The Lab in the News!

How Deep-Sea Mining Threathens Fundamental Ecosystems:
See Julie Huber and colleague Beth Orcutt from Bigelow Laboraotry for Ocean Sciences explain the vital role of marine microbial ecosystems as the foundation for all other ocean life and the threats it faces from deep-sea mining. This discussion was done as part of "Science for the Public" which provides up-to-date information about scientific innovations, discoveries, and issues that are shaping modern knowledge.

Talk about Mighty Microbes for WHOI Ocean Encounters:
See Julie Huber and WHOI colleagues Heidi Sosik and Nina Yang talk about the mighty microbes. The ocean’s smallest inhabitants form the base of marine food webs, help regulate global climate, and may hold the secrets to the origins of life on Earth. Follow this link. Published May 2024.

From the Ocean to Outer Space: Live from Space!
Julie Huber joined Ken Kostel and Bruce Strickrott from WHOI to welcome NASA astronaut and former WHOI engineer, Loral O’Hara in a live downlink from the International Space Station (ISS). Lorals shares insights, answers questions, and discusses the many fascinating connections between exploration in space and the ocean while Julie and Bruce shared insights about Earth's ocean.

Extraterrestrial Oceans with Neil deGrasse Tyson, StarTalk Live!:
Julie was a guest on StarTalk Live a few years ago with host Neil deGrasse Tyson. With a lot of laughter, we discuss the oceans of Earth and other planets in the search for alien life in hard-to-reach places with Julie, planetary scientist Kevin Hand, and comedian guests Eugene Mirman, Ellie Kemper, and John Mulaney. There is also a podcast here.

Solve it for Kids Podcast:
Julie spoke with "Solve it For Kids" about what the ocean can teach us about deep space. Listen to it here. Published March 2022.

UN Ocean Decade and the Ocean Crustal Biosphere:
Julie recently gave a talk about COBRA, a proposed Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator for the UN Ocean Decade, US Launch Meeting at the National Academy of Sciences. Fast forward to 16 minutes to watch it here. Published Feb 2021.

Move Over, Mars: The Search for Life on Saturn's Largest Moon
Julie is quoted in this article about "Alien microbes," which could be flourishing in the underground seas of Titan and the solar system’s other ocean worlds. Learn more from planetary and ocean scientists in this article written by Ramin Skibba for Nautilus Magazine. Published Oct 2020.

Talk about Life and Ocean Beyond Earth for WHOI Ocean Encounters
See Julie Huber and colleagues Chris German (WHOI) and Kennda Lynch (Lunar and Planetary Institute), as well as neighbor and comedian Eugene Mirman (Gene on Bob's Burgers) talk about "Oceans Beyond Earth: From Earth's deep ocean to the search for extraterrestrial life" as part of WHOI's Ocean Encounters lecture series. Follow this link. Published Sept 2020.

Shut Down STEM and Woods Hole efforts to confront Racism in Science
This article (listen or read here) from the local Cape Cod NPR station includes Julie and other members of the Woods Hole community involved in local efforts to confront racism in science as part of the National "Shut Down STEM" movement. Photo from Falmouth Enterprise. Published June 2020.

Key ingredient in coronavirus tests comes from Yellowstone’s lakes
This article in National Geographic by Maya Wei-Haas provides an excellent overview of the discovery of thermophilic microbes and their amazing enzymes, which changed the course of molecular biology. The article includes quotes from Julie. Published March 2020.

Study weighs deep-sea mining's impact on microbes
This NSF press release highlights our work on the essential roles microbes play in deep-sea ecosystems, what is known about microbes in these environments, and assesses how mining could impact their important roles. Read the research article here. Published January 2020.

Julie Chats with Bill Nye the Science Guy!
Listen to Julie talk with fellow nerds Bill Nye and Corey Powell about life in the deep sea and what it can tell us about the possibility of life beyond Earth. You can listen to the podcast "Science Rules" wherever you get your podcasts. Published November 2019.

"NASA Eyes the Oceans" in Christian Science Monitor
Includes interview with Julie and other deep-sea scientists at WHOI and elsewhere discussing how our exploration of Earth's oceans can inform the search for beyond. Published August 2019.

KQED Radio Story on Subsurface Microbes
Listen to this NPR radio story from KQED about all sorts of deep microbial life, in the oceans and on land, that Includes an interview with Julie and other subsurface microbiologists. Broadcast December 2018.

Boston Globe Story on Life at Underwater Volcanoes
Read this story by David Abel for the Boston Globe about our research at underwater volcanoes and how it might inform our search for life beyond. Photo credit to Jonathan Wiggs, Globe Staff. Published September 2018.

Science Friday Radio Story about NASA Mission to the Deep Sea
Julie and colleagues talk to host Ira Flatow about their mission, dubbed SUBSEA, or Systematic Underwater Biogeochemical Science and Exploration Analog, to examine microbial life at Lō`ihi seamount. Broadcast August 2018. Photo credit to OET.

Community College Research Internships at WHOI
Learn more about our Community College Research Internship program, a paid, non-residential summer internship we carry out in partnership with Cape Cod Community College in this article. Also watch this video with Patrick Carter, one of our alumni, and his experience at WHOI in our lab.

Public Lecture on Microbial Life in the Deep Sea
Julie gave a public lecture at Florida Atlantic University's Harbor Branch seminar series translating science about her work on microbial life in the deep sea. You can watch it here. Broadcast February 2018.