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Articles published in peer-reviewed journals

As an academic scientist, I supervise graduate students and post-doctoral fellows and encourage them to actively publish their work. In the following list, student/postdoc first-authorship is indicated by *.

J. Bonnel, S. Dosso, W. Hodgkiss, M. Ballard, D. Garcia, K. Lee, A. McNeese, and P. Wilson. Trans-dimensional inversion for seafloor properties for three mud depocenters on the new england shelf under dynamical oceanographic conditions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(3):1825–1839, 2024.
P. Dahl, J. Bonnel, and D. Dall'Osto. On the equivalence of scalar-pressure and vector-based acoustic dosage measures as derived from time-limited signal waveforms. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(5):3291–3301, 2024.
*M. Gigot, R. Tremblay, J. Bonnel, D. Mathias, T. Meziane, L. Chauvaud, and F. Olivier. Noise pollution causes parental stress on marine invertebrates, the Giant scallop example. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 203:116454, 2024.
*A. Vardi and J. Bonnel. End-to-end geoacoustic inversion with neural networks in shallow water using a single hydrophone. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 49(2):380–389, 2024.
*A. Vardi, P. Dahl, D. Dall'Osto, D. Knobles, P. Wilson, J. Leonard, and J. Bonnel. Estimation of the spatial variability of the new england mud patch geoacoustic properties using a distributed array of hydrophones and deep learning. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156(6):4229–4241, 2024.
J. Bonnel, A. McNeese, P. Wilson, and S. Dosso. Geoacoustic inversion using simple hand-deployable acoustic systems. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 48(2):592–603, 2023.
S. Dosso and J. Bonnel. Joint trans-dimensional inversion for water-column sound speed and seabed geoacoustic models. JASA Express Letters, 3(6):060801, 2023.
J. Flamant and J. Bonnel. Broadband properties of potential and kinetic energies in an oceanic waveguide. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(5):3012–3012, 2023.
*M. Gigot, F. Olivier, G. Cervello, R. Tremblay, D. Mathias, T. Meziane, L. Chauvaud, and J. Bonnel. Pile driving and drilling underwater sounds impact the metamorphosis dynamics of Pecten maximus (L., 1758) larvae. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191:114969, 2023.
*M. Gigot, R. Tremblay, J. Bonnel, L. Chauvaud, and F. Olivier. Physiological condition of the warty venus (venus verrucosa l. 1758) larvae modulates response to pile driving and drilling underwater sounds. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1117431, 2023.
*M. Goldwater, D. Zitterbart, D. Wright, and J. Bonnel. Machine-learning-based simultaneous detection and ranging of impulsive baleen whale vocalizations using a single hydrophone. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(2):1094–1107, 2023.
*Y. Jézéquel, D. Mathias, F. Olivier, E. Amice, S. Chauvaud, A. Jolivet, J. Bonnel, M. Sejr, and L. Chauvaud. Passive acoustics suggest two different feeding mechanisms in the Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus). Polar Biology short note, 45(6):1157–1162, 2023.
F. Olivier, M. Gigot, D. Mathias, Y. Jezequel, T. Meziane, C. L'Her, L. Chauvaud, and J. Bonnel. Assessing the impacts of anthropogenic sounds on early stages of benthic invertebrates: the larvosonic system. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 21(2):53–68, 2023.
*G. Richard, D. Mathias, J. Collin, L. Chauvaud, and J. Bonnel. Three-dimensional anthropogenic underwater noise modeling in an arctic fjord for acoustic risk assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 187:114487, 2023.
*A. Varon, J. Mars, and J. Bonnel. Approximation of modal wavenumbers and group speeds in an oceanic waveguide using a neural network. JASA Express Letters, 3(6):066003, 2023.
P. Dahl and J. Bonnel. Vector acoustic and polarization properties of underwater ship noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6):3818–3827, 2022.
S. Dosso and J. Bonnel. Hybrid seabed parameterization to investigate geoacoustic gradients at the new england mud patch. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47(3):620–634, 2022.
*Y. Jézéquel, N. Aoki, A. Mooney, and J. Bonnel. Tank acoustics substantially distort broadband sounds produced by marine crustaceans. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152(6):3747–3755, 2022.
*Y. Jézéquel, J. Bonnel, P. Eliès, and L. Chauvaud. Acoustic scaling in the european spiny lobster (palinurus elephas). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152(6):3235–3244, 2022.
