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Upper Ocean Projects

This subdirectory contains some of the models used in the Price and Sundermeyer (1999) 'Stratifed Ekman Layers' manuscript  at JGR-Oceans and some things relevant to the PWP upper ocean model and other upper ocean-related programs. The models can be used for any purpose you like, no strings attached. Please let me know if you see any errors or have any ideas for improvement.

e4main.fFortran code that is used to exercise the SEL4 model. Link with the subroutine se.f.
e4.f Fortran code that evaluates the SEL4 model.
sel4.mMatlab script to evaluate SEL4 (I recommend this one.)
arrow6.mA function to make arrows (needed by SEL4).
classic.m Matlab script to evaluate the classic diffusion model. Buggy, and written in a primitive style, sort of like Fortlab.
se.pdfA .pdf version of the Stratified Ekman Layer manuscript.

A .pdf version of the shorter Les Houches Ekman layer note.

A pdf of Price, Weller and Pinkel, JGR 1986.
pwp.fFortran version of the PWP model. Minor, minor changes from the original, 1986 version.
my.f Fortran version of the Mello-Yamada turbulence closure model. This code works, but is of uncertain lineage, so don't blame Mellor-Yamada!
fluxes.fA fortran code to estimate surface fluxes.
JPrice_AMS_2006.pptA set of ppt slides from the AMS hurricane conference.
set of files that define a test case for ocean models of the response to a hurricane. Now version 4.

A zip fil with jpeg images of GOES SST data
from western North Atlantic hurricanes of
2003 and 2004