Conference Abstracts
J.C. Kinsey. Rapid Field Responses using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. National Academy of Engineering 2014 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Meeting. June 2014. Tokyo, Japan. Invited.
J.C. Kinsey, T. Crone, E. Mittelsteadt, L. Medagoda‡ , D. Fourie† , and K. Nakamura. Estimating the Heat and Mass Flux at the ASHES Hydrothermal Vent Field with the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Fall 2014 AGU Meeting. To appear.
F.C. Tontini, C.E.J. de Ronde, M.A. Tivey, J.C. Kinsey. Near-seafloor magnetic exploration of submarine hydrothermal systems in the Kermadec Arc. Fall 2014 AGU Meeting. To appear.
L.L Whitcomb, M.V. Jakuba, C.R. German, A. D. Bowen, D.R Yoerger, J.C. Kinsey, L.A. Mayer,C.J. McFarland, S. Suman, J. Bailey, C. Judge, S. Elliot, D. Gomez-Ibanez, C.L. Taylor, C.Machado, J.C. Howland, C.L. Kaiser, M. Heintz, C. Pontbriand, L. O’Hara, G. McDonald, andA. Boetius. Preliminary Polar Sea Trials of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehiclefor Oceanographic Access Under Ice. Fall 2014 AGU Meeting. To appear.
L.L Whitcomb, A. D. Bowen, D.R Yoerger, C.R. German, J.C. Kinsey, L.A. Mayer, M.V. Jakuba,D. Gomez-Ibanez, C.L. Taylor, C. Machado, J.C. Howland, C.L. Kaiser, M. Heintz, C. Pontbriand,S. Suman, L. O’Hara. Design and Fabrication of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated UnderwaterVehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice. Fall 2013 AGU Meeting.
S. Suman, R.E. Herr, J.C. Kinsey, D.J. Fornari, A new integrated software for monitoring andtesting BGM-3 gravimeters, RVTEC, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, February 2013.J.C. Kinsey and C.R. German, Mapping the Piccard Hydrothermal Field - The World’s DeepestKnown Vent Area. Fall 2012 AGU Meeting.
L.L. Whitcomb, A.D. Bowen, D.R. Yoerger, C.R. German, J.C. Kinsey, L. Mayer, M.V. Jakuba,D. Gomez-Ibanez, C. Taylor, C. Machado, J.C. Howland, C. Kaiser, M. Heintz. Development ofNereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice. Fall2012 AGU Meeting.
K. Elliott, C.L. Van Dover, C.R. German, C. Kaiser, L. Brothers, D.R. Yoerger, J.C. Kinsey, D.F.Coleman, C. Martinez, W. Pinner, B. Kennedy. Integrating telepresence technologies with AUVoperations for exploration of cold seep communities in the vicinity of Blake Ridge and Cape FearDiapirs in the Western Atlantic. Fall 2012 AGU Meeting.
F. Caratori Tontini, C.E.J. de Ronde, J.C. Kinsey, D. Yoerger, D. Fornari. Potential-field modelingof flank collapse and gravitational stability at Rumble III seamount, southern Pacific ocean, NewZealand. Fall 2012 AGU Meeting.
J.C. Kinsey, D.R. Yoerger, M.V. Jakuba, R. Camilli, C.M. Reddy. Estimating mid-water hydrocar-bon fluxes with an autonomous underwater vehicle and an in-situ mass spectrometer. 2012 OceanSciences Meeting, 2012
D.R. Yoerger, J.C. Kinsey, O. Pizarro, C. Kaiser, R. Camilli. High resolution imaging, mapping,and chemical sensing from an autonomous underwater vehicle. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2012
A.D. Bowen, L. Mayer, D.R. Yoerger, C.R. German, and J.C. Kinsey. Lightly tethered unmannedunderwater vehicle for under-ice exploration. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2012
S.A. Bennett., M. Coleman, J.A. Huber, J.C. Kinsey, C. McIntyre, E. Reddington, J.S Seewald, andC.R. German. The carbon biogeochemistry of a dispersing hydrothermal plume from an ultramaficinfluenced system on the Mid-Cayman Rise. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2012
D. Scheirer, J.C. Kinsey, and J. Childs. Exploring the Limits of Lateral Resolution and AnomalyPrecision of Marine Gravimeter Data. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2011.
S.A. Soule, C.E.J. de Ronde, M.I. Laybourne, F.C. Tontini, D.R. Yoerger, C. Kaiser, and J.C. Kin-sey. Volcanic construction of submarine Kermadec arc volcanoes from near-bottom sidescan sonardata collected by the Sentry AUV. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2011.
F.C. Tontini, C.E.J. de Ronde, M.I. Leybourne, D.R. Yoerger, J.C. Kinsey and M.A. Tivey. 3DFocused inversion of magnetic data with application to submarine hydrothermal venting in the Ker-madec Arc (New Zealand). Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2011.
D. de Beer, A. Boetius, J. Foucher, T. Feseker, C. German, D. Yoerger, R. Camilli, J. Kinsey. Ob-servations on volcanic activity of a cold seep, the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano, (HMMV). EuropeanGeosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria April 3-8, 2011.
