N. Kobayashi, Swash on a gently sloping beach, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 8751-8760, 1995.

3.  Raubenheimer, B., and R.T. Guza, Observations and predictions of run-up, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 25,575-25,588, 1996.

4.  Raubenheimer, B., R.T. Guza, and S. Elgar, Wave transformation across the inner surf zone, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 25,589-25,598, 1996.

5.  Elgar, S., R.T. Guza, B. Raubenheimer, T.H.C. Herbers, and E. Gallagher, Spectral evolution of shoaling and breaking waves on a barred beach, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 15,797-15,805, 1997.

6.  Raubenheimer, B., S. Elgar, and R.T. Guza, Estimating wave heights from pressure measured in a sand bed, J. Water. Port Coastal Ocean Eng., 124, 151-154, 1998.

7.  Raubenheimer, B., R.T. Guza, and S. Elgar, Tidal watertable fluctuations in a sandy ocean beach, Water Res. Res., 35, 2313-2320, 1999.

8.  Lentz, S., and B. Raubenheimer, Field observations of wave setup dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 25,867-25,875, 1999.

9.  Elgar, S., R.T. Guza, W.C. O'Reilly, B. Raubenheimer, T.H.C. Herbers, Wave energy and direction observed near a pier, J. Water. Port Coastal Ocean Eng., 127, 2-6, 2001.

10.  Raubenheimer, B., R.T. Guza, and S. Elgar, Field observations of wave-driven setdown and setup, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 4629-4638, 2001.

11.  Elgar, S., B. Raubenheimer, and R.T. Guza, Current meter performance in the surf zone, J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 18, 1735-1746, 2001.

12.  Raubenheimer, B., Observations and predictions of fluid velocities in the surf and swash zones, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 3190, doi:10.1029/2001JC001264, 2002.

13.  Elgar, S., B. Raubenheimer, and T.H.C. Herbers, Bragg reflection of ocean waves from sandbars, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(1), doi:10.1029/2002GL016351, 2003.

14.  *Schmidt, W.E., B.T. Woodward, K.S. Millikan, R.T. Guza, B. Raubenheimer, and S. Elgar, A GPS-tracked surfzone drifter, J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 20(7), 1069-1075, 2003.

15.  Cowen, E.A., I.M. Sou, P.L.-F. Liu, and B. Raubenheimer, PIV measurements within a laboratory generated swash zone, J. Eng. Mech., 120(10), 1119-1129, 2003.

16.  Raubenheimer, B., Steve Elgar, and R.T. Guza, Observations of swashzone velocities: a note on friction coefficients, J. Geophys. Res., 109, C01027, doi:10.1029/2003JC001877, 2004.

17.  Elgar, S., B. Raubenheimer, and R.T. Guza, Quality control of acoustic Doppler velocimeter data in the surfzone, J. Meas. Sci. Tech., 16, doi:10.1088/0957-0233/16/10/002, 1889-1893, 2005.

18.  *Farquharson, G., S. Frasier, B. Raubenheimer, and S. Elgar, Microwave radar cross sections and Doppler velocities measured from the surf zone, J. Geophys. Res., 110, C12024, doi:10.1029/2005JC003022, 2005.

19.  *Thomson, J., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, T. H. C. Herbers, and R. T. Guza, Tidal modulation of infragravity waves via nonlinear energy losses in the surfzone, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05601, doi:10.1029/2005GL025514, 2006.

20.  *Hsu, T.-J., and B. Raubenheimer, A numerical and field study on inner-surf and swash sediment transport, Cont. Shelf. Res., 26, 589-598, 2006.

21.  *Apotsos, A., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, R.T. Guza, The effects of wave rollers and bottom stress on wave setup, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C02003, doi:10.1029/2006JC003549, 2007.

22.  *Thomson, J., S. Elgar, T. H. C. Herbers, B. Raubenheimer, and R.T. Guza, Refraction and reflection of infragravity waves by complex bathymetry, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C10009, doi:10.1029/2007JC004227, 2007.

23.  *Apotsos, A., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, and R.T. Guza, Testing and calibrating parametric wave transformation models on natural beaches, Coastal Eng., 55, 224-235, 2008a.

24.  *Apotsos, A., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, R.T. Guza, Wave-driven setup and alongshore flows observed onshore of a submarine canyon, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C07025, doi:10.1029/2007JC004514, 2008b.

25.  Elgar, S., and B. Raubenheimer, Wave dissipation by muddy seafloors, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L07611, doi:10.1029/2008GL033245, 2008.

26.  Elgar, S., and B. Raubenheimer, Currents in a small sandy tidal channel, Cont. Shelf. Res., 31, 9–14 2010.

27.  Gorrell, L., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, and R. Guza, SWAN Predictions of waves observed in shallow water onshore of complex bathymetry, Coastal Eng., 58, 510-516, 2011.

28.  Gast, R.J., L. Gorrell, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, Impact of erosion and accretion on the distribution of enterococci in beach sands, Cont. Shelf Res., 31, 1457-1461, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2011.06.011, 2011.

