Papers in Refereed Journals and Books
- Traykovski, P., (1996), Travel-time perturbations due to internal waves: Equivalence of modal and ray solutions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(2): 822-830.
- Lynch, J.F., J.D. Irish, T.F. Gross, P.L. Wiberg, A.E. Newhall, P.A. Traykovski, and J.D. Warren, (1997), Acoustic measurements of the spatial and temporal structure of the near-bottom boundary layer in the 1990-1991 STRESS experiment. Continental Shelf Research, 17(10): 1271-1295.
- Cacchione, D.A., P.L. Wiberg, J. Lynch, J. Irish, and P. Traykovski, (1999), Estimates of suspended-sediment flux and bedform activity on the inner portion of the Eel continental shelf. Marine Geology, 154(1-4): 83-97.
- Irish, J.D., J.F. Lynch, P.A. Traykovski, A.E. Newhall, K. Prada, and A.E. Hay, (1999), A self-contained sector-scanning sonar for bottom roughness observations as part of sediment transport studies. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 16(11): 1830-1841.
- Traykovski, P., A.E. Hay, J.D. Irish, and J.F. Lynch, (1999), Geometry, migration, and evolution of wave orbital ripples at LEO-15. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 104(C1): 1505-1524.
- Traykovski, P., R.J. Latter, and J.D. Irish, (1999), A laboratory evaluation of the laser in situ scattering and transmissometery instrument using natural sediments. Marine Geology, 159(1-4): 355-367.
- Geyer, W.R., P. Hill, T. Milligan, and P. Traykovski, (2000), The structure of the Eel River plume during floods. Continental Shelf Research, 20(16): 2067-2093.
- Traykovski, P., W.R. Geyer, J.D. Irish, and J.F. Lynch, (2000), The role of wave-induced density-driven fluid mud flows for cross-shelf transport on the Eel River continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 20(16): 2113-2140.
- Agrawal, Y.C. and P. Traykovski, (2001), Particles in the bottom boundary layer: Concentration and size dynamics through events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 106(C5): 9533-9542.
- Geyer, W.R., J.D. Woodruff, and P. Traykovski, (2001), Sediment transport and trapping in the Hudson River estuary. Estuaries, 24(5): 670-679.
- Irish, J.D., A.E. Hay, P. Traykovski, A. Newhall, R. Craig, and W.M. Paul, (2002), On attaching acoustic imaging instrumentation to the LEO-15 observatory for sediment transport and bottom boundary layer studies. Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 27(2): 254-266.
- Sisson, J.D., J. Shimeta, C.A. Zimmer, and P. Traykovski, (2002), Mapping epibenthic assemblages and their relations to sedimentary features in shallow-water, high-energy environments. Continental Shelf Research, 22(4): 565-583.
- Harris, C.K., B. Butman, and P. Traykovski, (2003), Winter-time circulation and sediment transport in the Hudson Shelf Valley. Continental Shelf Research, 23(8): 801-820.
- Fan, S.J., D.J.P. Swift, P. Traykovski, S. Bentley, J.C. Borgeld, C.W. Reed, and A.W. Niedoroda, (2004), River flooding, storm resuspension, and event stratigraphy on the northern California shelf: observations compared with simulations. Marine Geology, 210(1-4): 17-41.
- Sherwood, C.R., S. Carniel, L. Cavaleri, J. Chiggiato, H. Das, J.D. Doyle, C.K. Harris, A.W. Niedoroda, J. Pullen, C.W. Reed, A. Russo, M. Sclavo, R.P. Signell, P. Traykovski, and J.C. Warner, (2004), Sediment dynamics in the Adriatic Sea investigated with coupled models. Oceanography (Washington DC ), 17(4): 58-69.
- Traykovski, P., R. Geyer, and C. Sommerfield, (2004), Rapid sediment deposition and fine-scale strata formation in the Hudson estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 109(F2).
