Kaitlyn Tradd
Research Engineer
Advanced Engineering Lab
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering
Contact Information:
Work: 508-289-2286
Building: Smith 210
Mailing Address:
266 Woods Hole Road, MS #18
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Research Interests
Specializing in the design of oceanographic instrumentation and sampling systems, remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicles and their subsystems, and support equipment for at-sea field research. 10 of years experience with the structural design and analysis of mechanical systems, including prototyping, testing, operating and maintaining such equipment in the field.
Selected Publications
Breier, J. A., C. R. Rauch, K. McCartney, B. M. Toner, S. Fakra , S. N. White, and C. R.
German. A suspended-particle rosette multi-sampler for discrete biogeochemical
sampling in low-particle-density waters. Deep Sea. Research Part I, Volume 56 Issue 9,
pp 1579-1589, September 2009
Breier, C.F., S. M Pike., F. Sebesta., K. Tradd, J. A. Breier, K. O. Buesseler. New applications of KNiFC-PAN resin for broad scale monitoring of radiocesium following the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear distaster. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemsitry, Volume 307 Issue 3, pp 2193-2200, March 2016
Estapa, M., J. Valdes, K. Tradd, J, Sugar, M. Omand, K. Buesseler. The Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap: Two Decades of Progress. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 37, Issue 6, pp 957-973, June 2020
Published Abstracts
Govindarajan, A. F., J. Pineda, M. Purcell, K. Tradd, G. Packard, A. Girard, M. Dennett, J. A. Breier. Development of Autonomous Sampling Capability for Small Marine Organisms, Northeast Robotics Colloquium 2014.
Govindarajan, A. F., J. Pineda, M. Purcell, K. Tradd, G. Packard, A. Girard, M. Dennett, J.
A. Breier. Cross-shore and Vertical Distributions of Invertebrate Larvae using Autonomous Sampling Coupled with Genetic Analysis, Ocean Sciences 2016.
Jakuba, M., J. A. Breier, D. Gómez-Ibañez, K. Tradd, M. Saito. Clio: A Vertical Profiling Vehicle for Global Ocean Biogeochemical Mapping, IEEE AUV 2018.
Lavery, A., P. H. Wiebe, T. K. Stanton, J. M. Jech, C. Davis, A. F. Govindarajan, A. Bucklin,
J. A Breier, D. Yoerger, R. Petitt, C. Pontbriand, K. Tradd. Deep-See: An Instrument Platform for Sampling the Twilight Zone, ICES CIEM 2018.
Govindarajan, A. F., J. A. Breier, A. Bucklin, A. Lavery, K. Tradd, P. H. Wiebe, D. Yoerger.
Integrative metabarcoding analysis of mesopelagic biodiversity based on new sampling and sensing technologies, ICES CIEM 2018.
Govindarajan, A. F., D. Yoerger, A. Adams, S. Herrera, J. McDermott, E. Allen, A. Belani, R. Francolini, J. Fujii, D. Gomez-Ibanez, J. Jang, A. Kukulya, F. Marin, L. McCartin, K. Tradd, C. Xia. An autonomous Edna sampler for the ocean’s midwater. WCMB PISCES 2020
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B. S. Mechanical and Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009.
Kaitlyn is a mechanical engineer in the Advanced Engineering Lab at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She started her career in ocean research as a Summer Student Fellow at WHOI in the summer of 2008 and returned to WHOI as a full-time employee in January of 2011.
During her career at WHOI, Kaitlyn has worked with numerous operations and laboratory groups at the Institution. She has designed components of several submersibles, worked on modifications to field support systems, developed new sampling equipment, and supported these and other oceanographic technologies on research cruises worldwide. Kaitlyn's project have varied from large group efforts, such as the recent Alvin Upgrade Project and the global scale Ocean Observatory Initiative, to smaller, more specialized projects like SUPR REMUS and the vertically profiling autonomous underwater vehicle, Clio.
Recently, Kaitlyn has been involved with the Ocean Twilight Zone Project as the lead mechanical engineer for Dr. Andone Lavery's "Deep-See," an opto-acoustic towed vehicle, as well as the chief mechanical support for Dr. Kenneth Buesseler's Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Traps (NBSTs).
Whatever the task, Kaitlyn continuously delivers quality mechanical design and hands-on support to groups throughout the Institution.