D. Knobles, T. Neilsen, P. Wilson, W. Hodgkiss, J. Bonnel, and YT. Lin. Maximum entropy inference of seabed properties using waveguide invariant features from surface ships. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(5):2885–2896, 2022.
*G. Richard, J. Bonnel, J. Beesau, E. Calvo, F. Cassiano, M. Dramet, A. Glaziou, K. Korycka, C. Guinet, and F. Samaran. Passive acoustic monitoring reveals feeding attempts at close range from soaking demersal longlines by two killer whale ecotypes. Marine Mammal Science, 38(1):304–325, 2022.
D. Zitterbart, A. Bocconcelli, M. Ochs, and J. Bonnel. Tossit: A low-cost, hand deployable, rope-less and acoustically silent mooring for underwater passive acoustic monitoring. HardwareX, page e00304, 2022.
A. Bates, R. Primack, PAN-Environment Working Group, and C. Duarte. Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation, page 109175, 2021. [the PAN-Environment Working Group gathers 348 authors, including a team led by J. Bonnel].
J. Bonnel, S. Dosso, J. Goff, Y.T. Lin, J. Miller, G. Potty, P. Wilson, and D. Knobles. Trans-dimensional geoacoustic inversion using prior information on range-dependent seabed layering. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47(3):594–606, 2021.
J. Bonnel, S. Dosso, D. Knobles, and S. Wilson. Trans-dimensional inversion on the New England Mudpatch using high-order modes. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47(3):607–619, 2021.
J. Bonnel, J. Flamant, D. Dall'Osto, N. Le Bihan, and P. Dahl. Polarization of ocean acoustic normal modes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(3):1897–1911, 2021.
J. Bonnel, B. Kinda, and D. Zitterbart. Low-frequency ocean ambient noise on the Chukchi Shelf in the changing Arctic. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(6):4061–4072, 2021.
*M. Goldwater, J. Bonnel, A. Cammareri, D. Wright, and D. Zitterbart. Classification of dispersive gunshot calls using a convolutional neural network. JASA Express Letters, 1(10):106002, 2021.
*Y. Jézéquel, J. Bonnel, and L. Chauvaud. Potential for acoustic masking due to shipping noise in the European lobster (Homarus gammarus). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 173:112934, 2021.
*Y. Jézéquel, I. Jones, J. Bonnel, L. Chauvaud, J. Atema, and A. Mooney. Sound detection by the American lobster (Homarus americanus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 224(6), 2021.
Y-M. Jiang, S. Dosso, J Bonnel, P. Wilson, and D. Knobles. Passive acoustic glider for seabed characterization at the New England Mud Patch. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47(3):541–552, 2021.
*T. Paviet-Salomon, J. Bonnel, C. Dorffer, B. Nicolas, T. Chonavel, D. Tollefsen, D. Knobles, P. Wilson, and A. Dremeau. Estimation of frequency-wavenumber diagrams using a physics-based grid-free compressed sensing method. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47(3):565–577, 2021.
*G. Richard, F. Samaran, G. Guinet, and J. Bonnel. Settings of demersal longlines reveal acoustic cues that can inform toothed whales where and when to depredate. JASA Express Letters, 1(1):016004, 2021.
D. Tollefsen, W. Hodgkiss, S. Dosso, J. Bonnel, and D. Knobles. Probabilistic estimation of merchant ship source levels in an uncertain shallow-water environment. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47(3):647–656, 2021.
J. Bonnel, A. Thode, D. Wright, and R. Chapman. Nonlinear time-warping made simple: A step-by-step tutorial on underwater acoustic modal separation with a single hydrophone. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(3):1897–1926, 2020. [tutorial article featured on JASA cover].
*Y. Jézéquel, L Chauvaud, and J. Bonnel. Spiny lobster sounds can be detectable over kilometres underwater. Scientific reports, 10(1):1–11, 2020.
*Y. Jézéquel, J. Coston-Guarini, L. Chauvaud, and J. Bonnel. Acoustic behaviour of male European lobsters (Homarus gammarus) during agonistic encounters. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(4), 2020.
*G. Richard, J. Bonnel, J. Tixier, P.and Arnould, A. Janc, and C. Guinet. Evidence of deep-sea interactions between toothed whales and longlines. Ambio, 49(1):173–186, 2020.
J. Bonnel, S. Dosso, D. Eleftherakis, and R. Chapman. Trans-dimensional inversion of modal dispersion data on the New England Mud Patch. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 45(1):116–130, 2019.