- Goff, J.A., L.A. Mayer, P. Traykovski, I. Buynevich, R. Wilkens, R. Raymond, G. Glang, R.L. Evans, H. Olson, and C. Jenkins, (2005), Detailed investigation of sorted bedforms, or "rippled scour depressions," within the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory, Massachusetts. Continental Shelf Research, 25(4): 461-484.
- Harris, C.K., P.A. Traykovski, and W.R. Geyer, (2005), Flood dispersal and deposition by near-bed gravitational sediment flows and oceanographic transport: A numerical modeling study of the Eel River shelf, northern California. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 110(C9).
- Hatton, K.A., D.L. Foster, P. Traykovski, and H.D. Smith, (2007), Numerical Simulations of the Flow and Sediment Transport Regimes Surrounding a Short Cylinder. Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of, 32(1): 249-259.
- Hill, P.S., J. M. Fox, J. S. Crockett, K. J. Curran, C. T. Friedrichs, W. R. Geyer, T. G. Milligan, A. S. Ogston, P. Puig, M. E. Scully, P. A. Traykovski, and R. Wheatcroft, (2007), Sediment delivery to the seabed on continental margins, Continental Margin Sedimentation: From Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy, in IAS Special Publication 37, Editors: C.A. Nittrouer, Austin, J.A., Jr., Field, M.E., Kravitz, J.H., Syvitski, J.P.M., Wiberg, P.L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd: Oxford.
- Hsu, T.J., P.A. Traykovski, and G.C. Kineke, (2007), On modeling boundary layer and gravity-driven fluid mud transport. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 112(C4).
- Mayer, L.A., R. Raymond, G. Glang, M.D. Richardson, P. Traykovski, and A.C. Trembanis, (2007), High-Resolution Mapping of Mines and Ripples at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory. Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of, 32(1): 133-149.
- Parsons, J.D., Friedrichs, C. T., Mohrig, D., Traykovski, P., Imran, J., Syvitski, J. P. M., Parker, G., Puig, P., Buttles, J. and Garcia, M. H., (2007), The mechanics of marine sediment gravity flows, Continental Margin Sedimentation: From Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy, in IAS Special Publication 37, Editors: C.A. Nittrouer, Austin, J.A., Jr., Field, M.E., Kravitz, J.H., Syvitski, J.P.M., Wiberg, P.L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd: Oxford.
- Traykovski, P., (2007), Observations of wave orbital scale ripples and a nonequilibrium time-dependent model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 112(C6).
- Traykovski, P., M.D. Richardson, L.A. Mayer, and J.D. Irish, (2007), Mine Burial Experiments at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory. Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of, 32(1): 150-166.
- Traykovski, P., P.L. Wiberg, and W.R. Geyer, (2007), Observations and modeling of wave-supported sediment gravity flows on the Po prodelta and comparison to prior observations from the Eel shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 27(3-4): 375-399.
- Trembanis, A.C., C.T. Friedrichs, M.D. Richardson, and P. Traykovski, P.A. Howd, P.A. Elmore, and T.F. Wever, (2007), Predicting Seabed Burial of Cylinders by Wave-Induced Scour: Application to the Sandy Inner Shelf off Florida and Massachusetts. Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of, 32(1): 167-183.
- B. Cardenas, P. L. M. Cook., H. Jiang, and P. Traykovski (2008), Constraining denitrification in permeable wave influenced marine sediment using linked hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modeling, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 275, Issues 1&2, p 127-137, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.08.016
- Hsu, T.-J., C. E. Ozdemir, and P. Traykovski (2009), High-resolution numerical modeling of wave-supported gravity-driven mudflows, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C05014, doi:10.1029/2008JC005006
- Tang, D., F. S. Henyey, B. T. Hefner and P. Traykovski (2009), Simulating Realistic-Looking Sediment Ripple Fields, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 34 (4) : 444-450. 10.1109/JOE.2009.2025905
- Ralston, W. R. Geyer, P. A. Traykovski, N. J. Nidzieko,(2013) Effects of estuarine and fluvial processes on sediment transport over deltaic tidal flats, Continental Shelf Research, 1016/j.csr.2012.02.004.