29.  Raubenheimer, B., D. Ralston, S. Elgar, *D. Giffen, R. Signell, Winds on the Skagit tidal flats, Washington, Cont. Shelf Res., 10.1016/j.csr.2012.02.001, 2012.

30.  Elgar, S., B. Raubenheimer, J. Thomson, M. Moulton, Resonances in an evolving hole in the swash zone, J. Water. Ports Coastal Ocean Eng., 138, 299-302, 2012.

31.  *Pavel, V., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, Processes controlling stratification on the northern Skagit Bay tidal flats, Cont. Shelf Res., doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.06.012, 2012.

32.  *Clark, D.B., S. Elgar, and B. Raubenheimer, Vorticity generation by short-crested wave breaking, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L24604, doi:10.1029/2012GL054034, 2012.

33.  *Engelstad, A., T. Janssen, T. Herbers, G. van Vledder, S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, L. Trainor, A. Garcia-Garcia, Wave evolution across the Louisiana shelf, Cont. Shelf Res., 52, 190-202, 2013.

34.  Nittrouer, C.A., B. Raubenheimer, R.A. Wheatcroft, Lessons learned from comparisons of mesotidal sand- and mudflats, Cont. Shelf Res.,, 2013.

35.  MacMahan, J., J. van de Kreeke, A. Reniers, S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, E. Thornton, M. Weltmer, P. Rynne, J. Brown, Fortnightly tides and subtidal motions in a choked inlet, Estuar. Coastal Shelf Sci., 150, 325-331, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.03.025, 2014.

36.  *Moulton, M., S. Elgar, and B. Raubenheimer, Improved time resolution of the evolution of surfzone bathymetry, Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s10236-014-0715-8, 2014.

37.  *Wargula, A., B. Raubenheimer, and S. Elgar, Wave-driven along-channel subtidal flows in a well-mixed ocean inlet, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JC009839, 2014.

38.  *Orescanin, M., B. Raubenheimer, and S. Elgar, Observations of wave effects on inlet circulation, Cont. Shelf Res.,, 2014.

39.  *Moulton, M., S. Elgar, and B. Raubenheimer, A surfzone morphological diffusivity estimated from the evolution of excavated holes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060519, 2014.

40.  *Hansen, J., T. Janssen, B. Raubenheimer, F. Shi, P. Barnard, and I. Jones, Observations of surfzone alongshore pressure gradients, Coastal Eng., 91, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.05.010, 2014.

41.  *Diaz Mendez, G., M. Haller, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, D. Honegger, Radar remote sensing estimates of waves and wave forcing at a tidal inlet, J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 32, 842-854, 2015.

42.  *Hansen, J., B. Raubenheimer, J. List, and S. Elgar, Modeled alongshore circulation and force balances onshore of a submarine canyon, J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JCO10555, 2015.

43.  Gast, R., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, Observations of transport of bacterial-like microspheres through beach sand, Cont. Shelf Res., 19, 1-6, 2015.

44.  *Goncharenko, Y.V., G. Farquharson, F. Shi, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, Estimating nearshore breaking-wave heights using ATI SAR, IEEE Geo. Remote Sens. Lett., 12(10), 2061-2065, 2015.

45.  *Chen, J.-L., T.-J. Hsu, F. Shi, B. Raubenheimer, and S. Elgar, Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling of New River Inlet (NC) under the interaction of tides and waves, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JC010425, 2015.

46.  Spydell, M., F. Feddersen, M. Olabarrieta, J.-L. Chen, R.T. Guza, B. Raubenheimer, and S. Elgar, Observed and modeled drifters at a tidal inlet, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JC010541, 2015.

47.  Brodie, K.L., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, *R.K. Slocum, J.E. McNinch, Lidar and pressure measurements of inner-surf zone waves and setup, J. Atmos. Ocean Tech.,  32(10), 1945-1959, 2015. (Winner 2016 CHL Outstanding Journal Submission).

48.  *Hopkins, J., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, Observations and model simulations of wavecurrent interaction on the inner shelf, J. Geophys. Res., 121, 198-208, doi/10.1002/2015JC010788, 2016.

49.  *Orescanin, M., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, Changes in bay circulation in an evolving multiple inlet system, Cont. Shelf Res., 124, 13-22, doi:10.1016/j.csr.05.005, 2016.

50.  Feddersen, F., M. Olabarrieta, R.T. Guza, *D. Winters, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, Observations and modeling of a tidal inlet dye tracer plume, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC011922, 2016.

51.  *Moulton, M., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, J.C. Warner, N. Kumar, Rip currents and alongshore flows in channels dredged in the surf zone, J. Geophys. Res., 10.1002/2016JC012222, 2017.

52.  Hansen, J.E., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, J.H. List, T.C. Lippmann, Physical linkages between offshore bathymetry and surf zone morphologic change, J. Geophys. Res., 10.1002/2016JC012319, 2017.

53.  *Hopkins, J., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, Flow separation effects on shoreline evolution at Martha’s Vineyard, Coastal Eng., 125, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.04.007, 2017.

