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On-going Projects

  • Collaborative Research: Determining the Role of Ocean Dynamics in Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Variations Using a Hierarchy of Coupled Models (PIs: Martha Buckley (GMU), Sarah Larson (NCSU), Young-Oh Kwon): NSF PO (2022.9-2025.8).
  • Oceanic impact on the seasonal predictability of atmospheric blocking and extreme weather events (PI: Young-Oh Kwon): WHOI Francis E. Folwer IV Fellow (2022.1-2023.6).
  • Process-Oriented Diagnostics for the Western Boundary Current Variability and Midlatitude Air-Sea Interaction (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul): NOAA MAPP (2021.9-2024.8).
  • Collaborative Research: Constraining Uncertainty in Arctic Climate Variability, Change, and Impacts Through Process-Based Understanding (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul, Gokhan Danabasoglu (NCAR), Steve Yeager (NCAR)): NSF PLR ANS (2021.9-2024.8).
  • Collaborative Research: Quantifying the role of the ocean circulation in climate variability (PIs: Jim Hurrell (CSU), Dave Thompson (CSU), Young-Oh Kwon): NSF AGS CLD (2021.9-2024.8).
  • NSFGEO-NERC: Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Response to Oyashio Extension Frontal Variability (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul, Gokhan Danabasoglu (NCAR), Clara Deser (NCAR), Arnaud Czaja (Imperial Univ)): NSF AGS CLD (2021.3-2024.2).
  • The Oceanic Fingerprint of the Forced Response to Anthropogenic Aerosols (PIs: Susan Wijffels, Young-Oh Kwon, Jiarui Shi): NSF OCE PO (2021.3-2024.2).
  • Regional muti-year prediction for the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf (PIs. Young-Oh Kwon, Hyodae Seo, Ke Chen, Paula Fratantoni (NEFSC), Vincent Saba (NEFSC), and Michael Alexander (ESRL)): NOAA CVP (2020.9-2023.8).
  • The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation: Key Drivers and Climate Impacts (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul, Jian Lu (PNNL)): DOE RGMA (2018.9-2023.9).