- Nelson, T. R., G.Voulgaris, and P. Traykovski, (2013) Wave-Induced Ripple Equilibrium Geometry."Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118(6), 10.1002/jgrc.20241
- Traykovski, P., Trowbridge, J., & Kineke, G. (2015). Mechanisms of surface wave energy dissipation over a high‐concentration sediment suspension.Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. DOI:10.1002/2014JC010245
- Trowbridge, J. H., and Traykovski (2015), Coupled dynamics of interfacial waves and bed forms in fluid muds over erodible seabeds in oscillatory flows, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JC010872
Conference Proceedings
Traykovski, P., J. D. Irish, and J. F. Lynch (1998), Motivations for using a pulsed full spectrum Doppler to measure bedload and near-bottom suspended sediment transport, Jour. Acoust. Soc. of Am., Vol.103 (5), p. 2866.
Richardson, M.D. and P. Traykovski (2002), Real-time observations of mine burial at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory. 11 pps., Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Technology and the Mine Problem. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California, 22-25 May 2002.
Traykovski, P., and J.A. Goff (2003), Observations and Modeling of large and small scale bedforms at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory, Coastal Sediments ’03, Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes
Traykovski P, M.D. Richardson, J.A. Goff, L.A. Mayer, R. Wilkens, B. Gotowoka (2004), Mine Burial Experiments at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Technology and the Mine Problem. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, 9-13 May 2004, 7 pps.
Traykovski and Jaffre, Development and Field Measurements with Multi-Frequency, Pulse-Coherent Doppler Systems, The Journal of Ocean Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2011
Geyer, W. Rockwell, Peter Traykovski, and Andone Lavery. "The impact of acoustic oceanographic methods on estuarine dynamics research."Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. Vol. 19. 2013
Peter Kimball, John Bailey, Sarah Das, Rocky Geyer, Trevor Harrison, Clay Kunz, Kevin Manganini, Ken Mankoff, Katie Samuelson, Thomas Sayre-McCord, Fiamma Straneo, Peter Traykovski, Hanumant Singh, The WHOI Jetyak: An Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Oceanographic Research in Shallow or Dangerous Waters. Proceedings of Oceanic Engineering Society, IEEE AUV 2014 conference
Traykovski, P. Observations of the Geometry and Migration of Tidally Reversing Dunes, Proceedings of Coastal Sediments , San Diego 2015
Invited Presentations
Traykovski (1997), Using acoustics to help understand sediment transport Invited talk at BBN (Now a division of GTE) Applied Physics & Tactical Sonar Group Meeting
Traykovski and Y.C. Agrawal (1999), On the Relationship Between Aggregated Particle Size and Mean Stress Levels, EOS Transactions, AGU Vol. 80, No. 49, OS61.
Traykovski (2000), Acoustical techniques for observing the processes that control the formation of ocean bottom geology (Mini-tutorial 1-hr long), Jour. Acoust. Soc. of Am., Vol. 107 (5), 2775.
Traykovski (2000), Particle size in turbulent flows Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, Sediment Transport Lecture Series.
Traykovski (2005), Inner Shelf Sediment Transport Processes and Morphology, Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Physical Oceanography, Colby Sawyer College, NH.
Traykovski, P. (2005) Observations of Wave-induced gravity flows of fluid mud on Po prodelta, Italy and Eel River shelf, Northern California, John Hopkins University Center for Applied Fluid Mechanics.
Traykovski, P. (2006), A Time Dependent Model for Seafloor Ripples, Eos Transactions. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS22B-05.
Traykovski, P. (2006), Observations of seafloor ripples and a time-dependent ripple geometry model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 3097.
Traykovski, P. (2007), Sediment flux and turbulence measurements using a pulse coherent Doppler profiler over ripples measured with a 2-axis rotary pencil beam system, Underwater Acoustic Measurements and Technologies and Results, 2nd International Conference, Heraklion Greece
Traykovski, P. (2007), A Different Kind of Turbidity Flow: Wave Supported Turbidity Flows on Relatively Flat Shelves, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Series Mini -Symposium on Ocean Bottom and Surface Boundary Layers, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA.
