Dr. Lloyd D. Keigwin
Senior Scientist
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Contact Information:
Work: 508-289-2784
Building: McLean Laboratory, Rm 207 A
Mailing Address:
266 Woods Hole Road, MS #8
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Research Interests
Climate and ocean history using oxygen and carbon isotopes in foraminifera, biostratigraphic techniques, and sediment lithology; specific interests include: circulation history of the pre-Quaternary ocean on orbital time scales; history of climate and ocean circulation change in the Holocene and late Pleistocene on millennial and century time scales; relationship between the ecology of living benthic foraminiferal species and their stable isotope composition.
B.A.: Brown University, 1969, Geology
M.S.: University of Rhode Island, 1976, Oceanography
Ph.D.: University of Rhode Island, 1979, Oceanography
Lloyd D. Keigwin studied geology at Brown University and oceanography at the Univeristy of Rhode Island. After graduating Brown he served on active duty for two years on a destroyer escort in Newport, R.I. and retired as Captain from the United States Navy Reserve in 1999. Keigwin's research interests focus on the ocean’s role in climate change on millennial and shorter time scales. In 2005, Keigwin became the first recipient of the Edna McConnell Clark Chair for Excellence in Oceanography, established for Clark's longtime support of WHOI. When not busy with family or having fun doing science, Keigwin works in his barn, trying to keep old sports cars running.