Economics of open ocean seaweed farming for bio-fuel production
This is a set of projects funded by the US Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E) under its Macroalgae Research Inspiring Novel Energy Resources (MARINER) Program to develop technology for and determine the economic feasibility of large-scale open ocean seaweed farming to generate feedstocks for bio-fuel production from kelp (New England, Alaska) and from tropical seaweeds (Puerto Rico).

Specific projects in which I'm participating include:
Funding Agencies
The US Department of Energy is funding this research through its ARPA-E MARINER Program.
Among others:
Loretta Roberson (Marine Biological Laboratory)
Michael Stekoll (University of Alaska)
Scott Lindell (WHOI)
Cliff Goudey (C.A. Goudey and Associates)
Charles Yarish (University of Connecticut).