Traykovski, P. (2008), Mechanisms of wave dissipation on the Louisiana shelf: observations of short wavelength lutocline internal mode waves, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS11F-01
Traykovski, P. (2008), Observations of mechanisms of wave dissipation on the Louisiana shelf: the role of short wavelength lutocline internal mode waves, AGU Chapman Conference on on Physics of Wave-Mud Interaction. Amelia Island, Florida, USA, 17–20 November.
Traykovski, P. (2010), Observations of mechanisms of dissipation of wave energy over a muddy seabed (Invited): Eos Trans. AGU,91(26), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract GO21A-02
Cardenas, B , Cook, P L, Jiang, H, Traykovski, P (2010), The coupled hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry of wave-influenced marine sediment under steady and unsteady forcing: lessons from numerical models (Invited), Eos Trans. AGU,91(26), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract IT11C-02
Traykovski, P (2012) Turbulent to laminar transitions in wave forced fluid mud layersWorkshop on Environmental and Extreme Multiphase Flows, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, March 14-16, 2012
Traykovski, P. (2014), Mechanisms of wave attenuation by fluid mud and the laminar to turbulent transition, AOPE Seminar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA.
Traykovski, P. and H. Singh (2014) Low Cost Autonomous Platforms for Coastal Oceanography, WHOI Cofld Seminar, July 2014
Traykovski,P. C. Sherwood and K. Samuelson, (2015) Washover at Sandwich Town Neck Beach Measured with an Aerial Imaging Drone and Tilt Current Meters, COFDL talk, Aug 2015.
Cruises, Field and Laboratory Experiments
LEO-15 Acoustic Backscatter (ABS), Benthic Acoustic Stress Sensor, and Rotary Fan-beam Sonar autonomous tripod deployment, 2 single day cruises. Member of scientific team.
Hudson Estuary Hudflux Experiment: Deployed tripods and moorings to measure channel integrated sediment flux, participated in deployment, turn-around and recovery cruises as a member of the scientific team, March to June 1999.
LEO-I5 Quadpod deployment: The pod was cabled to LEO-I5 Node with horizontal and vertical pencil beam sonars and Alex Hay’s coherent Doppler profiler. Two weeks in residence at Rutgers marine lab. Co-chief scientist Nov. to Dec. 1999.
N.Y. Bight Experiment to measure sediment flux along Hudson Shelf Valley: Participated in deployment and recovery cruises as co-chief scientist with USGS investigators, Dec 1999 to April 2000.
Hudson Estuary HudED (Erosion Deposition) Experiment: Deployed tripods to measure erosion and depositional processes at the Hudson ETM. Co-chief scientist. Oct. 2000 to June 2001
Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory Site (MVCO) characterization. Obtained grab samples and coordinated sidescan efforts at MVCO in preparation for Mine Burial and Bedform research, several day cruises on Asterias and RV Nobska as Chief Scientist. June 2001
MVCO Optical mine and rotary fan-beam deployment in fine sand: Also deployed a rotary fan-beam sonar in coarse sand without a mine. Several day cruises on Asterias and RV Nobska as Co-Chief Scientist. Dec 2001 to July 2002
Doppler Near-Bed Sediment Flux Sensor 17-rn flume experiments in WHOL Rinehart Coastal Research Center. June 2002
MVCO site characterization II. Obtained grab samples and coordinated sidescan efforts at MVCO in preparation for Mine Burial and Bedform research and investigated Rippled Scour Depressions. Three days on RV Henlopen and RV Nobska as WHOI coordinator and member of science party. Aug. 2002
