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Zhao, N, O. Marchal, L.D. Keigwin, D.E. Amrhein, and G. Gebbie, 2018.  A synthesis of deglacial deep-sea radiocarbon records and their (in)consistency with modern ocean ventilation, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate, 10.1002/2017PA003174.

Thornalley, D..J.R, D.W.Oppo, P. Ortega, J.I. Robson, C.M. Brierley, R. Davis, I.R. Hall, P. Moffa-Sanchez, N. L. Rose, P. T. Spooner, I. Yashayaev, L.D. Keigwin, 2018. Anomalously weak Labrador Sea convection and Atlantic overturning during the past 150 years, Nature.

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