54.  *Slivinski, L., L.J. Pratt, I.I. Rypina, M.M. Orescanin, B. Raubenheimer, J. MacMahan, S. Elgar, Assimilating Lagrangian data for parameter estimation in a multiple-inlet system, Ocean Model., 113, 131-144, 2017.

55.  *Orescanin, M., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, L. Gorrell, Effects of a shallow flood shoal and friction on hydrodynamics of a multiple-inlet system, J. Geophys. Res., 10.1002/2016JC012502, 2017.

56.  *Moulton, M., G. Dusek, S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, Comparison of rip-current hazardlikelihood forecasts with observed rip-current speeds, Wea. Forecasting, 10.1175/WAFD-17-0076.1, 2017.

57.  Brodie, K.L., M. Palmsten, T. Hesser, P. Dickhudt, B. Raubenheimer, H. Ladner, S. Elgar, Evaluation of video-based linear depth inversion performance and applications using altimeters and hydrographic surveys in a wide range of environmental conditions, Coastal Eng., 36, 147-160, 2018.

58.  *Wargula, A., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, Curvature- and wind-driven cross-channel flows at an unstratified tidal bend, J. Geophy. Res., 10.1002/2017JC013722, 2018.

59.  *Hopkins, J., S. Elgar, B. Raubenheimer, Storm Impact on Morphological Evolution of a Sandy Inlet, submitted to J. Geophy. Res., 10.1029/2017JC013708, 2018.

60.  *Wargula, A., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, J.-L. Chen, F. Shi, P. Traykovski, Flow asymmetry owing to inertia and waves on an unstratified, shallow ebb shoal, J. Geophy. Res.,123(9), 6779-6799, 2018.

61.  Elgar, S., B. Raubenheimer, D. Clark, M. Moulton, Extremely low frequency (0.1 to 1.0 mHz) surfzone currents, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10.1029/2018GL081106, 2019.

62.  U.S. Coastal Research Program (USCRP), Advancing the Understanding of Storm Processes and Impacts, Elko, N., Dietrich, C., Cialone, M., Stockdon, H., Bilskie, M.W., Boyd, B., Charbonneau, B., Cox, D., Dresback, K., Elgar, S., Tomiczek, V., Lewis, A., Limber, P., Long, J., Massey, C., Mayo, T., McIntosh, K., Nadal, N., Raubenheimer, B., Wargula, A. (Eds.), Shore and Beach, 87(1), 37, 2019.

63. Orescanin, M., *Matt Reffitt, Britt Raubenheimer, Thomas Chris Massey, Steve
Elgar, Modeling Storm Surge in a Small Tidal Two-inlet System, J. Waterway Ports Coast. Ocean Eng., 46(6), 04020043, 2020.

64. Elgar, S., B. Raubenheimer, Breaking waves and low-frequency eddies: Inverse energy cascades in the surf zone, J. Phys. Ocean., 50, 2315-2321, 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0327.1, 2020.

65. De Schipper, M.A., B. Ludka, B. Raubenheimer, A.P. Luijendijk, T.A. Schlacher, Beach nourishment has complex implications for the future of sandy shores, Nature Rev. Earth Environ., 10.1038/s43017-020-00109-9, 2020.

66. *Rafati, Y., Tian-Jian Hsu, Steve Elgar, Britt Raubenheimer, Ellen Quataert, and Ap van Dongeren, Modeling the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of sandbar migration events, Coastal Eng., 166, 103885, 2021.

67. *Baker, C., M. Moulton, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, N. Kumar, Modeled Three-Dimensional Currents and Eddies on an Alongshore-Variable Barred Beach, J. Geophys. Res.,, 2021. (submitted Oct 2020).

68. Geng, X., Heiss, J. W., Michael, H. A., Li, H., Raubenheimer, B., & Boufadel, M. C., Geochemical fluxes in sandy beach aquifers: Modulation due to major physical stressors, geologic heterogeneity, and nearshore morphology, Earth-Science Reviews, 221, 103800, 2021.

69. *Housego, R., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, S. Cross, C. Legner, D. Ryan, Coastal flooding generated by ocean wave-and surge-driven groundwater fluctuations on a sandy barrier island. J. Hydrology, 603, 126920, 2021.


Publications in Review (* represents a student or postdoc as 1st author):

1. *Paldor, A., N. Stark, M. Florence, B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, R. Housego, R. Frederiks, H. Michael, Hydrogeological controls on the spatio-temporal variability of surge-induced hydraulic gradients along coastlines: implications for beach surface stability, Coastal Eng., 2021.

2. *Housego, R., B. Raubenheimer, S. Elgar, M. Wu, Groundwater head fluctuations in an intermediate depth coastal surface aquifer, 2021.

3. *Cadigan, J.J., *J. Bekkaye, N. Jafari, *L. Zhu, *A. Booth, Q. Chen, Britt Raubenheimer, * B. Harris, *C. O'Conner, R. Lane, G.P. Kemp, J. Day, J.W. Day, H, Ulloa, Impacts of coastal infrastructure on shoreline resilience to major hurricanes in southwest Louisiana, Frontiers Built Env., submitted Mar 2022.