J. Bonnel, S. Pecknold, P. Hines, and R. Chapman. An experimental benchmark for geoacoustic inversion methods. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 46(1):261–282, 2019.
*R. Emmetière, J. Bonnel, X. Cristol, M. Gehant, and T. Chonavel. Passive source depth discrimination in deep-water. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 13(1):185–197, 2019.
*Y. Jézéquel, J. Bonnel, J. Coston-Guarini, and L. Chauvaud. Revisiting the bioacoustics of European spiny lobsters Palinurus elephas: comparison of antennal rasps in tanks and in situ. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 615:143–157, 2019.
Y.-T. Lin, J. Bonnel, D. Knobles, and P. Wilson. Broadband waveform geoacoustic inversions with absolute travel time. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 45(1):174–188, 2019.
T. Van Baarsel, P. Roux, J. Mars, J. Bonnel, M. Arrigoni, S. Kerampran, and B. Nicolas. Dynamic imaging of a capillary-gravity wave in shallow water using amplitude variations of eigenbeams. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4):3353–3361, 2019.
J. Bonnel, Y.T. Lin, D. Eleftherakis, J. Goff, S. Dosso, R. Chapman, J. Miller, and G. Potty. Geoacoustic inversion on the New England Mud Patch using warping and dispersion curves of high-order modes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(5):EL405–EL411, 2018. [This article is one of the 20 articles chosen by ASA in 2020 to "represent some of the most recently published, highly-cited research from JASA"].
*D. Cazau, J. Bonnel, and M. Baumgartner. Wind speed estimation using acoustic underwater glider in a near-shore marine environment. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(4):2097–2106, 2018.
*R. Emmetière, J. Bonnel, M. Géhant, X. Cristol, and T. Chonavel. Understanding deep-water striation patterns and predicting the waveguide invariant as a distribution depending on range and depth. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(6):3444–3454, 2018.
*Y. Jézéquel, J. Bonnel, J. Coston-Guarini, and L. Guarini, J-M.and Chauvaud. Sound characterization of the European lobster Homarus gammarus in tanks. Aquatic Biology, 27:13–23, 2018. [Feature article].
*E. Leroy, J. Royer, J. Bonnel, and F. Samaran. Long-term and seasonal changes of large whale call frequency in the southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(11):8568–8580, 2018. [Article among the top 10% most downloaded JGR Ocean papers in the 12 months following publication].
*E. Leroy, F. Samaran, K. Stafford, J. Bonnel, and JY. Royer. Broad-scale study of the seasonal and geographic occurrence of blue and fin whales in the Southern Indian Ocean. Endangered Species Research, 37:289–300, 2018.
J. Bonnel, S. Caporale, and A. Thode. Waveguide mode amplitude estimation using warping and phase compensation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141:2243–2255, 2017.
*D. Cazau, J. Bonnel, J. Jouma'a, Y. le Bras, and C. Guinet. Measuring the marine soundscape of the Indian Ocean with southern elephant seals used as acoustic gliders of opportunity. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 34(1):207–223, 2017.
*D. Cazau, C. Pradalier, J. Bonnel, and C. Guinet. Do southern elephant seals behave like weather buoys? Oceanography, 30(2):140–149, 2017.
*E. Conan, J. Bonnel, B. Nicolas, and T. Chonavel. Using the trapped energy ratio for source depth discrimination with a horizontal line array: Theory and experimental results. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(2):2776–2786, 2017.
*L. Day, J. Jouma'a, J. Bonnel, and C. Guinet. Acoustic measurements of post-dive cardiac responses in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) during surfacing at sea. Journal of Experimental Biology, pages jeb–146928, 2017.
A. Dremeau, F. Le Courtois, and J. Bonnel. Reconstruction of dispersion curves in the frequency-wavenumber domain using compressed sensing on a random array. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 42(4):914–922, 2017.
*Y. Le Gall, FX. Socheleau, and J. Bonnel. Performance analysis of single-receiver matched-mode localization. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 44(1):193–206, 2017.
*E. Leroy, F. Samaran, J. Bonnel, and JY Royer. Identification of two potential whale calls in the southern Indian Ocean, and their geographic and seasonal occurrence. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(3):1413–1427, 2017.
*G. Richard, C. Guinet, J. Bonnel, N. Gasco, and P. Tixier. Do commercial fisheries display optimal foraging? The case of longline fishers in competition with odontocetes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, ja, 2017.
