The Mooring Lab is located on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Quissett campus in the David Center for Innovation building.
Our facility contains two 40-ft horizontal tensile machines, each having a maximum capacity of 150,000 lbs. The Mooring Lab utilizes these machines to conduct wire break tests for quality control as well as proof load tests for mooring wire fabrication. The Roberts Tensile Machine has a single 6-ft hydraulic cylinder for loads up to 150,000 lbs. and the Chant Tensile Machine has two 6-ft hydraulic cylinders (one for loads up to 10,000 lbs. and the other for loads up to 150,000 lbs.). Both tensile machines undergo regular annual calibrations.
Adjacent to the high bay are specialized work areas designed specifically for mooring component fabrication and field support operations.
The David Center for Innovation is also home to AVAST (Autonomous Vehicles and Sensor Technologies) which supports WHOI's vision for innovation in ocean technology, science, and education by providing the resources to create and pursue cutting-edge projects and programs.