Past Projects

  • Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Mixed Layer Response to Extra-tropical Ocean Heat Transport Variations (PIs: Clara Deser (NCAR) and Young-Oh Kwon): NOAA OGP CLIVAR (2006.6-2009.5).
  • Coupling An Entraining Ocean Mixed Layer Model to CCSM3 (PIs: Clara Deser (NCAR) and Young-Oh Kwon): DOE-CCPP / NSF-CLD SGER (2006.9-2007.8).
  • Decadal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Its Impact on the Climate” (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon and Claude Frankignoul): WHOI OCCI (2007.5-2009.4).
  • SGER: Quantification of Uncertainty in Argo Observation of Ocean Response to Hurricanes (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Jong-Jin Park and James Price): NSF OCE PO (2008.11-2011.4).
  • Atmospheric Coupling to Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Path Changes (PIs: Terry Joyce and Young-Oh Kwon): NASA PO (2009.3-2013.8).
  • Collaborative Research: Evolution and Fate of Eighteen Degree Water in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, David Fratantoni, Fiammetta Straneo, Jong-Jin Park, Susan Lozier (Duke), and Lynne Talley (SIO)): NSF OCE PO (2010.4-2014.3).
  • Decadal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Its Impact on the Climate: Two Regimes and Rapid Transition (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul (UPMC/IPSL) and Gokhan Danabasoglu (NCAR)): NOAA CPO (2010.8-2013.7).
  • Can changes in Silver Hake be related to and forecast by changes in the Gulf Stream path? (PIs: Terry Joyce and Young-Oh Kwon): WHOI OCCI (2010.9-2013.8)
  • Kuroshio Transport: Interannual to Decadal Variability and the Underlying Mechanisms (PIs: Magdalena Andres, Young-Oh Kwon, Jiayan Yang: NSF OCE PO (2010.10-2014.9)
  • Collaborative Project: Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction From Meso- to Planetary-Scale: Mechanisms, Parameterization, and Variability (PIs: Justin Small (NCAR), Frank Bryan (NCAR), Joe Tribbia (NCAR), John Dennis (NCAR), R. Saravanan (TAMU), Niklas Schneider (UH), Young-Oh Kwon): DOE SciDAC (2011.9-2015.3)
  • Collaborative Research: Large-Scale Atmospheric Response to the North Pacific Western Boundary Current Fluctuations and its Potential Predictability (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul (UPMC/IPSL), Mike Alexander (NOAA/ESRL), and Matt Newman (NOAA/ESRL)): NSF AGS CLD (2011.1-2015.12)
  • Interannual Variability of Winter-Spring Temperature in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Linkages to Large-Scale Atmospheric and Oceanic Changes (PIs: Ke Chen, Glen Gawarkiewicz, Young-Oh Kwon): NSF OCE PO (2014.8-2017.7)
  • Coupling Between the Atmospheric Intra-Seasonal Variability and Ocean Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Terry Joyce, Hyodae Seo): NASA PO (2013.7-2017.6)
  • A Collaborative Multi-model Study: Understanding AMOC Variability Mechanisms and Their Impacts on Decadal Prediction (PIs: Gokhan Danabasoglue (NCAR), Alicia Karspeck (NCAR), Joe Tribbia (NCAR), Steve Yeager (NCAR), Tom Delworth (GFDL), Rym Msadek (GFDL), Anthony Rosati (GFDL), Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul (UPMC/IPSL)): NOAA CPO (2013.9-2018.8)
  • Decadal Variability in the North Atlantic Extra-Tropics: The Role of Coupling Between Atmospheric Blocking and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (PIs: Caroline Ummenhofer, Hyodae Seo, Young-Oh Kwon, Terry Joyce): NSF AGS CLD & OCE PO (2014.3-2019.2)
  • Collaborative Research EaSM2: Mechanisms, Predictability, Prediction, and Regional and Societal Impacts of Decadal Climate Variability (PIs: Gokhan Danabasoglu (NCAR), Jeff Anderson (NCAR), Grant Branstator (NCAR), Keith Lindsay (NCAR), Joe Tribbia (NCAR), Claude Frankignoul (UPMC/IPSL), Young-Oh Kwon, Minghua Zhang (SUNY Stony Brook)): NSF EaSM (2013.3-2019.2)
  • Joint Research: Interactions Between the East China Sea and North Pacific Interannual-to-Decadal Variability (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, B. Gan (OUC), Z. Yao (OUC), T.M. Joyce, K. Chen): OUC-WHOI Joint Center (2016.10-2019.10)
  • Compensation Between Poleward Energy Transports in the Ocean and Atmosphere (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Clara Deser (NCAR), Jian Lu (PNNL)): DOE CESD RGCM (2015.8-2020.7)
  • Collaborative research: the influence of Arctic – lower-latitude interactions on weather and climate variability: mechanisms, predictability, and prediction (PIs: Young-Oh Kwon, Claude Frankignoul, Gokhan Danabasoglu (NCAR), Steve Yeager (NCAR)): NSF PLR ANS, EaSM, and OCE PO (2017.9-2021.8).
  • Development and evaluation of a seasonal-to-interannual statistical forecasting system for oceanographic conditions and living marine resources on the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem (PIs: Y.-O. Kwon, Ke Chen, Glen Gawarkiewicz, Terry Joyce, Janet Nye (Stony Brook Univ.), Jon Hare (NEFSC), Paula Fratantoni (NEFSC), Vince Saba (NEFSC), Tim Miller (NEFSC)): NOAA MAPP (2017.9-2021.8).
  • Exploring the Season-to-Multi-Year Predictability for the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ocean Temperature using Machine Learning (PI: Young-Oh Kwon): WHOI IR&D (2021.2-2021.11).