D.R. Yoerger, C.R. German, R. Camilli, J.C. Kinsey, K. Nakamura, D. De Beer, A. Boetius. Sys-tematic Exploration of Cold Seeps by AUV: New Results Using Sentry at the Haakon Mosby MudVolcano, September-October 2010. 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.
R. Camilli, D.R. Yoerger, C.R. German, A. Boetius, J.C. Kinsey, D. de Beer, The Haakon MosbyMud Volcano, a Carbon Dioxide Point Source. 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.
J.C. Kinsey, D.R. Yoerger, R. Camilli, and C.R. German. Developing Improved Water Velocity andFlux Estimation from AUVs Results From Recent ASTEP Field Programs. Eos Trans. AGU, FallMeet. Suppl., 2010.
D.R. Yoerger, J.C. Kinsey, M.V. Jakuba, R. Camilli, C.R. German, T. Shank, A. Bowen, K. Naka-mura, SEEPS 2009 Scientific Party, OASES 2009 Scientific Party, GRUVEE 2010 Scientific Party,ENLIGHTEN 2010 Scientific Party, and HMMV 2010 Scientific Party. Searching for environmentsthat could support life: Lessons learned from six deep sea cruises with the Sentry and Nereus Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2010.
C.R. German, A. Bowen, M.L. Coleman, D.L. Honig, J.A. Huber, M.V. Jakuba, J.C. Kinsey, M.D.Kurz, S. Leroy, J.M. McDermott, B. deL ́ pinay, K. Nakamura, J.S. Seewald, J.L. Smith, S.P. Sylva,C.L. Van Dover, L.L. Whitcomb, and D.R. Yoerger. Diverse styles of submarine venting on theultra-slow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2010.
A. Bowen, C.R. German, L.L Whitcomb D.R. Yoerger, M.V. Jakuba, J.C. Kinsey, and OASESScience Team. OASES: Lessons learned from Oceanographic Exploration relevant to future Astrobiology expeditions Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2010.
J.C.Kinsey, M.V. Jakuba, A. D. Bowen, D.R. Yoerger, L.L. Whitcomb, R. Camilli, C.R. Germanand D.L. Valentine. Employing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Develop New Techniques forAstrobiological Exploration: Recent Field Results and Future Opportunities. Astrobiology ScienceConference, 2010.
R. Camilli, D. Yoerger, M. Jakuba, O. Pizarro, S. Williams, M. Johnson-Roberson, J.C. Kinsey,and T. Shank. Advancing autonomy for exploration, discovery, and characterization of astrobiologyin aqueous environments. Astrobiology Science Conference, 2010.
C.R. German, A. Bowen, M.L. Coleman, D.P. Connelly, D. Honig, J. Huber, M. Jakuba, J.C. Kin-sey, M.D. Kurz, J.M. McDermott, K. Nakamura, C.M. Sands, J.S. Seewald, J. Smith, S. Sylva, C.L.Van Dover, L.L. Whitcomb and D.R. Yoerger. Oases for Life and Pre-Biotic Chemistry: Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise. Astrobiology Science Conference, 2010.
J. L. Smith, J. A. Huber, M. L. Coleman, D. P. Connelly, D. Honig, C. R. German, J.C. Kinsey, M.D. Kurz, J.M. McDermott, K. Nakamura, C. M. Sands, J. Seewald, S. Sylva and C. L. Van Dover.Microbial and Biogeochemical Characterization of Hydrothermal Plumes on the Mid-Cayman Rise.Astrobiology Science Conference, 2010.
C.R. German, A. Bowen, M.L. Coleman, J.A. Huber, J. Seewald, C.L. Van Dover, L.L. Whitcomb,D.R. Yoerger, D.P. Connelly, D. Honig, M. Jakuba, J.C. Kinsey, J. McDermott, K. Nakamura, C.Sands, J. Smith, and S. Sylva. Hydrothermal exploration of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center:Isolated evolution on Earths deepest Mid-Ocean Ridge? In Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.,2009.
J.C. Kinsey, L.L. Whitcomb, D.R. Yoerger, J.C. Howland, V.L. Ferrini, and Ø. Hegrenæs. Newnavigation post-processing tools for oceanographic submersibles. In Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), FallMeet. Suppl., 2006. Abstract OS33A-1678.
L. Whitcomb, J.C. Kinsey, D. Yoerger, C. Taylor, A. Bowen, B. Walden, and D. Fornari. Navigationupgrades to the National Deep Submergence Facility vehicles D.S.V. Alvin, Jason 2, and the DSL-120A. In Eos Trans. AGU 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2003. Abstract OS32A-0225.
Y. Rzhanov, L. Mayer, D. Fornari, T. Shank, S. Humphris, D. Scheirer, J.C. Kinsey, and L. Whit-comb. High-resolution photo-mosaicing of the Rosebud hydrothermal vent site and surroundinglava flows, Galapagos Rift 86◦ W — Techniques and interpretations. In Eos Trans. AGU 84(46),Fall Meet. Suppl., 2003. Abstract OS32A-0231.