Eurostrataform: Deployed two tripods, two trawl resistant ADCP mounts and eight moorings to measure sediment flux on the Adriatic Shelf and Fluid Flow events on the Po Pro-delta. Three one week cruises on the RV Garcia del Cid and RV Seward Johnson II as Co-Chief Scientist and Scientific team member, November 2002 to May 2003
MVCO Doppler Near-Bed Sediment Flux Quadpod deployment in coarse sand: Deployment and recovery cruises on the RV Asterias as Chief Scientist. Dec 2002 Jan 2003
MVCO Optical Mine and rotary fan-beam deployment in coarse sand. Several day cruises on Asterias and RV Nobska as Co-Chief Scientist. Dec 2002 to May 2003,
MVCO Doppler Near-Bed Sediment Flux Quadpod deployment in coarse sand. Deployment and recovery cruises on the RV Asterias as Chief Scientist. July 2003
MVCO Mine Burial Program: Coordinated deployment of 16 instrumented and passive mines and three Univ. of South Florida quad-pods, and various other instruments. Deployed a rotary fan beam sonar in coarse sand a 2- axis pencil beam and rotary fan-beam sonar in fine sand to image a mine burial. I also coordinated bathymetric survey efforts during this period. Several Cruises on 1 Connecticut and 1 on Asterias as Chief and Co-Chief Scientist and Program Coordinator. Sept 2003 to 2004
MVCO Doppler Near-Red Sediment Flux Quadpod deployment in fine and coarse sand. Deployment & Recovery cruises on the RV Connecticut and RV Tioga as Chief Scientist. Dec 2003 to 2005
RipplesDRI cruises on RV Pelican on west Florida shelf in September and November 2004. Co-chief PI along with Dan Hanes, USGS
Fluid Mud Interactions under waves MURI cruises on RV Pelican on Lousiana shelf in Febuary, March, April 2007. Chief Scientist
RipplesDRI07 at Martha’s Vinyard Coastal Observatory. Chief Scientist on Deployement, turnaround and recovery cruises on the RV Connecticut and Chief Scientist for the experiment (involved planing the experiment and coordinating 4 teams from 5 instutions), Sept 2007.
Skagit Bay deployment and recovery cruises, R/V Centennial, June 2009
Hudson and Connecticut River MAST cruise, December 2010
New River Inlet, NC Quadpod Deployments, May and June 2012
Columbia River mouth Quadpod Deployments, May and June 2013
Jetyak ASV Surveys In New York Harbor and Connectciut River 2013
Wasque shoals Quadpod deployment and Jetyaks surveys, RV Tioga, Dec 2013
USGS/WHOI Fire Island Cross Shelf Transport Experiment, RV Connecticut, Feb. and April, 2014
Wasque shoals Jetyaks surveys, RV Tioga, June to Aug 2014
Long Point Surf Zone UXO Migration Experiement, Aug 2014 to Sept 2015
Download full list
- ACT/NOAA ASV Demo and Workshop at Solomons Island, MD, 2015
- SERDP UXO burial and mobility 2015-16
- SERDP UXO burial and mobility 2014-15
- ONR Rivers and Inlets Workshops 2009-15
Read more
- ONR Tidal flats Workshops 2008 and 2009
- ONR Fluid Mud Interactions under waves MURI workshops 2006-2009
- ONR RipplesDRI and SAX04 workshops 2004/2005/2006
- ONR Mine Burial Prediction Program planning and annual meetings 2001/2002/2003/2004
- ONR EuroSTRATAFORM Program planning and annual meetings 2001/2002/2003/2004
- ONR STRATAFORM project annual meeting, 1997, 1998, 1999; shelf group meeting, 2000; modeling group meeting, 2000
- LEO-15 Workshop National Underwater Research Center Field station, Tuckerton N
From Oceanus Magazine
The Jetyak
WHOI engineers develop a new type of ocean robot
From Lab to Sea
New course gives students hands-on training in the field
Shifting Tactics in Shifting Shoals
Enterprising scientist jury-rigs kayak into research vehicle
Where Are Mines Hiding on the Seafloor?
New research reveals how waves, currents, and swirling sands can bury mines