A. Thode, J. Bonnel, M. Thieury, A. Fagan, C. Verlinden, D. Wright, C. Berchok, and J. Crance. Using nonlinear time warping to estimate North Pacific right whale calling depths in the Bering Sea. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(5):3059–3069, 2017.
*E. Conan, J. Bonnel, T. Chonavel, and B. Nicolas. Source depth discrimination with a vertical line array. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(5):EL434–EL440, 2016.
*Y. Le Gall, S. Dosso, FX. Socheleau, and J. Bonnel. Bayesian source localization with uncertain Green's function in an uncertain shallow water ocean. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(3):993–1004, 2016.
*Y. Le Gall, FX. Socheleau, and J. Bonnel. Matched-field performance prediction with model mismatch. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 23(4):409–413, 2016.
*E. Leroy, F. Samaran, J. Bonnel, and J.Y. Royer. Seasonal and diel vocalization patterns of Antarctic blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) in the Southern Indian Ocean: a multi-year and multi-site study. PLOS ONE, 11(11):e0163587, 2016.
J. Crance, C. Berchok, . Bonnel, and A. Thode. Northeasternmost record of a North Pacific fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Alaskan Chukchi Sea. Polar Biology, pages 1–7, 2015.
*B.G. Kinda and J Bonnel. Passive acoustic observations of tide height in the iroise sea using ambient noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(3):EL299–EL304, 2015.
*F. Le Courtois and J. Bonnel. Compressed sensing for wideband wavenumber tracking in dispersive shallow water. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(2):575–583, 2015.
FX. Socheleau, E. Leroy, A. Carvallo Pecci, F. Samaran, J. Bonnel, and JY. Royer. Automated detection of antarctic blue whale calls. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(5):3105–3117, 2015.
F. Sturm and J. Bonnel. Time-frequency features of three-dimensional sound propagation in wedge-shaped oceanic waveguides. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 41(3):731–739, 2015.
J. Bonnel, A. Thode, S. Blackwell, K. Kim, and M. Macrander. Range estimation of bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) calls in the Arctic using a single hydrophone. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(1):145–155, 2014.
*F. Le Courtois and J. Bonnel. Autoregressive model for high-resolution wavenumber estimation in a shallow water environment using a broadband source. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(4):EL199–EL205, 2014.
*Y. Le Gall, FX. Socheleau, and J. Bonnel. Matched-field processing performance under the stochastic and deterministic signal models. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(22):5825–5838, 2014.
J. Bonnel, S. Dosso, and R. Chapman. Bayesian geoacoustic inversion of single hydrophone light bulb data using warping dispersion analysis. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(1):120–130, 2013.
J. Bonnel, G. Le Touze, B. Nicolas, and J. Mars. Physics-based time-frequency representations for underwater acoustics: Power class utilization with waveguide-invariant approximation. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 30(6):120–129, 2013.
*O. Le Bot, C. Gervaise, J. Bonnel, and J. Mars. Désentrelacement de clics par analyse du rythme. Traitement du signal, 30:196–218, 2013.
*Y. Le Gall and J. Bonnel. Debruitage et separation dans le plan temps-frequence des contributions sonores de navires en mouvement. Traitement du signal, 30(3-4-5):149–168, 2013.
*Y. Le Gall and J. Bonnel. Passive estimation of the waveguide invariant per pair of modes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(2):EL230–EL236, 2013.
J. Zeng, R. Chapman, and J. Bonnel. Inversion of seabed attenuation using time-warping of close range data. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(5):EL394–EL399, 2013.
J. Bonnel, C. Gervaise, B. Nicolas, and J. Mars. Single-receiver geoacoustic inversion using modal reversal. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(1):119–128, 2012.
C. Gervaise, BG Kinda, J. Bonnel, Y. Stéphan, and S. Vallez. Passive geoacoustic inversion with a single hydrophone using broadband ship noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(3):1999–2010, 2012.
J. Bonnel and N.R. Chapman. Geoacoustic inversion in a dispersive waveguide using warping operators. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(2):EL101–EL107, 2011.
J. Bonnel, C. Gervaise, P. Roux, B. Nicolas, and J. Mars. Modal depth function estimation using time-frequency analysis. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(1):61–71, 2011.
J. Bonnel, B. Nicolas, J. Mars, and S. Walker. Estimation of modal group velocities with a single receiver for geoacoustic inversion in shallow water. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128:719–727, 2010.
J. Bonnel, A. Khademi, S. Krishnan, and C. Ioana. Small bowel image classification using cross-co-occurrence matrices on wavelet domain. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 4(1):7–15, 2009.